ВЕРНОСТЬ - FIDELITY № 160 - 2011



1.  Памятка православного Христіанина

2.  Составление списков Новомучеников для причисления их  к лику Святых.

3.  ЦИРКУЛЯРНО Преосвященным Членам Собора Епископов



6.  ON THE LAW OF GOD. Metropolitan Philaret. Translated by Hieromonk Varlaam Novakshonoff


8. ОТЕЦ ФИЛАРЕТ. Ольга Корчагина,

6. Слово на прославление Святителя Филарета (Вознесенского) и Отцов-Исповедников Катакомбной Церкви Архиепископ Тихон Омский и Сибирский

7.  Prayer to St. Philaret

8. К прославлению Освященным Собором РИПЦ Святителя Филарета (Вознесенского) и Отцев-Исповедников Церкви Катакомбной. Протодиакон Герман Иванов-Тринадцатый, г. Лион, Франция

9.   В 1983 г. Собор РПЦЗ осудил экуменическое движение в форме церковной анафемы.  Текст с разбивкой по стихам.



THE NEW CONFESSOR. Father Aleksey Mikrikov


	    Первая страница "Открытого письма" г-на Сокольского к Высокопреосвященнейшему Владыке Филарету
Копия письма о. Митрофану
Копия письма Старосте и Церковно-приходскому Совету
Копия письма Г-ну В. Сокольскому от о. Адриана
Копия письма Г-ну В. Сокольскому от  Г. Солдатова 
Копия письма Преосвященному Архиепископу Серафиму от  Г. Солдатова 

15.  A HISTORY OF THE FALL OF ROCOR, 2000-2007. Dr. Vladimir Moss

16. НЕДОУМЕНИЕ С ВОПРОСАМИ. Что есть от Русской Православной Зарубежной Церкви у Владыки Агафангела кроме названия?  И.Ю.

17.  Возможно ли достичь объединения «осколков» в одну каноническую РПЦЗ? Г.М. Солдатов




                                            Митрополитъ Филаретъ, моли Бога о нас!
                                                Памятка православного Христіанина

1. Помни, что ты – сынъ, дочь православной Церкви. Это не пустые слова. Помни, к чему это тебя обязывает. Жизнь земная скоротечна. Не зам
ѣтишь, как она промелькнетъ. Но ею определится вѣчная участь твоей души. Не забывай этого ни на минуту.
2. Старайся жить благочестиво. Молись Богу в храм
ѣ, молись Богу дома благоговѣйно, с вѣрой, с преданностью волѣ Господней. Исполняй святые и спасительные правила Церкви, Ея уставы и заповѣди. Внѣ Церкви, внѣ послушания Ей – спасения нѣт.
3. Даръ слова – великій даръ Божий. Он облагораживает человека, он неизмеримо поднимает его над вс
ѣми земными твореніями. Но как злоупотребляет им  теперь развратившееся человѣчество. Береги этот даръ и умей пользоваться словомъ по-христіански. Не осуждай, не празднословь. Как огня бойся сквернословія и соблазнительных речей, не забывай словъ Господа Спасителя: «от словъ своих оправдаешься и от словъ своих осудишься»… Лжи не допускай. Священное Писание грозно предупреждаетъ: «Погубит Господь вся, глаголющіе лжу»…
4. Люби ближнего своего, как самого себя про запов
ѣди Господней. Без любви нѣтъ христіанства. Помни: христианская любовь самоотверженна, а не эгоистична. Не пропускай случая сделать дѣло любви и милости.
5. Будь скроменъ, чистъ и ц
ѣломудренъ в дѣлах, словах и мыслях. Не подражай развращенным. Не бери с них примѣра, уклоняйся от близости с ними. Без нужды не имѣй дело с неврѣующим – невѣріе заразительно. Соблюдай скромность и приличіе всегда и вездѣ, не заражайся безстыдными обычаями нашихъ дней.
6. Тщеславія и гордости бойся и избг
ѣай. Гордость свергла с небесъ высшаго и могущественнѣйшаго из ангеловъ. Ты помни: земля еси и въ землю отыдеши… Глубоко смири себя.
7. Основная задача жизни – спасти душу для в
ѣчности. Это да будет главной задачей и заботой твоей жизни. Горе погубившим свою душу нерадѣніем и безпечностью.
Господь да благословитъ и да поможет теб

            Твой духовный отецъ
            + Митрополитъ Филаретъ


* * *

Составление списков Новомучеников для причисления их  к лику Святых.


Святейший Синод РПЦЗ поручил Архиепископу Сиракузско-Троицкому Лавру составить списки Новомучеников» для  их прославления. Этой работой занялись двое монашествующих,  насельников Свято Троицкого монастыря,  которые для основы своей работы взяли два тома книг «Новые Мученики Российские» Протопресвитера М. Польского.

Собравшиеся для прославления Архиереи  не имели возможности для подробного изучения  предоставленных им Владыкой Лавром биографий.  Также составлявшие списки новомучеников не имели о многих достаточно сведений.

По этой причине в списках много сотен новомучеников указанных не по именам, а как, например: «70 иереев Харьковских убиенных с декабря 1918 г. по июнь 1919 г», «13 иноков (по видимому из Ново-Афонского монастыря) скрывались в Кавказских горах, были выслежены чекистами и расстреляны», «6 ссыльных священников умерли в Караганде в 1937 г. от тифа» и т.д.» 

Те о ком было известно,  что они были сторонниками новообновленца-лжепатриарха Сергия,  не были включены в прославлении. Список состоит из 36 страниц, и копия была мне предоставлена о. Георгием Граббе. Ниже приводим первую страницу списка, и свидетельство присланного мне Анастасии  Шатиловой о том, что в списки не были включены «сергианцы».

Мы пишем об этом ввиду того, что сразу после совершения прославления новомучеников так и теперь делаются обвинения Св. Митрополита Филарета о том, что в списки были намерено, включены «сергианцы».



Митрополит Филарет (Вознесенский) Первоиерарх РПЦЗ


   ...Но вот тут мне хочется вам искренне сказать, что я все-таки с некоторой тревогой думаю об этом акте прославления. Принципиальная сторона вопроса ясна, но, что касается осуществления этого дела, то тут тревожат меня некоторые затруднения, которые могут появиться и появляются. Даже, например, у нас в епископате, среди архиереев. Принципиально, все единодушно считают, что, конечно, святых новомучеников, в частности Царскую семью, нужно прославить. Но что касается того, когда это делать и как, то, хотя, в общем-то, Архиерейский Собор и Синод уже ведут дело к прославлению, но все-таки раздаются многочисленные голоса против. Их меньше, чем голосов "за", но все-таки довольно много. И главное, среди тех, кто как-то возражает против этого, есть много искренне верующих хороших русских людей.

    Не так давно ко мне в Нью-Йорке специально по этому вопросу пришел один церковный староста. Человек глубоко верующий, энергичный староста, образцово-заботливый, верный сын Зарубежной Церкви. Он прямо ко мне обратился с вопросом, что, собственно, сделал Царь для России, за что его можно прославлять? Можно с разных точек зрения, конечно, смотреть на все происшедшее. Но я-то ему указал, что не за политическую деятельность Государя и Царской семьи она будет прославлена. Церковь за политику не прославляет, какая бы она не была - хорошая или плохая, а за то, что Государь Император, его Августейшая супруга, да и вся семья их были в России пред самой революцией в начале века образцовым примером настоящей христианской семьи, как это выяснилось теперь. Какой грязью ни поливали когда-то Царскую семью - все это отпало. И теперь весь мир знает, что, действительно, это был образец и чистоты и верности Родине, и верности Богу. Мало того, что семья эта была - настоящая христианская семья, какой должна быть православная русская семья; когда наступила Голгофа для них, то мы знаем, на что, на какую высоту они поднялись своим безропотным, чисто мученическим перенесением тех ужасов, которые выпали на их долю. Об этом, конечно, все вы знаете, что пришлось им перетерпеть и какую кончину, в конце концов, в своей жизни получили они. И вот за то, что их и жизнь, и смерть была образцом христианского благочестия, вот за это прежде всего Церковь и имеет ввиду прославить их, а также и всех новомучеников, которые, как мы с вами знаем, в наше страшное время воплотили древние столетия, когда так было много мученического подвига.

    Нужно иметь ввиду, между прочим, что в вопросе о прославлении мучеников Церковь имеет чисто духовную, особую благодать и власть, которая, быть может, иногда переступает за рамки всякой официальности. Я помню, как я читал трогательный рассказ о том, как одного глубоко верующего человека чекисты схватили в свои грязные лапы и стали терзать. Не за то, что он какой-то политической работой где-то когда-то занимался, не по каким особым "статьям" ихних безобразных законов, а требовали отречься от Христа, как древних мучеников. Мужественно терпел все истязания этот добрый христианин и верный сын Церкви. Конечно, с Божией помощью, потому что, как Господь подкреплял древних мучеников, так и его он укреплял в тех невероятных истязаниях и пытках, которым его подвергали. И все-таки его озлобленные враги увидели, что они его истязали так, что он вот-вот умрет, а своего не добились: он остался верным. Звали его Георгий, кажется. И, в конце концов, его выдали семье, умиравшего совсем. Доставили его домой. Все знают, видят, что он - при последнем издыхании. Вызвали духовника его, любимого духовного отца. Он пришел со Святыми Дарами, и первый вопрос был на исповеди: "Прощаешь ли ты своих убийц?" Ответил тот: "От всего сердца прощаю и молюсь, чтобы Господь их простил". "Хорошо", - сказал духовник, - "тогда будем исповедоваться." Поисповедывал его, причастил Святых Тайн, и через несколько минут, быть может, очень скоро после причастия, он скончался. И вот, у Церкви существует определенный чин, когда человек умрет - чин особый: каноны, молитвы по исходе души из тела. Но тут, словно сговорившись, хотя никто не сговаривался, все собравшиеся начали не с этого чина, а все запели тропарь мученику: "Мученик Твой, Господи, Георгие во страдании венец прият нетленный от Тебе, Бога нашего. Имея бо крепость Твою мучителей низложи..." Совершенная правда. Это именно то, что к нему на сто процентов применимо. И вот Церковь возгласила этот тропарь мученический сразу, как только мученик предал Богу свой праведный дух. Имейте ввиду, когда мученики умирали: под пытками, в самых страшных условиях, они умирали как победители, а вовсе не как побежденные. Их смерть в результате истязаний была только последним актом бессильной злобы их врагов. Им нужно было совсем не убить мученика, им нужно было заставить его отречься от Христа. И вот тут-то мученик, я думаю, умирал как победитель, потому что враги Христа-Спасителя и Церкви не могли добиться своего, его умерщвляли в бессильной злобе, а его святая душа сейчас же шла уже к престолу Господню, радуясь и ликуя. И мученики так и шли на свою смерть - радуясь и торжествуя.

   А сонмы наших новомучеников Российских, как вы знаете, трудно исчислимы. Сколько там архипастырей пострадало, еще гораздо больше клириков - священников, монахов, монахинь, и миллионы, вероятно, верующих русских людей-мирян. И вот, прославление всех их приближается, но только, повторяю, слышны вот тут возражения против прославления Царской семьи, когда говорят, что это будет "пахнуть политикой", потому что это было политическое убийство. Но я вам сказал и повторяю, что Церковь будет прославлять не за политические какие-то проблемы, так или иначе разрешенные, а прославлять за то, что Государь и его семья были образцом христианской семьи, и жизнью и смертью подают нам пример, как должен жить и умирать истинный христианин.

    Акт прославления приближается. Осталось, остается уже меньше года до ближайшего Собора Архиерейского, и там уже, быть может, будет совершен и самый акт прославления или, во всяком случае, будет сделан какой-то уже самый решительный шаг.

    Мне еще хотелось бы сказать несколько слов, сравнивая положение в человечестве снаружи, так называемого "железного занавеса", и внутри его, на нашей несчастной Родине и везде, где вообще водворился коммунизм. Что касается того, что делается снаружи "железного занавеса", то вы сами видите, во что сейчас обращается жизнь. Такого разгула лжи, неправды, всяких заблуждений и всяких духовных подделок и разврата никогда еще человечество не видело. А почему? - Потому что в самом, как и предсказано в Священном Писании, приближении конца стало равнодушно к Божественной истине.

    Вероятно, из вас многие читали священную книгу "Апокалипсис". И читали там, как Господь обращается к семи Церквам. Различным. Причем святые Отцы, которые толковали это место "Апокалипсиса", всегда говорили, что помимо того смысла, который непосредственно имело обращение Господа к каждой Церкви, под каждой Церковью, под ея жизнью, подразумевался определенный период жизни Церковной от начала и до конца, причем последнее обращение Господа Спасителя - это к Церкви Лаодикийской. Там Господь страшно говорит, угрожающе говорит. Он говорит Апостолу Иоанну Богослову, который писал "Апокалипсис", ангелу (то есть, возглавителю) Лаодикийской Церкви напиши: "...знаю твои дела; ты ни холоден, ни горяч; о, если бы ты был холоден или горяч!" Но так как ты ни холоден и ни горяч, а тепл, то "извергну тебя из уст Моих." А по-славянски - еще резче: "изблевати тя имам" из уст Моих , то есть выброшу тебя так, отброшу тебя от Себя так, как организм отбрасывает и выбрасывает то, что ему противно и вредно. И дальше объясняет Господь: ты говоришь, что "я богат", "обогатился и ничего не требую", а не знаешь того, что ты окаянен и беден и нищ и слеп и наг. Но дальше Господь говорит: "Кого Я люблю, тех обличаю... Итак будь ревностен и покайся"*. Но вот этой-то ревности как раз у современного человечества не стало.

    Когда-то еще в Харбине, в последние уже годы, мой покойный родитель, владыка архиепископ Димитрий, написал замечательно насыщенный содержанием и глубокий по содержанию доклад "Лаодикийцы наших дней", где указывал на то, как равнодушие к Божественной истине постепенно человечеством овладевает. Людям стало все равно, и это проявляется во многом. Например, смотрите, существуют так называемые "различные юрисдикции", у которых нет молитвенного общения друг с другом, а это - достаточно серьезный факт. А люди идут -- то туда, то туда. Вот, и там и здесь, и там, и там, говорят, одинаково служат. Истина-то может быть одна, Церковная правда одна. Трех или четырех истин нет. Нескольких Церковных правд нет. Если висят на стене часы, которые показывают разное, можно утверждать, что все они правильные? А вот люди, к сожалению, идут. То туда, то туда: везде одинаково служат! Очень хорошо когда-то ответил один православный пастырь какому-то вопрошателю. Тот как раз ему говорит: "Батюшка, ну вот я здесь был в церкви, почему в ту не пойти: там так же служат, те же молитвы, та же служба, и ведь - то же самое?" А батюшка ему говорит: "Нет, друг, не совсем: у меня в кармане - два полтинника (монеты в пятьдесят копеек). Они совершенно одинаковые с виду, но один - настоящий, а другой - фальшивый". Он и говорит дальше: "А если, по-твоему, какой-нибудь мужик простой обучится славянскому языку, изучит службу, сам себе построит церковь, достанет облачение и будет служить, туда тоже пойдешь? Он так же будет служить: те же молитвословия, все то же самое, тот же чин службы?" Так и теперь, в наше - то страшное время: если человеку Истина дорога, то он не вынесет никакой мысли о том, что, может быть, он ошибается, что Истина не здесь, а где-то в другом месте. Он непременно будет искать ее, потому что, повторяю, Истина и Церковная правда - только одна. И его сердце верующее только тогда успокоится, когда он поймет, что, действительно, Истина - вот тут: там, где он молится, где он живет как сын Церкви. А то, что то туда, то - сюда, то - в одну церковь, то - в другую: "все равно - одинаково служат", - об этом когда-то грозно говорил Иоанн Златоуст, какой это тяжкий грех, когда так Церковь разделена. Истинная Церковь - только одна. Господь Иисус Христос в свое время своим последователям говорил: "Не бойся, малое стадо." Малое стадо. Потому что благоволил Господь дать именно вам Царство Свое...** И - вот это-то равнодушие к Истине и образует ту поглощенность человека внешними формами жизни, включительно до самых грязных и самых отвратительных, которые мы видим теперь. Уж ведь дошло же даже и до того, что прямое служение сатане - диаволу включено в число "религий", и служитель диавола именуется тоже "священником". Это есть в одном из городов Америки. Чего же после этого еще и ждать дальше? Трудно уж, кажется, дальше и пойти. А вот это - именно то, что творится, в так называемом, "свободном мире".

    Внутри "железного занавеса", там - трагедия разыгрывается. Вы, конечно, знаете хорошо, как советская власть безбожная и богоборческая старается выкорчевать всякую религию, как она борется с Богом. Об этом не нужно много говорить, все об этом знают. Но вот на что я хотел обратить ваше внимание, на то, о чем многие совсем не думают. Отец архимандрит Константин, которого многие из вас знают, вероятно, покойный редактор журнала "Православная Русь", - глубокий, христианский ум, он из всех "достижений" коммунистов самым страшным считал то, что коммунизм создал свою лже-церковь, советскую, которую подсунул народу несчастному вместо настоящей Церкви, которая ушла в катакомбы, скрылась с поверхности. Не думайте, что я преувеличиваю, или что отец Константин преувеличил. Когда-то был Всероссийский Церковный Собор, в девятьсот восемнадцатом году. На этом Соборе вся Всероссийская Церковь во главе со своим Первосвятителем патриархом Тихоном анафематствовала (отлучила от Церкви) как самих богоборцев-безбожников, так и всех тех, кто будет сотрудничать с ними. Эту анафему никто никогда не снимал, она наложена законной властью, и до сих пор она остается в полной силе. А вот в двадцать седьмом году возглавлявший тогда Русскую Церковь митрополит Сергий издал страшную и позорную декларацию, в которой от лица всей Церкви объявил, что радости советской власти - наши радости, ея печали - наши печали, объявил о полном сотрудничестве с государственной властью. То есть, другими словами, получилось то, о чем мы читаем молитву перед исповедью, когда священник, молясь о кающихся Господу Богу, в числе их грехов перечисляет, что они "под свою анафему падоша". Подпали под свою анафему. Так вот и тут и митрополит Сергий и вся иерархия, с ним согласная, под свою анафему падоша, потому что она же была произнесена и на богоборцев, и на их сотрудников, а теперь церковь объявила о своем сотрудничестве с ними. Под свою анафему падоша... Мало того, когда была издана эта позорная декларация, то от официальной советской лже-церкви отделилась катакомбная, истинная православная Церковь, которая уходя в подполье, как нам говорили те, кто были в катакомбной Церкви, анафематствовала еще раз советскую официальную церковь. Следственно, эта "церковь" анафематствована два раза законной Церковной властью. Нас учит апостол Павел и вообще Церковь, что Церковь - есть Тело Христово, что в Церкви пребывает Сам Господь Иисус Христос и Его благодать и Истина, которые в Нем и с Ним. А скажите, может ли верующий разум, рассудок и сердце верующее допустить, что Христос находится в этой организации, которая сотрудничает с его осатаневшими врагами, хвалит их, благословляет, и даже с ними под ручку как бы ходит? Конечно, это немыслимо. Поэтому я говорю, что мое мнение: наша Церковь, так сказать, этого никогда еще в форме всеобщего обсуждения и осуждения не высказывала, но я убежден, что в этой самой советской лже-церкви благодати нет и не может быть, потому что отступила она от верности Христу, и Христа Спасителя там нет и быть не может. Это мое глубокое убеждение. Я его не навязываю никому, но я говорю откровенно, как я думаю.

   Часто говорят: "Ну что ж такое, какое ж положение получается? Если это - лже-церковь, то чем же виноват народ, который в этом не разбирается, что это - лже-церковь? Они же не виноваты?" Вы, наверно, слышали часто такие речи. А я на это отвечаю: "Как не виноваты? Как не виноваты?! Они знают, какая у них власть? - Богоборческая! Власть идет против Бога! Разве можно такую власть признавать? Они ее признают и ей повинуются. И вот за это вместо истинной Церкви получают лже-церковь." Мы не произносим суда над каждой человеческой душой, которая там верует в Бога и которая, так сказать, по-своему стремится к Нему. Это дело Божие. Тут судьбы принадлежат только одному Господу Богу. Но я лично допустить, что благодать Божия находится там, в этой самой советской лже-церкви никак [не могу].


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     Когда я, грешный, смотрю на этот вот образ, который перед нами, то мне вспоминается слово "Апокалипсиса". Как святой Иоанн Богослов видел у престола Господня двадцать четыре праведных старца, а, кроме того, как он говорит, - великое множество людей, которых никто не мог сосчитать, стоящих в белых сверкающих одеждах с пальмовыми ветвями в руках, как знаком победы. Один из старцев спросил Иоанна Богослова: "Эти, в белых одеждах, - кто они? И откуда они пришли?" Смиренно ответил Евангелист: "Ты знаешь, господин". И старец тогда говорит: "Это те, которые пришли от великой скорби. Они омыли свои одежды, они убелили их кровью Агнца Божественного и теперь вечно будут с Богом, и Бог будет с ними". Это мне вспоминается, когда мы видим и здесь, на этой иконе, сонм новомучеников и исповедников, которых, в действительности, числа мы и не знаем.

    Кто может исчести? Кто может даже охватить хотя бы мыслью, сколько там положило свою жизнь за веру и истину Христову наших братьев? И действительно, как и вчера говорилось, на всем протяжении нашей Родины нет ни одного уголка, который не был бы полит кровью свидетелей Христовых. И если наша Родина впервые показала миру такую страшную хулу, страшное богохульство и безумный бунт народа, который в ней утвердили захватившие власть разбойники, хотя осквернилась земля этой страшной, небывалой в истории человечества хулою, но кровь святых мучеников и исповедников обильно оросила землю Российскую и очистила нашу Родину от этой скверны ея. И вот мы с вами ныне празднуем их прославление. Еще раз повторяю: прославляем, конечно, их не мы. Они - у Бога святы, Бог их увенчал, а Церковь своим прославлением указывает только на то, что это - новые святые угодники Божии, к которым теперь можем мы молитвенно обращаться, как это принято по уставу Церковному. Так вот, будем помнить еще вот что: когда-то святитель Феофан Затворник кому-то писал: "Настоящее прославление святых и настоящее их поминовение заключается не только в том, чтобы им молиться или их хвалить, восхвалять, а в том, чтобы подражать их жизни и подвигам". Наши собратья, которые этим подвигом перешли в загробный мир и теперь прославлены, они были люди такие, что, именно вот, когда пришла пора тяжкого и страшного испытания, они оказались верны Богу и Божией правде.

    Пока что нас не постигли еще здесь такие испытания, но знаем мы, как сейчас запутана, как сложна жизнь, как она ежедневно преподносит самые неожиданные и неприятные новости; что будет впереди - мы не знаем, и очень может быть, что и на нашу долю может выпасть что-либо подобное.Так вот, молясь им и восхваляя их, мы должны молить все время о том, чтобы они и нашу слабость и маловерие укрепили, если придется нам когда-либо уже стать со злом лицом к лицу, так, как стали они.

    Мы говорили вчера о том, что никогда еще в истории человечества зло не обрушивалось с такой яростью на Церковь Христову, как это было в России. Но сбылось слово Спасителя нашего! Он сказал: создам Церковь Мою, и врата ада, то есть, все адские усилия, - не одолеют ея. И вот - не одолели. Этот сонм мучеников, которые сохранили верность Христу, указывает на победу Церкви над этим злом, над этой злой атакой, над этим разливом зла. Вы знаете, как бывает на океане, когда буря выходит: могучие валы, целые водные горы набрасываются на скалы, а скалы стоят твердо, непоколебимо, и эта налетевшая громадная волна бессильно разбивается и откатывается назад. Вот так же и они разбивались и будут разбиваться, потому что, повторяю, верно слово Христово. Церковь Христову не одолеют никакие темные силы, а мы с вами только должны заботиться о том, чтобы поучаться примеру наших мучеников и исповедников и так же хранить верность Господу всегда, везде и во всем, как они хранили.



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by Metropolitan Philaret (Voskresensky)

Translated by Hieromonk Varlaam Novakshonoff



For many years now, during the era of our "youth cult," it has been popular to use the expression, "the future of our Church is our youth."

Few people seem to have paused to reflect on the meaninglessness of such a statement. For, the future of the Church, just as Her past and Her present, is Christ. The Holy Church is totally fulfilled and She offers this fullness to us. We, on the other hand, have absolutely nothing to bring to the Church except our sins. It is really correct to say that the future of our youth is the Church. With this in mind, and with a deep, sincere and unhypocritical love, Metropolitan Philaret has written this book for the benefit and guidance of our youth.

The Law of God was written primarily as a church-school text for intermediate students, but its value far exceeds that. Popadija Anna Krosnjar, a dedicated and outstanding church-school educator, has enhanced the value of this text by providing church-school lessons at the end of each chapter. This is of great assistance not only to local church-school teachers, but to parents who wish to use this book in the home.

We thank our Savior that He had given us such a holy and loving archpastor as Metropolitan Philaret to guide us along the dark and twisted path of these last days.

The translation and publication of this work is reverently dedicated to the memory of

The Blessed Memory Metropolitan Philaret of New York.

Conscience and Moral Responsibility

Of all the creatures on earth, only man has an understanding or morality. Every person is aware that his or her actions are either good or bad, kind or evil, morally positive or morally negative (immoral). By these concepts of morality, man differs immeasurably from all animals. Animals behave according to their natural characteristics or else, if they have been trained, in the way they have been taught. They have, however, no concept of morality-immorality, and so their behavior cannot be examined from the point of view of moral awareness.

By what means does one distinguish between the morally good and the morally bad? This differentiation is made by means of a special moral law given to man by God. This moral law, this voice of God in man's soul is felt in the depth of our consciousness: it is called conscience. This conscience is the basis of the morality common to man. A person who does not listen to his conscience but stifles it, suppresses its voice with falseness and the darkness of stubborn sin, is often called "unconscionable." The Holy Scripture refers to such stubborn sinners as people with a "seared" conscience. Their spiritual condition is extremely dangerous and ruinous for the soul.

When one listens to the voice of one's conscience, one sees that this conscience speaks in him first of all as a judge - strict and incorruptible, evaluating all one's actions and experiences. Often, it happens that some given action appears advantageous to a person, or has drawn approval from others, but in the depths of the soul this person hears the voice of conscience, "This is not good, this is a sin."

In a tight bond with this action of judging, the conscience also acts in one's soul as a legislator. All those moral demands which confront a person's soul in all his conscious actions (for example, be just, do not steal, etc), are norms, demands, prescriptions of this very conscience. Its voice teaches us how one must and must not behave. Finally, the conscience also acts in man as a rewarder. This happens when we, having acted well, experience peace and calm in the soul or, on the other hand, when we experience reproaches of the conscience after having sinned. These reproaches of the conscience sometimes pass over into terrible mental pain and torment. They can lead a person to despair or a loss of mental balance if one does not restore peace and calmness in the soul through deep and sincere repentance.

It is self-evident that man bears a moral responsibility only for those actions which he commits, in a conscious condition, being free in the carrying out of the actions. Only then can moral imputation be applied to these actions, and then they impute to the person either guilt, praise or judgment.

People who, on the other hand, are incapable of recognizing the character of their actions (babies, those deprived of reason, etc). or those who are forced against their will to commit such actions, do not bear responsibility for them. In the first epoch of persecution against Christianity, the pagan tormentors often placed incense in the hands of martyrs and then held their hands over the flame burning on their altar. The torturers supposed that the martyrs would jerk their hands back, dropping the incense into the fire. In fact, these confessors of the faith were usually so firm in spirit that they preferred to burn their hands and not drop the incense; but even had they dropped it, who would charge that they had brought sacrifice to the idols?

That the moral law must be acknowledged as innate to mankind, that is, fixed in the very nature of man, is indisputable. This is clearly seen from the fact that a concept of morality is universal in mankind. Of course, only the most basic moral requirements are innate - a sort of moral instinct - but not so with revealed and clear moral understandings and concepts. For, clear moral understandings and concepts developed in man in part through upbringing and influence from preceding generations, most of all on the basis of religious awareness. Therefore, coarse groups of people have moral norms lower, coarser, more malformed than Orthodox Christians who know and believe in the True God Who placed the moral law into man's soul and Who, through this law, guides all of his life and activities.


The Nature of Sin

All Orthodox Christians know from the Holy Scripture, and believe, that God created man in His own image and likeness. Therefore, in the creation man received a sinless nature, but not even the first man, Adam, remained sinless. He lost his original purity in the first fall into sin in paradise. The toxin of this sinfulness contaminated the entire human race, which descended from its forbears who had sinned - just as poison water flows from a poisoned spring. Acting upon the inclination to sin inherited from our ancestors, each person commits their own personal sins, as the Scriptural indictment says, "There is no one who will live for a single day and not sin." Only our Lord Jesus Christ is absolutely free from sin. Even the righteous, God's saints, bore sin within themselves and, although with God's help they struggled with it, yet they humbly acknowledged themselves to be sinners. So, without exception, all people are sinners, tainted with sin.

Sin is a spiritual leprosy, an illness and an ulcer which has stricken all mankind, both in his soul and his body. Sin has damaged all three of the basic abilities and powers of the soul; the mind, the heart and the will. Man's mind became darkened and inclined toward error, thus, man constantly errs - in science, in philosophy and in his practical activity.

What is even more harmed by sin is man's heart - the center of his experience of good and evil, as well as feelings of sorrow and joy. We see that our heart has been bound in the mire of sin; it has lost the ability to be pure, spiritual and Christian, to possess truly elevated feelings. Instead of this, it has become inclined toward pleasures of sensuality and earthly attachments. It is tainted with vainglory and often startles one with a complete absence of love and of the desire to do good toward one's neighbor.

What is harmed most of all, however, is the capability of our will to effect our intentions. Man proves to be without strength of will particularly when it is necessary to practice true Christian good - even though he might desire this good. The holy apostle Paul speaks of this weakness of will when he says: "For I fail to practice the good deeds I desire to do, but the evil deeds which I do not desire to do are what I am always doing." That is why Christ the Savior said of man the sinner, "Whoever practices sin is the slave of sin," although to the sinner, alas, serving sin often seems to be freedom while struggling to escape its net appears to be slavery.

How does a sin develop in one's soul? The holy fathers, strugglers of Christian asceticism and piety, knowing the sinful human soul, explain it far better than all the learned psychiatrists. They distinguish the following stages in sin: The first moment in sin is the suggestion, when some temptation becomes identified in a person's conscience - a sinful impression, an unclean thought or some other temptation. If, in this first moment, a person decisively and at once rejects the sin, he does not sin, but defeats sin and his soul will experience progress rather than degeneration. It is in the suggestion stage of sin that it is easiest of all to remove it. If the suggestion is not rejected, it passes over first into an ill-defined striving and then into a clear, conscious desire to sin. At this point, one already begins to be inclined to sin of a given type. Even at this point, however, without an especially difficult struggle, one can avoid giving in to sin and refrain from sinning. One will be helped by the clear voice of conscience and by God's aid if one will only turn to it.

Beyond this point, one has fallen into sin. The reproaches of the conscience sound loudly and clearly, eliciting a revulsion to the sin. The former self-assurance disappears and the man is humbled (compare Apostle Peter before and after his denial of Christ). But even at this point, defeat of sin is not entirely difficult. This is shown by numerous examples, as in the lives of Peter, the holy prophet-king David and other repentant sinners.

It is more difficult to struggle with a sin when, through frequent repetition, it becomes a habit in one. After acquiring any kind of habit, the habitual actions are performed by the person very easily, almost unnoticed by himself, spontaneously. Thus, the struggle with sin which has become a habit for a person is very difficult since it is not only difficult to overcome, but is even difficult to detect in its approach and process.

An even more dangerous stage of sin is vice. In this condition, sin so rules a person that it forges his will in chains. Here, one is almost powerless to struggle against it. He is a slave to sin even though he may acknowledge its danger and, in lucid intervals, perhaps even hates it with all his soul (such is the vice of alcoholism, narcotic addiction, etc.). In this condition, one cannot deal with oneself without special mercy and help from God and one is in need of prayer and the spiritual support of others. One must bear in mind that even a seemingly minor sin such as gossiping, love of attire, empty diversions, etc. can become a vice in man if it possesses him entirely and fills his soul.

The lowest stage of sin, in which sin completely enslaves one to itself, is the passion of one or another type. In this condition, man can no longer hate his sin as he can with a vice (and this is the difference between them). Rather he submits to sin in all his experiences, actions and moods, as did Judas Iscariot. At this stage, one literally and directly lets Satan into his heart (as it is said of Judas in the Gospel) and in this condition, nothing will help him except Grace-filled Church prayers and other such actions.

There is yet another special, most terrible and destructive type of sin. This is blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. Even the prayers of the Church cannot help one who is found in this condition. The Apostle John the Theologian speaks of this directly when he entreats us to pray for a brother who has sinned, but points out the uselessness of prayer for the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

The Lord Jesus Christ Himself says that this sin - the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - is not forgiven and will not be forgiven either in this age or in the future. He pronounced these terrible words against the Pharisees who, though they clearly saw that he worked everything according to the will of God and by God's power, nevertheless distorted the truth. They perished in their own blasphemy and their example is instructive and urgent for all those who would sin mortal sin: by an obdurate and conscious adversity to the undoubted Truth and thereby blaspheming the Spirit of truth - God's Holy Spirit.

We must note that even blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ can be forgiven man (according to His own words) since it can be committed in ignorance or temporary blindness. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit could be forgiven, says St Athanasios the Great, only if a man ceased from it and became repentant. But the very nature of the sin is such that it makes it virtually impossible for a man to return to the truth. One who is blind can regain his sight and love the one who revealed the truth to him and one who is soiled with vices and passions can be cleansed by repentance and become a confessor of the Truth, but who and what can change a blasphemer who has seen and known the Truth and who has stubbornly refused and hated it? This horrible condition is similar to the condition of the devil himself who believes in God and trembles but who nevertheless hates Him, blasphemes Him and is in adversity to Him.

When a seduction, a temptation to sin, appears in man, it usually comes from three sources: from man's own flesh, from the world and from Satan.

Concerning man's flesh, there is absolutely no doubt that in many respects it is a den and source of anti-moral predisposition's, strivings and inclinations. The ancestral sin - this inclination towards sin, a heritage from the sin of our progenitors and our own personal sinful experiences: all this added up and each (experience) strengthening one another, creates in our flesh a source of temptations, sinful moods and acts.

More often, though, the source of seduction for us is the world around us which, according to the Apostle John the Theologian, "is under the power of the Evil-One" and friendship with which, according to another Apostle, is enmity with God. The milieu around us seduces us, the people around us do likewise (especially the willful, conscious seducers and corrupters of youth about whom the Lord said: "Whoever causes one of these little ones to stumble and sin, it were better for that man that a millstone be tied around his neck and he be cast into the sea."

The enticers are also external goods, riches, comforts, immoral dances, dirty literature, shameless attire, etc. - all of this is undoubtedly a fetid source of sin and seduction.

But the main and root source of sin is, of course, the devil, as the Apostle John the Theologian says, "He who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning." In struggling with God and His Truth, the devil struggles with people, striving to destroy each of us. He struggles most intensely and with the most malice with the saints as we see in the Gospel and in the lives of the saints. We, sick and infirm, are specially defended by Christ against those fierce temptations to which God's saints, strong in spirit, are subjected. Nevertheless, Satan does not ignore us, acting through the enticements of the world and the flesh, making them stronger and more deceptive, and also tempting us by sinful suggestions of all kinds. It is because of this, that the Apostle Peter compares Satan with a "raging lion which stalks about seeking whom he might devour."



The complete opposite of sin is virtue. Its rudiments are found in every person, as remnants of that natural good which was placed into the nature of man by his Creator. It is found in a pure and complete form only in True Christianity, for Christ the Savior said: "Without Me ye can do nothing."

Christianity teaches us that man's earthly life is a time of moral struggle, a time of preparation for the future, eternal life. Consequently, the tasks of man's earthly life consist of correctly preparing for future eternity. The earthly life is brief and it does not repeat itself, for man lives but once on earth. Therefore, in this earthly life, one must work at virtue if one does not wish to destroy one's soul. For this is precisely what God's truth demands of one on the threshold of eternity.

Each Christian, with God's help, shapes his own earthly life, in the sense that he or she directs its course toward virtue. In order to be virtuous, however, one must not only do good for others, but work on oneself, struggling with his insufficiencies and vices, developing in himself a good, Christian-valued foundation. This work on oneself, this struggle toward moral perfection of man's earthly life is indispensable for every Christian. The Lord Himself said: "the kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault and violent men seize it by force" (Mt.11:12).

The moral character and features of each person are worked out in such a life-struggle. A Christian must, of course, be a Christian before all else, a person with an established, solid moral character and he must aim for the building of such a character. In other words, he must strive for progress in himself toward moral perfection.

Thus, from a Christian point of view, life is a moral struggle, a path of constant striving toward good and perfection. There can be no pause on this path, according to the law of the spiritual life. A man who stops working on himself will not remain the same as he was, but will inevitably become worse - like a stone which is thrown upwards and stops rising, it will not remain suspended in the air, but will fall downward.

We already know that our sins generally originate from three sources: from the devil, from the world around us lying in evil, and from our own sinful flesh. Since sin is the main enemy and obstacle of virtue, it is evident that a Christian who is striving towards virtue must, through God's mercy and help, struggle against sin in all its aspects. It is especially needful at this point to recall the Savior's words to the Apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane, "Keep vigil and pray lest you fall into temptation." The words are directed not only at the Apostles but to all of us, indicating that the struggle with sinful temptations is possible only for one who is vigilant and who prays, standing on guard for his survival.


God's Law

The task of man's earthly life is preparing himself for eternal salvation and beatitude. To attain this, a man must live in a holy and pure manner - that is, according to God's will.

How can one recognize this will of God? First of all, in one's conscience, which for this reason, is called God's voice in the soul of man. If the fall had not darkened the human soul, man would be able unerringly and firmly to direct the path of his life according to the dictates of his conscience, in which the inner moral law is expressed. We know, however, that in a sinful man, not only are the mind, heart and will damaged, but the conscience is also darkened and its judgment and voice have lost their firm clearness and strength. It is not without reason that some people are called unconscionable.

Therefore, conscience alone - the inner voice - became insufficient for man to live and act according to God's will. The need arose for an external guide, for a God-revealed law. Such a law was given by God to people in two aspects: first, the preparatory - the Old Testament law of Moses - then the full and perfect Gospel law.

There are two distinguishable parts in Moses' law: the religious-moral and the national-ceremonial which was closely tied with the history and way of life of the Jewish nation. The second aspect is gone into the past for Christians, that is, the national-ceremonial rules and laws, but the religious-moral laws preserve their force in Christianity. Therefore, all the ten commandments in the law of Moses are obligatory for Christians. Christianity has not altered them. On the contrary, Christianity has taught people to understand these commandments, not externally - literalistically, in the manner of blind, slavish obedience, and external fulfillment, but it has revealed the full spirit and taught the perfect and full understanding and fulfillment of them. For Christians, however, Moses' law has significance only because its central commandments (the ten which deal with love of God and neighbors) are accepted and shown forth by Christianity. We are guided in our life not by this preparatory and temporary law of Moses, but by the perfect and eternal law of Christ. St Basil the Great says, "If one who lights a lamp before himself in broad daylight seems strange, then how much stranger is one who remains in the shadow of the law of the Old Testament when the Gospel is being preached." The main distinction of the New Testament law from that of the Old Testament consists in that the Old Testament law looked at the exterior actions of man, while the New Testament law looks at the heart of man, at his inner motives. Under the Old Testament law, man submitted himself to God as a slave to his master, but under the New Testament, he strives toward submitting to Him as a son submits to a beloved father.

There is a tendency to regard the Old Testament law incorrectly. Some see no good in it, but only seek out features of coarseness and cruelty. This is a mistaken view. It is necessary to take into consideration the low level of spiritual development at which man then stood thousands of years ago. Under the conditions of the times, with truly coarse and cruel morals, those rules and norms of Moses' law which now seem cruel to us (e.g., "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," etc.) in reality were not such. They did not, of course, destroy human cruelty and vengeance (only the Gospel could do this), but they did restrain it and establish firm and strict limits upon it. Moreover, it must be remembered that those commandments about love toward God and neighbors, which the Lord indicated as the most important, are taken directly from the law of Moses (Mk. 12:29-31). The Holy Apostle Paul says of this law, "The law, therefore, is holy and each commandment is holy, just and good" (Rom. 7:12).


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Митрополит Филарет (Вознесенский)

    Люди старшего поколения хорошо помнят, что было у нас на Руси-матушке в свое время; хорошо помнят, как много у нас было различных духовных учебных заведений. И высших, как академии, и средних, как семинарии, и низших, как духовные училища. Теперь условия совсем не те. И как вы сами, конечно, знаете, у нас, в Зарубежной Церкви, фактически настоящее полноценное духовное заведение – это только наша семинария, которая уже не первый и не второй год работает при Свято-Троицком монастыре в Джорданвилле. В посильную помощь этому духовному заведению открываются духовные пастырские курсы, за что Богу благодарение, потому что в наше время нужно ценить, всячески поддерживать и оберегать те организации и учреждения, где является возможным предлагать людям церковное научение.

    Конечно, по сравнению с прошлым временем, у нас есть один плюс. Вы знаете хорошо, друзья, как раньше говаривали у нас на Руси-матушке, что самые отчаянные кощунники и атеисты выходили из семинаристов. Может быть, в такой формулировке это звучало слишком обостренно и преувеличенно, но дыма без огня нет, потому что, действительно, раньше бывало так сплошь и рядом. В семинарию попадали люди, совсем не подходящие для нее, и выходили в конце концов, чтобы оказаться врагами веры.

    Я позволю себе припомнить сейчас то, что не предполагал сказать сначала, а сейчас вспомнил – рассказ писателя А.В. Амфитеатрова о том, как в свое время в Московском университете преподавал богословие знаменитый ученый, профессор, протоиерей Николай Сергиевский. Однажды на экзамене по богословию отвечал молодой человек из очень интеллигентной аристократической семьи. Ответ был исключительно блестящим. Настолько были велики знания отвечавшего юноши, что ответ моментами выливался почти в диспут между профессором и студентом. Окончился этот почти часовой экзамен. Протоиерей Николай Сергиевский, ставя ему «пятерку», сказал: «Вы, вероятно, по убеждениям совершеннейший атеист?» Тот покраснел: «Откуда Вы могли знать?» «По характеру Ваших знаний и ответов. Вы учите это для того, чтобы с нами же спорить». И потом, когда через год его младший брат, очень скромный и богобоязненный юноша, отвечал также очень хорошо, но далеко не так блестяще, как его старший брат, то профессор, также ставя ему «пятерку», спросил: «Вы не брат такого-то? Ваш ответ блестящий, благодарю Вас. Ответ Вашего брата был еще лучше, но полный балл Вам я ставлю с гораздо большим удовольствием».

    Это было тогда. Сейчас возможность того, что из духовного учебного заведения может выйти противник веры, гораздо меньше, потому что теперь в семинарию и даже на пастырские курсы пойдет человек, действительно ищущий и назидания духовного, и духовного просвещения. И дал бы Бог, чтобы наше скромное начинание пошло и было бы поддержкой единственной нашей духовной семинарии.

    Как-то в Харбине пришлось мне читать книгу одного теософа, который, защищая свои теософские доктрины, говорил: «Нет религии выше истины. Это наш основной догмат, теософский. Потому все религии ценны, что все они ищут истину». Как будто бы даже довольно привлекательное утверждение, которое, однако, внутренне фальшиво. Почему? Да потому что если все религии ищут истину, а говорят о ней по-разному, то разве можно считать их равноценными? Это все равно что на стенке будут висеть рядом двенадцать одинаковых часов и показывать разное время, а мы станем утверждать: так как все они сделаны для того, чтобы показывать время, то все их показания равноценны. На самом деле одни показывают правильно, остальные неправильно, а может, и все неправильно. Во всяком случае, истина одна, и, показывая разное, они все говорить правду не могут.

    Так же можно сказать и о религии. Конечно, религия – высшая точка духа человека, поэтому верующий христианин никогда не станет смеяться над чужой религией, как бы примитивна она ни была. Но это одно. С другой стороны, если это теософское утверждение так фальшиво, то внешне, повторяю, оно кажется достаточно привлекательным. И вот автор этой книги, теософ, говорит: «Нам удалось объединить представителей почти всех религий, в частности, почти всех христианских вероисповеданий, за исключением одного упрямого – Православия. Оно никак не хочет становиться на эту точку зрения. Оно говорит, что истины не ищет, а ею обладает в полноте, ему нечего искать. И поэтому оно эту истину может предложить всякому желающему, всякому, кто ее ищет, болеет о ней душой. А искать Православию нечего, оно есть религия, которая содержит истину богооткровенную. И так как истина одна, то, следственно, ни с какой другой религией Православие объединяться не желает».

    Совершенно верно. В Православии то и ценно, что оно исповедует свою веру, ту богооткровенную истину, которую не люди изобрели в своих домыслах о Боге и о вере, а которую принес с неба на землю Господь Иисус Христос, воплотившийся Сын Божий, Божий разум, Божия сила, Божия премудрость. Потому-то этим и определяется вечность, стойкость и постоянство верной себе нашей православной религии, нашей православной веры, этого настоящего подлинного христианства. Господь Иисус Христос Своим апостолам говорил: «Все, что Я слышал от Отца Моего, все сказал». Вот почему апостол Петр в свое время и указывал: «Все потребное для жизни и благочестия дано нам от Господа». Этим словам Спасителя не противоречат другие Его слова, сказанные на той же тайной вечере, когда Он говорил: «Много еще имею вам сказать, но вы не можете носить ныне». Речь идет не о том, что им была сказана неполная истина, а только о том, что ее они не могли полностью вместить. «А когда придет Дух-Утешитель, Тот напомнит вам, о чем вам сказал, и озарит ваш ум так, что он поймет истину, воспримет во всей полноте». Церковь всегда и учит, что полнота истины, полнота видения принадлежит именно всей Церкви Вселенской, а не какому бы то ни было одному человеку. Так вот, следственно, содержание нашей веры дано уже. Оно сформулировано на Вселенских Соборах, сжато заключено в исчерпывающем Символе веры. Дальше Церковь говорит, что раскрывается оно в своей глубине в истории Церкви, в творениях святоотеческих, усваивается как спасительная истина каждой человеческой душою в подвиге жизни, в изучении, в благоговейном восприятии того, что Церковь предлагает как истину богооткровенную. Но иного, совсем нового, прибавить уже нельзя ничего.

    На этом твердо стоит наша Православная Церковь. Основы такого понимания в свое время предостерегающе указал апостол Павел, который писал галатийским христианам: «Если не только мы, а ангел с неба будет вам благовестить не то, что вы приняли (значит, что-то совсем новое), анафема да будет». Поэтому если раскрывается перед вами истина по-новому, то для того, чтобы принять это разъяснение, христианин должен, прежде всего, заботиться о полном соответствии с той истиной, которая уже имеется в нашей Православной Церкви. Это не должно быть каким-то новшеством, а только выводом из того, что Церковь предлагает, раскрытием того, что уже дано. И вот в этом-то, повторяю, постоянство, верность, сила и стойкость нашего Православия.

    Был когда-то у нас на Руси оригинальный мыслитель, философ, Василий Васильевич Розанов, большой оригинал. Человек, который мыслил иногда не только не совсем церковно, но и совсем нецерковно, по крайней мере, высказывался. Высказывал парадоксы, иногда просто атаковал христианство, говоря, что христианство отнимает у жизни ее свет, отнимает у жизни ее радостные стороны и делает ее чем-то мрачным, совершенно безотрадным для души. Но если говорят о русском человеке, что у него ум и сердце не в ладу, то это как раз было у такого оригинала, Розанова. Ум его явно восставал против христианства часто, а перо шло за умом и писало много такого, чего христианину не следовало бы писать. А вот его сердце тянулось к Церкви, тянулось к Православию. Он сам говорил, что если будет умирать, то желает пригласить перед смертью батюшку и перед кончиной исповедоваться ему за всю свою грешную жизнь.

    Так вот, этот оригинальный мыслитель говорил: «Почему, когда я вхожу в церковь, моя мятущаяся душа чувствует спокойствие? Почему, когда войду я в маленькую самую, сельскую какую-нибудь церковь, там дьячок-псаломщик на клиросе что-то читает и поет, может быть сам не всегда понимая слова, которые он выпевает и вычитывает, старушки стоят и благоговейно молятся, а они-то уж вряд ли и половину понимают из того, что поется, но почему такой мир и покой на душе? Потому что мы вошли в атмосферу вечности, потому что тут сила нашей веры, нашего Православия, значения нашей Православной Церкви.

    Вот этот смиренный служитель Церкви – псаломщик, божий служитель – на своем месте что-то там читает и поет, и я знаю, что до этого в течение сотен лет это же самое читалось и пелось. Церковь это пела и читала, Церковь это предлагала чадам своим. Нас не будет, за нами в Церковь будут ходить другие, и они то же самое услышат, ощутят ту же благодатную атмосферу. Что с того, что эти старушки не все, может быть, понимают? Они питаются здесь, они чувствуют эту благодатную атмосферу, они ею живут. И моя грешная душа, – говорит он, – так же чувствует живительность этой атмосферы духовной и чувствует камень, чувствует скалу, на которую можно опереться, это постоянство, эту неизменность». Она есть, как он верно подметил, только в Православной Церкви. За порогом храма иногда совершаются самые потрясающие перемены. Поколения сменяют поколения, государства исчезают, и на их месте другие появляются. А Церковь делает свое дело так, как делала его во времена апостольские, так, как она делает его теперь и будет делать его до конца, пока не кончится эта земная история человечества.

    Если мы с вами перейдем к инославному вероисповеданию католицизма, то мы знаем, что его честные и искренние представители откровенно признают, что именно Православная Церковь хранит истину такой, какой она была при апостолах и Вселенских Соборах, а католицизм к ней прибавил нечто новое. Они считают эти добавления боговдохновенными, считают их догматами, но они признают, что именно Православная Церковь нерушимо хранит то, что в ней есть. А католицизм, как вы знаете, измыслил много нового. Нет времени говорить о нем подробно, вы сами знаете многие пункты, по которым католицизм отошел от Православия, отошел от подлинного христианства.

    Лиха беда начало. Допусти что-нибудь новое, допусти какое-нибудь новшество, словно по наклонной плоскости, покатится камень, а жизнь показывает, как это страшно, как это опасно. Страшную трагедию католицизма мы с вами наблюдаем теперь. Когда-то философ, кажется, Вышеславцев, писал, вспоминая страшные годы жизни в Советском Союзе в первые годы после революции: «Много декретов издавала советская власть, много делала распоряжений. Как мы жили? Жили мы тогда, когда мы их обходили, не исполняли, потому что исполнять – значит погибнуть». И вот это мне все время вспоминается, когда теперь приходится слышать, что благочестивые католики, воспитанные в вере отцов, как раз и стараются сохранить прежнее и живут каким-то благочестивым стремлением, постольку, поскольку они совершенно не принимают нововведений католицизма, того разрушительного, что связано с так называемыми нововведениями самого так называемого римского первосвященника.

    Вы сами видите, что тут делается, видите трагедию католицизма, который, казалось, стоял скалой нерушимой. Они ведь раньше всегда смотрели на нас сверху вниз, говоря, что у нас всегда какие-то волнения, нет единства, нет единения, нет одного центра, нет единой власти, а мы тверды, как скала. Вот как она рассыпалась, эта скала, или, по крайне мере, начинает рассыпаться теперь.

    Что касается протестантизма, который появился как протест против тех, скажу прямо, безобразий, которыми осрамил себя католицизм уже ко времени средних веков, то он появился как здоровый протест против этих искажений правды. Но, увы, получилось так, что он протестовал-протестовал, да и отошел в другую сторону от истинного христианства, от Православия дальше, чем отошел от него католицизм. Если представить себе прямо и спокойно висящий маятник (это будет Православие), а католицизм откачнулся куда-то в сторону от него, то протестантизм сделал качок в другую сторону, но не остановился там, где Православие, а, улетевши, оказался еще дальше.

    Протестантизм порвал и со многим тем, что в католицизме еще хранилось. В протестантизме нет ни преемственности рукоположения, ни многих таинств, а отсюда и результат, что при таком отсутствии внутренней верности апостольскому учению, при таком произволе протестантизм дробится, дробится и дробится на секты, на толки, на всевозможные разветвления и разделения, друг друга иногда почти что исключающие и в крайних своих выводах доходящие почти что до полного отрицания христианства, до отрицания его основ. И Божию Матерь они не чтят и даже сомневаются в божестве Господа Иисуса Христа, то есть по существу совсем от христианских начал и верований отходят.

    И вот эти-то трагедии инославных вероисповеданий и породили то явление, которое сейчас ядовитым соблазном предстоит перед многими душами, слабыми или недостаточно понимающими дело. Это то, что называют теперь «экуменизм». Еще раз повторю, что нет возможности здесь говорить о нем подробно. Но скажу, прежде всего, вот что, в нескольких словах постараюсь указать на главный пункт его несостоятельности. Экуменисты говорят: мы призываем к тому, чтобы объединились, воедино слились все вероисповедования христианские. У каждого из них есть доля истины, они по-разному учат, по-разному говорят. И вот если они сольются, поделятся истиной, а заблуждения свои отбросят, тогда получится новая Церковь, истинная христианская в полном единении.

    Как будто, опять-таки, довольно привлекательная перспектива. Но смотрите, какой ценой нам ее предлагают? Нам, как и всем другим вероисповеданиям, говорят: у вас есть доля истины. Доля! Это значит, что в нашем вероисповедовании, в нашей святой спасающей вере мы должны признать только долю, а остальное объявить заблуждением. Вот я и спрашиваю: какая совесть православная, какое сердце, душа русского православного человека согласится на подобную вещь? В той спасительной вере, которой жили люди когда-то в древности, жили святые отцы, наши благочестивые предки, пламенел отец Иоанн Кронштадтский и великие наши праведники, объявить только долю истины, а остальное заблуждением? Никогда, конечно, сознание православного человека, православная душа не согласится ни на что подобное.

    Задержавшись еще немножко на этой схеме, мы с вами можем увидеть парадоксы экуменизма, которые указывают, опять-таки, на его несостоятельность при кажущейся некоторой внешней привлекательности. Прежде всего, чем вызвано это? Конечно, тем, что мир переживает эпоху всяких потрясений и шатаний. Для того чтобы спокойно все это переживать, нужно иметь духовный фундамент. Разрозненное христианство, особенно разрозненные толки протестантизма, потеряли совершенно единство, потеряли силу, потеряли ощущение возможной связи с небесной торжествующей Церковью, о которой они и не думают, обращая свои взоры на землю, все толкуют, чтобы на земле Царство Божие устроить. И вот в этой-то перспективе находясь, они, как вы сами знаете, не могут истины обрести, потому что так она не находится.

    Они думают, если сольются раздробленные, маловерные, малодушные разные толки и исповедования, то в единении они создадут нечто могучее и духовное, тогда как известно, что сколько нулей не складывай – все равно будет нуль. Экуменизм строится на утверждении, что все вероисповедания только отчасти правильные, и делается вывод, что если они соединятся, то получится новое учение, настоящее христианство. Но это парадоксально и неправдоподобно. А, кроме того, еще более неправдоподобна основная та идея, из которой он выходит, что на земле среди человечества нет никакой вполне истинной Церкви. Потому что если бы она была, то не нужен экуменизм, и просто все влились бы в эту Церковь. А экуменизм оттого и проповедует свое учение, что он считает, что никакой истинной Церкви, по-настоящему обладающей ее полнотой, нет, а есть только исповедания, группы людей, которые обладают кусочками, долями истины. Повторяю: для православного самосознания совершенно неприемлема такая постановка вопроса.

    Мне хотелось еще вот что сказать. Если мы с вами, конечно, как православные, как чада Церкви, и не подумаем никогда о том, чтобы примкнуть к такому экуменизму, который говорит, что истина у вас только отчасти, а в остальном вы заблуждаетесь, но встречаться с инакомыслящими нам все-таки приходится, придется и вам, будущим пастырям. Запомните, пожалуйста, что если придется беседовать с инакомыслящими, то тут нужно учитывать несколько обстоятельств. С одной стороны, как указывал покойный владыка Антоний, беседуя о нашей вере и предлагая ее истины инакомыслящим, нужно предлагать нашу веру такой, какая она есть, нисколько не снижая ее строгих точных требований и высоких начал в угоду кому бы то ни было – своему ли собеседнику или каким-то господствующим течениям.

    Владыка Антоний когда-то указывал, что так называемая приспособляемость католического духовенства к пастве объясняется тем, что оно не паству поднимает наверх, а свою веру принижает до нее. А вот этого никогда не должен делать православный пастырь, миссионер, вообще тот, кому приходится говорить о вере. Излагай ее так, как она есть, во всей ее высоте, во всей ее чистоте, во всей ее светоносной, но строгости, не принижая и не отрубая, не усекая ее, повторяю, в угоду кому бы то ни было.

    А с другой стороны, с инакомыслящими беседуя, всегда нужно беседовать с известной теплотой, приветливостью, предлагая все это именно в духе любви. Как и говорил владыка Антоний: «Устраняй по возможности все, что может обидеть собеседника, оцарапать, оттолкнуть. Истины веры предлагай, как они есть, но чтобы это было согрето теплом искренней благожелательности».

    Один церковный писатель писал: «Был я недавно на диспуте православного миссионера с сектантом. Православный миссионер переспорил своего собеседника к торжеству, радости православных слушателей. Но, – говорит рассказчик, – я ушел с самым тяжелым чувством. Оперировали текстами Священного Писания оба противника и били друг друга текстами по голове, как палками. С каким-то недоброжелательством, с ожесточением, с недобрыми нотками. Это была именно борьба. Не христиански братолюбное обсуждение спорного вопроса с целью выяснить истину, раскрыть ее перед заблуждающимся, а именно желание победить во что бы то ни стало, и поэтому получился форменный боевик. И неизвестно, что было бы, – замечает рассказчик, – если бы сектант был более привычен к спору, более начитан, более силен в диалектике и логике. Неизвестно, что бы еще получилось. А вот нужно, чтобы собеседник, которому вы объясняете, чувствовал, что от Православной Церкви на него идет свет и тепло».

    И еще одно скажу православным пастырям. В особенности сейчас душа болит за молодежь, которая находится под ветрами самых различных противоцерковных, противорелигиозных, антиморальных влияний. Отовсюду на молодую душу обрушивается это как ураган. Что можно этому противопоставить? Не только научение головы. А нужно, чтобы дети, молодежь, юношество почувствовали тепло и свет около Церкви. Есть такая молодежь, у нас тут есть, есть всюду, где только наша Церковь имеет свои очаги и гнездышки. Если молодежь почувствовала тепло и свет около Церкви, она уже наша. Но, увы, ее совсем немного. И нужно пастырям заботиться о том, чтобы именно молодежь привлекать и не просто логически ей что-то доказывать, а чтобы молодая расцветающая душа, повторяю, около Церкви почувствовала себя уютно, почувствовала себя дома, почувствовала тот свет и тепло, которые православная вера и Церковь вокруг себя распространяют. И вот когда молодая душа это почувствует, повторяю, она наша, потому что вкусивший сладкого горького не захочет.


* * *

                                                        ОТЕЦ ФИЛАРЕТ

                                                                                              Ольга Корчагина,

                                                            Я не пишу Вам о владыке, Владыку мало знала я.

                                                            Воспоминанье посвящаю- мой добрый пастырь для тебя.

                                                            Я помню, как ещё ребёнком с тобою нас свела судьба,

                                                            Как с воспитательницей всместе в «Славянский Храм» к  вечерне шла.

                                                        Под праздник Рождества Пречистой  вступила в храм нога моя.

                                                        Иконостас был белый- белый!!!  И церковь крохотной  была.

                                                        Большая чудная икона стояла с правой стороны

                                                        Пречистой лик был очень скорбный, глаза  небесной доброты.

                                                            Три капли крови по ланитам рубинками стекали вниз.

                                                            Икону «Иверская» звали, «Вратарницею» для земных.

                                                            Из алтаря с кадилом вышел и замерла  душа моя,

                                                            Ты мне «сердитым» показался, смотрели в даль твои глаза.

                                                                      Похоже был ты с нами рядом и в тоже время далеко

                                                                      Ты погружен  был так в молитве, вокруг не видел никого.

                                                                      А твою проповедь возможно? Мне не забыть её навек!!

                                                                      И имя я твоё узнала- Архимандрит был Филарет.

                                                            То было первое знакомство, потом к тебе тянулась я.

                                                            Любил ты молодежь и паству,  и  сохранял её от зла.

                                                            Ты был всегда для всех доступным, к тебе с любым вопросом шла,

                                                            И в голову не приходило, что мог ты осудить меня!

                                                                      Тебя я называю «добрым», но не для «красного словца»,

                                                                      Ты сам имел совсем немного, но  щедрая  была рука.

                                                                      Других всегда  считал беднее,  пытался что то детям дать

                                                                      Не пожалел зимой  ты шубу,  и сняв с плеча её отдать!

                                                            Заочно отпевал ты «Бабу» чтоб горсть земли мне в руки дать,

                                                            «Послать, приклеить на бумагу,  в могилу надо  закопать».

                                                            Так врезалося   ещё  мне в память надгробный плачь моих друзей,

                                                            Ушел от нас наш одноклаcсник, покинул грешный мир он сей.

                                                         Великий Пост невольно вспомню, какие слышались слова.        

                                                        Я раньше их не замечала,   все чем то занята была.

                                                        А тут хотелось свою душу проснувшуся  орошить

                                                        И слёзы – слезы покаянья хотелось с радостью пролить.

                                                            А на Заутрени бывало, как запоют «Христос Воскрес»!

                                                            И двери бысто отворялись «Воистину Христос Воскрес»!

                                                            Как будто что то неземное врывалось с пеньем в храм земной

                                                            Такую радость, ликованье  не помню в церкви ни одной!

                                                                      И все и вся преоброжались, cпешили  радость передать

                                                                      И все на свете забывали и горести все уходили вспять.

                                                                      Всё это ты, мой добрый пастырь,  ты отдавал себя сполна

                                                                      Передовалась твоя вера в Воистину Воскресшего Христа.           

                                                            Я помню день печальный, скорбный, пожар был , Бог им всем судья.

                                                            Кто в Харбине был, все собрались и  с плачем ждали все тебя.

                                                            Ты вышел  к нам такой веселый, светились радостью глаза.

                                                            Всем говорил: «Я имянниник! Спасибо, помните меня!»

                                                                    Вся борода твоя сгорела, лицо - волдырь на правой был щеке

                                                                    И руки  все  покрыты  были сгоревшей кожей как в чехле.

                                                                    Но почему   мне особо  запомнились  твои  глаза.

                                                                    Из них светилось  «что то свыше», не понимала я тогда.

                                                          Не понимала что не просто с тобою нас  свела судьба.

                                                          Все разговоры, наставленья  храню я  в сердце у себя.

                                                          Ты был наставник  и учитель, я недостойная была

                                                          И, еслиб все вернуть обратно, другою б жизнь моя  была.

                                                                    Но возврвтить всё невозможно. Всевышняго благодарю,

                                                                    Что  Он  послал мне утешенье  и крепось  крест нести  земной .

                                                                    Мой добрый пастырь, у  Престола молитву   Богу сотвори

                                                                    И испроси ты у Пречистой мне даровать покой  души.

                                                                                  Sydney, Australia

* * *


Слово на прославление Святителя Филарета (Вознесенского) и Отцов-Исповедников Катакомбной Церкви

    Дорогие о Господе отцы, братия и сестры!

    Ныне в Церкви Христовой большой праздник, нам надлежит прославить в лике святых Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви Святителя Филарета (Вознесенского) и Отцов-Исповедников Катакомбной Церкви. Мы долго ждали этого дня, готовились к нему, собирали материалы о жизни и подвигах прославляемых святых, составляли им службы, писали их иконы, обсуждали, как и когда будет прославление, в какие дни установить их память. Все это время наши души предощущали радость прославления и трепетали перед этим великим деянием. Ожидание этого дня было очень долгим, еще Владыка Лазарь, лично общавшийся со многими Катакомбными Исповедниками при их жизни, мечтал о прославлении этих святых пастырей. И вот, милостию Божией, долгожданный день приблизился. Он никогда не сотрется из нашей памяти и войдет в историю Русской Истинно-Православной Церкви, как вошел в историю день прославления Новомучеников и Исповедников Российских.

    Прославление Новомучеников и Исповедников Церкви Российской состоялось в тот же день 27 лет назад. Тогда во главе Зарубежной Церкви стоял Митрополит Филарет, и прославление Новомучеников было именно его заслугой. Прошли годы, и вот Святая Церковь прославляет самого Владыку Филарета, потому что он, радевший о прославлении святых, сам после преставления вчинился в лике Святителей и вместе с ними восхваляет Господа.

    Знаменательно и то, что в этот же день мы прославляем Отцов-Исповедников Катакомбной Церкви, ибо они были близки Новомученикам и Исповедникам, прославленным 27 лет назад, и Святителю Филарету, прославляемому ныне. Именно при Святителе Филарете было установлено сообщение Катакомбной Церкви с Зарубежной, именно при нем в России была восстановлена церковная иерархия, именно имя Митрополита Филарета возносилось за богослужением во многих катакомбных общинах. Можно сказать, что Владыка Филарет был уже Первоиерархом не только Зарубежной Церкви, но и всей Истинной Православной Русской Церкви.

    Удивительно много сделал этот человек за свои 20 лет управления Церковью. Перечитываешь его житие, думаешь о нем, и сердце наполняется горячей благодарностью к Святителю. Невозможно представить Церковь без того, что сделал для Нее Владыка Филарет: без прославления Ксении Петербургской, Иоанна Кронштадтского, Царственных Мучеников и Собора Новомучеников и Исповедников Российских, без рукоположения Владыки Лазаря для возглавления и управления Катакомбной Церковью в России, без определения экуменизма как ереси и отказа участвовать в этом движении… Как нам благодарить за всё святого Архипастыря?

    Не меньшую благодарность мы испытываем и к Отцам-Исповедникам Катакомбной Церкви. Не перечесть их труды, перенесенные ими испытания, скорби и гонения. Эти люди так горели любовью ко Христу и к своей пастве и заботились о ее спасении, что, рискуя жизнью, лишая себя всех земных благ, да и просто нормальных условий существования, несли свое пастырское служение. Они истинно исполнили слова Спасителя о том, что следует оставить всё, взять Крест и следовать за Ним. Так они и делали, забывая себя и не заботясь о себе, но всецело пребывая в Боге и живя попечением о своей пастве. Что было бы с нами, если бы не они? Что стало бы с Истинной Церковью?

    В Евангелии сказано: за всё благодарите. Поэтому, всегда первое наше чувство непреходящей благодарности направлено к Богу, и оно отражается в нас блаженным и спасительным состоянием души. Но сегодня мы говорим не о Самом Господе, а о Его угодниках: Святителе Филарете и Отцах Исповедниках – и наши души переполняются благодарностью к ним, такой благодарностью, которая никогда не иссякнет. О чем же это говорит, если не о богоподобии вспоминаемых ныне подвижников, не об их святости? Говорит это и об их близости к нам, о том, что они давно молят за нас Господа, предстоя пред Ним на Небесах, и только мы до нынешнего торжества не обращались к ним в церковной молитве.

    Ныне же от всего сердца воззовем к нашим новым заступникам и молитвенникам: Святителю отче Филарете, Святии Отцы-Исповедницы Церкви Катакомбныя, молите Бога о нас!


            + Архиепископ Тихон Омский и Сибирский

            Председатель Архиерейского Синода Русской Истинно-Православной Церкви

                13/26 октября 2008 г.

                Свв. Отцев VII Вселенского Собора,

                Иверской Иконы Божией Матери



Prayer to St. Philaret

O our Saintly father Philaret, God chosen confessor of recent times, true Orthodox hierarch, guide, upholder and dependable intercessor before God for all true Orthodox faithful, standing and praying for them before God’s altar: implore our ever benevolent God to forgive us our sins and wash them away through our repentance. Through your prayers, save us from calumny of the godless and endow us with a fear of God, so that we may remain faithful children of Christ’s True Church to the end. Strengthen us in the confession of our Faith, so that we will not be frightened of persecution or suffering, and should we suffer for our Orthodox Faith, grant us strength not to reject Christ and not to accept the mark of the accursed antichrist.

In not hiding your labours and enduring extreme conditions for the sake of True Orthodoxy, we extol and propagate your good works:

Glorifying the Royal Martyrs and the new Russian Confessors of Orthodoxy; for giving all true Orthodox Christians a true Apostolic succession; for anathematizing ecumenism that is the heresy of all heresies, and maintaining the rightness of authority through the unwavering truth of Christ’s words.

We lay before you our prayer for your help, blessing and intercession, and at all times beseech your prayers for us.

Do not cease to utter prayers to the Lover of Man God for the small flock of true Orthodox Christians, and may He grant peace to his Church, and may He deliver Her from heresies and schisms. May He also deliver us from the darkness of sin and lusts, from the clandestine snares of the sly antichrist, and may we remain steadfast unto death in confessing our holy Orthodoxy, so that in the end we may without condemnation receive Communion of the Lord’s Holy Flesh and Blood from true clergy. And at the close of our lives, may we secure mercy and clemency from the Lord, Who created us and gave us life and made us what we are, and to Whom is due every glory, praise, honour and adoration, with the eternal Father and Holy Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages.



O Hierarch of Christ Philaret, with contrition of heart we glorify thee and entreat thee. Having boldness before the Holy Trinity, One in essence and undivided, intercede that the Russian Church not be divided: that the Lord keep it from being cut asunder, as St. Mark of Ephesus plead; may He save it from ruptures in its body, as prayed the Hierarch Philaret of Moscow; and may He preserve also the lot of thine episcopate, the Russian diaspora, scattered among the nations, instructing them in the Orthodox Faith, bearing unfeigned witness to the truth, confessing the faith of the holy fathers, preserving the language of Saints Methodius and Cyril in the order of the divine services, and celebrating the feasts of the Church of Christ as of old.

Through thy prayers, may the Lord grant the wisdom of serpents and the purity of doves to His hierarchs, apostolic love and prophetic zeal, the patience and sympathy and total forgiveness of Christ. That He confirm the pastors in care for their spiritual children, teaching them to flee the attractions of this fallen world, that He enrich their knowledge with the glad tidings of the Gospel, keep their hands impartial to filthy lucre, direct their feet to preaching the Gospel of peace, preserve their hearts in purity. That He grant monastics the spirit of obedience, chastity, self-restraint, observing the monastic rules, confirmed in nonpossessiveness. And to the people of God, the infants, young boys and girls, men and women and the aged may He grant health of soul and body, the spirit of faith, the spirit of love, the spirit of loyalty to their Orthodox faith. And for all of us to acquire blessedness and inherit the heavenly Kingdom. Amen.


    Tone III

The Hierarchs of Christ today stand in the assembly of the Saints * and with the angelic choirs pray to God for us; * together with them also the Hierarch of the Lord Philaret * a canon of faith and icon of meekness * who appeared to his flock as a teacher of continence * having acquired by humility things lofty and by poverty riches * he intercedeth for our souls.

    Tone IV

Graced with an apostolic mind * enthroned with the Hierarchs of the Russian Church * divinely wise cultivator of the Russian diaspora * confessor of the love of Christ * zealot of Orthodoxy * Holy Father Philaret our Hierarch * entreat Christ our God * to establish spiritual unity in the Church of our Fathers * and to save our souls.

    Hymn to St. Philaret

folk hymn, tone 3

0 Holy Confessor, Philaret,
Intercessor for the remnant,
Thy holy relics were revealed to us on St. Michael's day,
Confounding the enemy,
And strengthening us for the trials to come,
Thou art a sure guide on the Royal Path,
0 Blessed leadership!
0 steadfast truth-lover,
Pray to God for us.


К прославлению Освященным Собором РИПЦ Святителя Филарета (Вознесенского) и Отцев-Исповедников Церкви Катакомбной

Протодиакон Герман Иванов-Тринадцатый, г. Лион, Франция

Всякое прославление угодника Божия есть торжество всей Церкви Христовой. Освященный Собор Русской Истинно-Православной Церкви приступил к торжественному прославлению Блаженнейшего Митрополита Филарета, третьего Первоиерарха Русской Зарубежной Церкви, и собора сорока девяти Исповедников-Катакомбников, подвизавшихся в России в годы жуткого владычества советской власти при её спутнице Московской патриархии. Для нас, проживающих Заграницей, имя Митрополита Филарета естественно ближе к уму и сердцу и особо дорого, так как многие из нас имели счастье общаться с этим великим Святителем, выслушивать его всегда глубокие поучения, получать наставления, также как для наших гонимых в России братьев подвижники-катакомбники могут быть ближе к их уму и сердцу, поскольку могли видеть их духовные подвиги. На этом наглядном примере можно наблюдать два пути исповедания и спасения – один За Рубежом, другой в России. Два параллельных пути, в полной симфонии ведущих в одно направление. К намечаемому прославлению нами было послано от имени Западно-Европейской Епархии следующие слова, которые были помещены в Докладе к Освященному Собору:

«Никто из нас не может сомневаться относительно святости Митрополита Филарета, хотя бы потому, что его святость указана нам свыше Самим Господом знамением нетления честных его мощей. Как жаль, что прославление не будет совершено перед его честным телом, ныне замурованным нечестивыми руками. Бог им судья ! Святителю отче Филарете, моли Бога о нас! Имена и житие Исповедников-Катакомбников нам, естественно, менее знакомы. Но и тут прославление вполне закономерно. Исповедничество есть, как бы, преддверие мученичества. Исповедник исповедует Христа, мученик — проливает кровь за Христа. Ровно 27 лет назад Русская Зарубежная Церковь совершила чисто профетический акт, прославив святых Новомучеников Российских. А Исповедники-Катакомбники являются ни кем иным, как прямым плодом подвига святых Мучеников, их родными братьями и детьми, по их примеру не принявшими большевицкой революции и её служанки — Московской патриархии. Они есть те же «цвети российскаго луга духовнаго». Кровь свою за Христа не проливали, но готовы были пролить, если бы судьба того потребовала. Мы имели возможность в день престольного праздника Леснинского монастыря лицезреть их Икону и ждём, когда сможем перед ней молиться. Святии Исповедницы-Катакомбницы, молите Бога о нас!»

        Протодиакон Герман Иванов-Тринадцатый,

        г. Лион, Франция



В 1983 г. Собор РПЦЗ осудил экуменическое движение в форме церковной анафемы. Текст с разбивкой по стихам.

1 Нападающим на Церковь Христову и учащим, яко она разделися на ветви, яже разнятся своим учением и жизнью,

2 и утверждающим Церковь не сущу видимо быти, но от ветвей, расколов и иноверий соединитися имать во едино тело;

3 и тем, иже не различают истинного священства и таинств Церкве от еретических,

4 но учат, яко крещение и евхаристия еретиков довлеют для спасения;

5 и тем, иже имут общение с сими еретики или пособствуют им, или защищают их новую ересь икуменизма,

6 мняще ю братскую любовь и единение разрозненных христиан быти – анафема.



Архиепископ НАФАНАИЛ (Львов)

   В старинных русских житиях и летописях часто говорится о тех, о ком повествует житиеописатель: «Бе он добраго корене добрая отрасль». Эти слова хочется применить к нашему Первосвятителю, митрополиту Филарету.

Его отец, протоиерей о. Николай Вознесенский, принявший впоследствии монашество и ставший архиепископом Хайларским, был одним из лучших, если не лучшим из всех священнослужителей богатой добрыми пастырями дальневосточной Маньчжурской епархии.

Окончивший Московскую Духовную Академию, отец Николай поражал глубиной и всесторонностью своих обширных богословских и научных знаний. Им были составлены лучшие учебники Закона Божия, по которым училась русская молодежь всего Дальнего Востока. А надо сказать, что на Дальнем Востоке Закон Божий проходился не уменьшено, а умножено, сравнительно с тем, как проходился он в старой дореволюционной России.

В Харбин отец Николай Вознесенский переехал из пограничного с Маньчжурией города Благовещенска, как только в Приамурье власть перешла к большевикам. В Харбине о. Николай стал настоятелем большой благолепной Иверской церкви, которая в дореволюционное время была церковью Заамурского военного округа.

Если еще не в Благовещенске, то вскоре по приезде в Харбин отец Николай лишился своей горячо им любимой супруги и всецело взял на себя воспитание своей семьи - двух сыновей и трех дочерей.

От семьи отца Николая веяло просветленным, чисто православным, глубоко церковным духом. Пишущий эти строки был дружен со всей этой семьей. Какими многогранными интересами жили все в этой семье! На какие разнообразные и глубокие темы велись там разговоры за чайным столом в уютном настоятельском доме при Иверской церкви!

В этой-то благодатной атмосфере и рос сначала мальчик Юра, потом студент Георгий Николаевич Вознесенский, ставший уже в молодые годы отцом Георгием и скоро после того отцом Филаретом, а ныне являющийся нашим Первосвятителем, Высокопреосвященным митрополитом Филаретом.

Харбин был исключительным явлением в то время. Построенный русскими на китайской территории, он оставался типичным русским провинциальным городом в течение еще 25 лет после революции. В Харбине было 26 православных церквей, из них 22 настоящих храма, целая сеть средне-учебных школ и 6 Высших учебных заведений. Милостью Божией Харбин на четверть века продолжил нормальную дореволюционную русскую жизнь.

Даже признание Китаем советского правительства в 1924 году и передача в советские руки железной дороги со всеми правами, которыми пользовалось в Маньчжурии царское русское правительство, появление в Харбине эмиссаров Москвы - все это сравнительно мало, только поверхностно, изменило уклад жизни в Харбине.

Более всего заметно было прекращение материальной поддержки Церкви со стороны железно-дорожной администрации и захват советской властью части высших н средних учебных заведений в Харбине и Маньчжурии.

Много было в Харбине средних и высших учебных заведений. Но одного в Харбине не хватало: не было тут Высшего Духовного учебного заведения.

Был Политехнический институт, был Юридический факультет, Коммерческий институт, институт Восточных языков, Педагогический институт, был одно время Медицинский факультет, закрывшийся из-за недостатка средств для оборудования.

Но Богословского учебного заведения не было. И многим казалось, что в нем нет и нужды, что в Харбине нет молодых людей, желающих стать священнослужителями. Юра Вознесенский был одним из самых первых. С ранних детских лет горячей преданной любовью полюбил он Церковь. От своего отца слышал он такие глубокие, такие вдохновенные, широко научно обоснованные свидетельства о Церкви. Читая со вниманием и любовью творения святых отцов, он в полном смысле этого слова пропитывался ими.

Он любил математику за ее чистую и бесстрастную ясность. Поэтому за неимением Богословской школы он поступил в Политехнический Институт и прекрасно окончил его.

Но жажда богословских знаний оставалась неудовлетворенной.

Отец Николай стал хлопотать для своего сына о возможности богословского обучения вне Харбина. Молодой инженер Г.Н. Вознесенский был принят в Американский Теологический Институт в Висконсин. Прием был обусловлен некоторыми ограничениями и в конце концов Георгию Николаевичу пришлось от этого плана отказаться.

Попробовал этим планом воспользоваться другой молодой кандидат на священный сан, но тоже не смог. А когда несколько лет спустя он с огорчением говорил об этом знаменитому сербскому святителю-проповеднику епископу Николаю Охридскому, то тот сказал ему: «Благодари за это Бога... Я восемь лет отучивался от того, чему научился за два года в Английской богословской школе».

После этой неудачи отец Николай стал хлопотать о создании Духовной школы в Харбине. Как раз в связи с возможностью, предоставленной американцами, открылось, что в Харбине кроме Г. Вознесенского есть и еще молодые люди, желающие готовиться к духовному поприщу.

В конце концов отцу Николаю Вознесенскому удалось создать Пастырско-Богословские Курсы, которые Архиерейским Синодом были сразу признаны, как полноправное духовное Высшее учебное заведение, но Маньчжурское правительство признало их таковыми только несколько лет спустя.

Отец Николай был душой этих курсов. Он был председателем Педагогического совета, лектором по Священному Писанию, по церковной истории, по апологетике. Но и другие профессора и преподаватели Богословских Курсов были ярки и интересны. По большей части это были профессора Казанской Духовной Академии. На Курсах изучалось 15 предметов. Студентов первого выпуска было 14 человек, второго - 11. Почти без исключения все студенты относились к своему учению горячо, усердно и самоотверженно.

Поступив на эти Курсы, Г. Вознесенский сразу же выделился, как лучший ученик. Тогда же принял он сан диакона целибатом, т. е. не женясь и не становясь монахом. Через некоторое время стал он священником в том же положении.

Между тем, живший в Харбине, не входя в состав епархии, но будучи на самостоятельном положении, Преосвященный Нестор, епископ Камчатский, создал в это время так называемый Дом Милосердия - приют для детей-сирот и убежище для престарелых.

При Доме Милосердия была построена благолепная церковь. Явилась нужда в священнослужителях. В 1929 году владыка Нестор постриг в монашество одного из студентов Богословских Курсов, дружного с о. Георгием Вознесенским. Отец Георгий стал приезжать в Дом Милосердия и через некоторое время решился принять монашество, поселившись с уже живущим тут иеромонахом. При пострижении о. Георгий получил имя Филарета. Этим актом было положено начало монашеской общине при Доме Милосердия.

Со своим другом отец Филарет прожил в одной кельи 8 лет, и недавно, вспоминая это время, он говорил инокиням Лесненского монастыря во Франции: «Мы с отцом НН прожили восемь лет в одной кельи и ни разу не поссорились».

Оба молодых монаха ежедневно по очереди совершали богослужения в церкви, вычитывали богослужебные молитвенные правила, читали святых отцов. Однако, о специально монашеских богослужениях, как полунощница и повечерие, они не имели надлежащего представления.

Но в 1930 году из Приморья бежали два насельника Свято-Троицкого, т.н. Шмаковского монастыря, этой священной лавры Дальнего Востока, созданной в самом конце XIX века великими духоносными подвижниками отцами Сергием и Германом. Монастырь находился на полу-пути между Хабаровском и Владивостоком, в 20 километрах от железнодорожной станции Шмаковка. Так как основатели монастыря были пострижениками Валаама, то и в основанном ими монастыре был введен Валаамский устав.

В этой обители было обширное хозяйство, были мастерские, швальная, сапожная, слесарная, столярная, кузнечная. Была типография и переплетная. Своими книгами монастырь просвещал весь русский Дальний Восток. Была тут пасека, скотный двор с особым отделением для разведения оленей на панты. Были оранжереи и питомники, в которых под руководством игумена Сергия, окончившего Высший Агрономический Институт, монахи акклиматизировали для Дальнего Востока всевозможные овощные и плодовые растения России. Был свечной завод, была школа. Монахов и послушников было до 300 человек. Монастырь владел 3753 десятинами земли, по большей части глухой девственной приморской полутропической тайги.

А самое главное, тут была высокая подвижническая духовная жизнь, к которой, как к яркому светочу, тянулись православные души, желающие «жития постнического» со всего Дальнего Востока. Среди братии были не только русские, но и православные китайцы, корейцы и несколько японцев.

Все это дело было в корне разрушено коммунистами в 1926 году. Монастырь был закрыт, монахи разогнаны, хозяйственные предприятия захвачены и коллективизированы. Но через два года уже от них ничего не осталось: олени вымерли, акклиматизированные питомники выродились.

Овдовевший за несколько лет до этого священник отец Василий Быстров (покойный архимандрит Ново-Коренной пустыни в Магопаке, отец Иннокентий) и послушник брат Андрей, жившие в Шмаковском монастыре, через четыре года после его закрытия бежали в Маньчжурию к епископу Нестору, которого они знали по частым приездам владыки в Шмаковский монастырь.

Отец Василий и брат Андрей, вскоре постриженный в монашество с именем Климента, поселились в комнате рядом с комнатой о. Филарета и другого иеромонаха. Отец Василий и о. Климент ввели в умножившуюся таким образом иноческую общину Дома Милосердия монастырский устав, созданный по образцу Шмаковского, т. е. Валаамского устава.

Монахи вставали в 4 ч. 30 мин. утра. В 5 часов читали полунощницу. Потом была Литургия, которую служили по очереди. В понедельник и вторник служил о. Филарет. В среду и четверг - его друг, в пятницу и субботу - о. Василий Быстров. По воскресеньям служил епископ Нестор со всем духовенством Дома Милосердия.

Вечером, после ужина монахи совершали повечерие. На повечерии читался канон, на каноне акафист. Духовное усердие заставляло этих монахов изыскивать: какое еще молитвенное чинопоследование можно было бы еще включить в совершаемое.

После повечерия и до конца полунощницы совершенно запрещались всякие разговоры.

Духовное горение всегда заразительно. К молодым монахам Дома Милосердия стали присоединяться любящие Церковь юноши, втягивавшиеся в монастырскую жизнь. Некоторые из них принимали монашество. К середине 30-х годов в иноческой общине Дома Милосердия было уже 9 монахов.

Из них отметим близкого друга о. Филарета иеромонаха о. Мефодия (в мире Кирилла) Иогель, ставшего впоследствии выдающимся проповедником и очень рано умершего. Отметим о. Нила, в мире К. Носова, самоотверженного юношу, в 1934-35 гг. тайно ходившего в Россию с антикоммунистическими заданиями от харбинских патриотических организаций. Он тоже очень рано умер, простудившись и получив туберкулез из-за того, что ему пришлось просидеть в холодной воде реки Амур в октябре месяце, возвращаясь из своего посещения России. Отметим еще православного китайца отца Илью, организовавшего при Доме Милосердия свечной завод.

В 1932 году о. Филарет вместе со скаутами харбинской дружины пошел пешком за 107 километров на станцию Маоэршань, где должен был быть устроен летний лагерь.

Это расстояние было пройдено дружиной в три дня. В первый день было пройдено 40 километров, во второй - 35 и в третий предполагалось пройти 28 километров, так как из-за разницы верст и километров, скаутам было ошибочно указано, что от Харбина до Маоэршаня 103 километра, а не 107.

И эти-то последние лишние 4 километра показались шедшим юношам и детям особенно тяжелыми. Стояла жаркая сухая летняя погода.

Ни реки, ни источника по дороге давно уже не было. Вода во фляжках была вся выпита. Жажда мучила нестерпимо. Вдруг блеснула лужица - небольшое болотце.

- Отец Филарет, - раздались детские голоса, - благословите воду, мы тогда напьемся из лужи, и нам ничего не будет.

Отец Филарет прочитал «Отче наш» и благословил «питие рабом Божиим».

Скауты бросились к воде.

- Отец Филарет, а я головастика проглотил, - закричал какой-то мальчуган.

- Ничего, вода эта благословенная. «Аще и что смертное испиют, не вредит им» сказано в Писании, - глубокомысленно разъяснил скаут Семен, один из постоянных посетителей монастырских служб Дома Милосердия.

Когда же на последних «добавочных» километрах пред станцией Маоэршань дети совершенно изнемогли, присаживались и не хотели вставать, вдруг раздалось сначала приглушенное пение соло отца Филарета: «Воду прошед яко сушу, и египетского зла избежав...». Священные слова были тотчас же подхвачены детьми, из которых почти половина пела в церковных хорах. Искорка бодрости пробежала по усталым детским лицам. Они подтянулись и с пением святых ирмосов подошли к станции Маоэршань, где были встречены другой трудовой командой, приехавшей поездом.

В лагере о. Филарет и его друг с помощью скаутов построили сплетенную из ветвей походную церковь, в которой ежедневно совершали монашеские службы полунощницы и повечерия, по субботам всенощную, а по воскресеньям св. Литургии.

Ходили они со скаутами и в дальние походы. Особенно интересен был поход на гору Маоэршань, когда они посетили старинный китайский буддийский монастырь и нашли пещеру, в которой обнаружили запечатлевшиеся в глине следы древнего саблезубого тигра - махайродуса.

Кроме скаутского лагеря о. Филарет духовно обслуживал и аналогичный лагерь другой молодежной организации, соперничавшей со скаутской.

Недалеко от скаутского лагеря находился большой малиновый сад, принадлежавший китайскому купцу, приглашавшему в свой сад скаутов и пускавший их туда за 10 центов с человека. Дети могли при этом есть сколько угодно малины на месте, но не имели права уносить с собой.

Однажды с детьми в малиновый сад пошел и отец Филарет. Перед тем, как начать есть малину, о. Филарет перекрестился. Ребята последовали его примеру, и один из карапузов волчат заявил: «Вот как хорошо, что с нами батюшки, а то мы раньше лопали малину и не крестились».

Видя, как некоторые дети жадно набрасываются на малину и начинают ссориться из-за нее, о. Филарет сказал:

- Мы сейчас безудержно наслаждаемся вкусными ягодами, а ведь древние святые отцы не так к этому относились. Одному святому отцу-пустыннику почитатели принесли в подарок большую кисть спелого сладкого винограда. Святой отец поблагодарил принесших, но не стал сам есть, а послал этот виноград соседнему отшельнику. Тот сделал то же самое. И все святые отцы пустыни поступали так же. В конце концов виноградная кисть вернулась к первому пустыннику, и он возрадовался тому, что все отшельники этой пустыни оказались такими воздержными.

- А что сталось с этой виноградной кистью? - спросил один скаут.

- Не знаю, но думаю, что первый отшельник выдавил из нее сок, и на этом соке, ставшем вином, отслужил обедню, - сказал о. Филарет.

- Что же, это значит, что нам нельзя есть малину? - разочарованно спросил другой мальчуган.

- Нет, дети, ешьте малину на здоровье. Но не отдавайтесь этому делу всей душой. Не порабощайтесь ни малине, и никакой другой еде. Ешьте ртом и желудком, а душу этому не уступайте. Я рассказал вам о древних пустынниках, великих богатырях духа, не для того, чтобы вам испортить аппетит к малине, а для того, чтобы напомнить вам, что нашими наставниками, образцами для жизни являются не те, кто порабощается телесными инстинктами, а те, кто умели владеть ими, те, кто не прикоснулись к вкусному винограду, хотя, конечно, хотели его съесть не меньше, чем мы малину, но умели подчинять свои хотения стремлению к подвигу и заботе о ближнем. Вот чему мы должны от них научиться».


В значительной степени под воздействием отца Филарета в общине Дома Милосердия основным чтением были творения святых отцов. Этими святыми наставлениями и светлыми образами молодые монахи стремились напитать свои души.

Большое впечатление на всех иночествующих Дома Милосердия производило указание святых отцов быть как можно более деликатными в отношении друг к другу. Рассказывается, как один из древних иноков сидел иногда, развалясь и положив ногу на ногу, что не соответствовало иноческой чинности. Не желая обидеть собрата замечанием ему, но в то же время желая исправить это, два святых старца сговорились между собою, что один из них в присутствии их собрата сядет развалясь и положив ногу на ногу, а другой старец обличит его. Так они и сделали, и первый монах исправился от своей не соответственной монашескому облику привычки.

Через пару лет после установления общины Дома Милосердия один из монахов ее стал как-то читать светскую книгу. Уже упомянутый нами брат Семен увидел это и смутился. Но помня святоотеческий завет о деликатности, он долго ходил вокруг читающего монаха и наконец спросил:

- Отец Н., вы что читаете?

- Маугли, Киплинга.

- Вот и я, раньше, чем стал ходить к вам в обитель, читал бесполезные книги.


Не все юноши, регулярно посещавшие обитель Дома Милосердия, становились монахами, но все тесно привязывались к Церкви.

В середине тридцатых годов советское правительство продало Японии Китайскую Восточную железную дорогу. Десятки тысяч русских людей, служивших на железной дороге, были уволены со службы и должны были выбирать: уезжать в СССР или оставаться без работы в Маньчжурии. Среди оставшихся было много молодежи, воспитанной в советских школах, где им прививали отталкивание от Церкви и убеждение, что религия несовместима с наукой и является признаком отсталости.

Среди этого юношества молодые иноки Дома Милосердия развернули разнообразную работу, пользуясь самыми простыми приемами.

Отец Филарет всегда очень любил рыбную ловлю. Рыбная ловля в Маньчжурии очень богата. В дни, свободные от богослужений и иных обязанностей, о. Филарет и другие молодые монахи, при поездках на рыбалку, приглашали бывших советских юношей, и часто за вечерним костром у живописных берегов реки Сунгари или у заречных небольших озерков, после задушевных разговоров раскрывались у молодых людей их духовные очи на основные предметы веры.

Однажды трое таких, еще недавно советских, юношей пришли к вечерне, которую совершали о. Филарет и его друг. После службы все впятером должны были ехать с ночевкой на рыбную ловлю. Но неожиданно кто-то из прихожан заказал после вечерни панихиду. Пришедшим юношам надо было еще ждать.

- Почитайте что-нибудь тут, - сказали им монахи.

- Да что тут читать, тут все только божественное, неинтересное, - вяло запротестовали юноши.

Отец Филарет раскрыл Деяния Апостолов на 27 и 28 главах и дал им читать, пока шла панихида. Через двадцать минут, окончив богослужение, монахи пришли к юношам.

- Ну вот, мы готовы, поехали на рыбалку.

- Подождите, мы дочитаем, это и правда интересно. Так никогда раньше не видевшие Священного Писания юноши познакомились с ним.


Кроме ежедневных богослужений монахи Дома Милосердия несли послушания по преподаванию Закона Божия в детском приюте и в различных средне-учебных школах Харбина. В женской Аксаковской гимназии ученицы говорили впоследствии: «Из всех уроков по Закону Божию за эти годы мы помним только уроки отца Филарета».

Став монахом и поселившись в Доме Милосердия, отец Филарет продолжал сохранять тесную связь со своим отцом, протоиереем Н. Вознесенским, который тоже вскоре принял монашество с именем Димитрия и стал епископом (впоследствии архиепископом) Хайларским.

Несмотря на то, что Дом Милосердия и Иверская церковь, при которой жил епископ Димитрий, находились на разных концах города, отец Филарет часто ездил к отцу. Однажды, возвращаясь от владыки Димитрия, о. Филарет встретил нищего, просящего помощи ради Христа. У о. Филарета было с собой только 10 центов - цена билета от Иверской церкви до Дома Милосердия.

Тем не менее, он подал эти 10 центов нищему, а сам пошел пешком, расстояние километров в 5-6 - полтора часа ходьбы скорым шагом. По дороге отец Филарет размышлял о том, что вот ведь говорится, что если дашь ради Христа, то тебе это сторицей возместится, а между тем в жизни-то так не бывает.

Придя в Дом Милосердия, он вспомнил, что на этот день назначена свадьба двух его духовных чад, которую он должен венчать. Деньги за требы в Доме Милосердия собирались в общую кружку, откуда потом распределялись частью на содержание приюта и старческого дома, частью - священнослужителям.

Но в этом случае новобрачные, внесши соответствующую сумму в кружку, принесли 10 долларов отцу Филарету, говоря:

- Батюшка милый, пожалуйста, возьмите эти десять долларов лично вам, от нашей большой к вам любви.

Таким образом, о. Филарет через несколько часов после того, как он отдал 10 центов нищему во имя Христово, получил ровно во сто крат. Придя к своим друзьям-инокам, он с грустью сказал:

- За сегодняшнее доброе дело я ничего не получу в Царстве Небесном, так как полностью получил в веке сем.


Еще жив был в те времена митрополит Антоний. Молодые иноки общины Дома Милосердия безгранично почитали и любили великого старца-святителя, отца и учителя Церкви. Его творения, особенно «Исповедь», «Пастырское богословие», «Словарь к творениям Достоевского» были любимым чтением этих молодых монахов. На творениях митрополита Антония они вырастали, ими пропитывались, созревая духовно, образы из этих творений они всегда имели перед собой.

И несмотря на более чем 10.000-километровое расстояние, митрополит сумел найти этих своих преданных почитателей, Отец Филарет и один из его друзей написали митрополиту Антонию. И обремененный великими трудами, тягчайшими заботами по возглавлению нашей многострадальческой изгнаннической Церкви, старец митрополит Антоний нашел минуты для того, чтобы ответить этим двум молодым, казавшимся тогда совсем незначительным монахам.

Вскоре после того одному из иноков Дома Милосердия (им был автор этого сборника - прим. ред.) привелось сопровождать владыку Нестора в его поездке на Архиерейский Собор в Югославию, и видеть там митрополита Антония.

С сердечной отеческой любовью встретил митрополит Антоний молодого монаха и заботливо ласково расспрашивал его поименно о каждом из иноков общины, в особенности же старательно расспрашивал он об отце Филарете, которого выделил из числа прочих и особенно горячо полюбил. Может быть, уже тогда, в 1933 году, своим благодатным духом прозорливо предугадывал великий святитель, что тот светоч, который он возжег на чужбине, перейдет в руки именно этого тогда совсем молодого священноинока.

В одном эпизоде это сказалось особенно ясно. Незадолго до отъезда из Югославии, сидя за столом с митрополитом Антонием, монах из Маньчжурии обратился к Первосвятителю с просьбой дать ему фотографию с надписью на память. Владыка Антоний охотно согласился. Келейник владыки о. архимандрит Феодосии принес фотографию и владыка сел писать.

Маньчжурский монах посмотрел через плечо владыки и обмер. Владыка писал: «Дорогому и любимому отцу иеромонаху Филарету с сердечной любовью, митрополит Антоний». Несмотря на то, что другой молодой иеромонах стоял тут рядом, всего в полуметре от него, мысль и сердце владыки Антония направлялись к тому, кого узнал и выделил он, никогда не видя, на расстоянии в десяток тысяч верст.

Только огорченный вздох отца Н. отвлек владыку Антония от этого писания. Он поднял голову, ласково посмотрел на стоявшего над ним отца Н. и сказал:

- Ах, да ведь это тебе надо дать фотографию, - и взяв другой экземпляр, сделал на нем аналогичную надпись.

Так, за тысячи верст протянулась нить связи между двумя благодатными возглавителями нашей святой Зарубежной Церкви, между великим святителем митрополитом Антонием и нашим теперешним (третьим - ред.) Первосвятителем, благостным, кротким и духоносным владыкой митрополитом Филаретом.

Из сборника «Беседы о Священном Писании и о вере», т. IV, издание
Комитета русской православной молодежи, Нью-Йорк 1995



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Протоиерей Алексий Микриков


    Архимандрита Филарета (Вознесенского), впоследствии первоиерарха РПЦЗ, после Второй Мировой войны заставили перейти, со всей Дальневосточной епархией, в состав МП, поскольку советские войска оккупировали тогда Китай и установили советскую власть. Эта власть сразу же прозвала всех русских эмигрантов врагами народа и за полгода арестовала 50 тысяч - молодых и пожилых. Всех этих харбинцев вывезли в СССР. После станции Атпор 14000 из них расстреляли, а остальных отправили а концлагеря, где морили их голодом, как описывается в книге «О. Арсений». Разумеется, они все погибли в концлагере. (Среди убитых были люди, как К. Родзаевский со своими фашистами, и люди из Осано, военного ведомства, служившие японцам).

    Каждый третий молодой человек в Харбине был взят советскими властями, увезен в СССР и уничтожен в концлагере. Их погубила советская тоталитарная власть за православие, за непризнание сергианскои ереси, которая учит по совести повиноваться богоборцам. Вообще же, советская власть убила около 70-ти миллионов православных людей, уничтожила более 30-ти тысяч храмов, отняла землю и собственность, устроила геноцид русского православного народа, внесла социальную вражду, хулила Бога и вырвала веру в Бога у людей страхом и террором. Кто мог такую власть слушаться по совести и сотрудничать с ней?

    Оставшихся русских людей в Харбине заставили принять советское гражданство. Однако это отказался сделать о. Филарет. И когда он служил Божественную Литургию, то никогда не поминал советскую власть. Говорил же он громовые проповеди о правде и лжи, после каждой из которых нам казалось, что это его последний день жизни. Служил он открыто панихиды по убиенному Царю Николаю Второму и всей Августейшей Семье, и говорил в проповеди, как о главном, что Царь Великомученик Николай имел мышление Христово, а потому не имел промытых мозгов, не имел пагубного антихристова духа, который охватил всю Россию. Также он устроил молодежный кружок, на собрании которого объяснял учение Христово.


    С 1904 года до 1945 г. в Маньчжурии были японцы, оккупировавшие её. Они старались во что бы то ни стало удержать эту китайскую провинцию в своих руках, так как она давала громадные материальные средства Японии и выводила её на материк, что делало её сильной в международном военно-политическом отношении.

    Но японцам мешали русские эмигранты, имевшие особый неазиатский менталитет. В целях использования русских молодых людей в военном деле японцы попытались сначала уничтожить социально-религиозный менталитет нашей эмиграции. Для этого они поставили идола богини Аматересу напротив Свято-Николаевского Собора, чтобы русские люди, идя на богослужение, делали сначала поклон и сторону идола, а потом уже шли молиться Христу Богу.

    Митрополит Мелетий немедленно отреагировал: он обнародовал послание, в котором объяснил недопустимость совершения поклонов идолу. Тогда японцы стали обвинять митрополита Мелетия и духовенство в том. что они противодействуют их власти.

    Особенно решительно возражал японцам архимандрит Филарет. Японцы схватили его и стали мучить, Они разорвали ему щеку и почти вывернули глаз, но он выдержал мучение. Тогда главный мучитель сказал о. Филарету: „У нас есть разжженый электричеством инструмент, под действием которого все соглашались исполнять наши просьбы, согласишься и ты.” (Так лично мне рассказывал сам о. Филарет).

    Мучитель принес раскаленный инструмент, отец Филарет обратился к святому Николаю Чудотворцу: „Святитель Николай, помоги мне, иначе может произойти предательство”. Настало время мучения. Мучитель обнажил его до пояса и стал жечь спину раскаленным железом. И, - о, чудо! - о. Филарет обонял запах горелого тела, а боли не чувствовал. Радость была у него на душе. Мучитель не понимал, почему он молчит, не кричит, не корчится от нестерпимой боли? Тогда мучитель повернулся и посмотрел на лицо о. Филарета. И когда он увидел его лицо, то, - пораженный, - замахал руками, забормотал по-азиатски и убежал, побежденный нечеловеческой силой терпения. Такие мучения не мог бы выдержать никто без помощи Христа Бога. Но мучения были настолько сильны, что он был близок к смерти. Почти умирающего о. Филарета выдали родственникам. Здесь он обмер. Позже он сказал мне: „Я был в самом аду.”

    Но Бог не дал ему умереть. Раны зажили, только глаз несколько был скривлен. И японцы больше не претендовали на поклоны православных людей идолу. Всё, слышанное мною от о. Филарета я до сих пор не рассказывал; думал, что про это знают все.


    Мы, молодые люди, живя в Китае при советской власти, испытывая её насилие и страх смерти, быстро усвоили её антихристову природу. Поняли, что если Бог её не остановит, то она всех людей духовно сломает, зомбирует и заставит служить мiровому злу. Нам ясно стало, что в декларации 1927 года митрополит Сергий, призвал слушаться советскую власть и сотрудничать с ней по совету плоти и крови, из страха потерять свою жизнь, впадши в прелесть. Если Господь говорил: «...какая польза человеку, если он приобретет весь мир, а душе своей повредит?» (Мк. 8,36), то Сергий старался спасти тела людей, не обращая внимания на вечное повреждение их душам. Именно в этом заключалось языческое понятие добра и зла. В этом заключалось предательство и грандиозный грех, который побоялись взять на себя в Дальневосточной епархии митрополит Мелетий и о. Филарет, а в России - о. Арсений "со многими людьми".

    Но пытаясь спасти тела людей по языческому методу, Сергий обрек треть России на истребление - и тел и душ человеческих, так как через свою декларацию он способствовал, чтобы советская власть официально считала людей её не принявших - политическими преступниками Это ли не величайшее преступление, содеянное высшей церковной властью пред Богом, пред Церковью и людьми?

    Уразумел я, что анафема произнесенная Святым Патриархом Тихоном на советскую безбожную власть и её сотрудников, есть сила Божия, обрекающая эту власть и этих её сотрудников. Не применимы ли к сергианам, совершившим грандиозную ошибку и грех, слова Христа Бога, что легче пройти верблюду через игольные уши, нежели им войти в Царствие Божие?

    Стал для меня ясен и ответ на вопрос: «что же такое есть сергианство?» - Это есть кодирование православного сознания языческим пониманием добра и зла, через насилие и смертельный страх населения перед советской властью, с помощью высшей церковной администрации. Неутешительный ответ, но он взят из личной практической жизни, и наглядного примера жизни и служения в Русской Православной Церкви архимандрита Филарета. Отец Филарет и митрополит Мелетий со всем духовенством не поклонились идолу богини Аматаресу, а митрополит Сергий поклонился безбожной власти, вводя в ошибку и грех всё духовенство и народ.

    После его декларации священство изменилось. Отец Арсений Стрельцов говорил так: «Что мог взять народ от таких пастырей? Какой пример? Плохо мы воспитали свой народ, не заложили в него глубокий фундамент веры. Поэтому так быстро забыл народ нас, своих служителей, забыл веру и принял участие в разрушении церквей» (с. 80).

    Другим путем шел о. Филарет. Он отвергал сергианство, не сотрудничал с властью… и пользовался громадным авторитетом духовного вождя среди русской эмиграции в Харбине. Тогда советская власть, в октябре 1960 года, исполненная злобой, решила его уничтожить.


    В 1961 году архимандрит Филарет уехал в Австралию, где снова вступил в РПЦЗ. Но предварительно он якобы принес "покаяние" как сказал один митрофорный протоиерей 2-го ноября 2003 года, и только потом был посвящен во епископа Бризбенского. В чем же состояло его "покаяние", если он никогда не принимал ошибки сергианства, если никогда не признавал за добро злую борьбу с Богом советской власти, если всегда был верен Церкви?

    Третье покушение имело место в 60-х годах, на Пасху; он уже был первоиерархом РПЦЗ. Москва подослала убийц в Нью-Йорк, но служба безопасности США сорвала покушение. Четвертая попытка произошла когда он возвращался из Франции, побыв в Лесненской обители.

    Плывя обратно, произошло нечто необычайное. Вдруг, среди белого дня в топке парохода разгорелся огонь, настолько сильный, что труба раскалилась до бела. Капитан парохода, не видя никакой возможности погасить огонь, угрожавший расплавить трубу, - а это означало, что пожар охватит все судно и поглотит всех людей, - пришел а критическую минуту к Владыке Филарету и попросил его помолиться, потому что, по его мнению, только Бог мог спасти корабль и пассажиров. Владыка Филарет выслушал капитана и сразу же стал молиться. Прошло 10-20 минут и труба начала краснеть. А через час уже стала черной. Спасение было дано Богом! Капитан снова пришел к Митрополиту Филарету поцеловал его руку и взволновано благодарил за молитвы…

    Теперь спросим сами себя, как могло пламя топки приобрести такую катастрофическую силу? Произошло это само по себе? Или, как прежде, вмешалась злая рука кагебешника, чтоб уничтожить Владыку?

    С тех пор прошло почти полвека. Сам я уже служу в священном сане более 30 лет. И тоже всегда следовал за своим духовным отцом и не поминал советскую власть. А потому верю, что никогда не подпадал под анафему Святого Патриарха Тихона. Но тот же митрофорный протоиерей РПЦЗ, ничтоже сумняшеся, утверждает, что Митрополит Филарет и вся "китайская" эмиграция, из-за автоматического пребывания в МП с 1945-го до 1961 год, подпали якобы под эту анафему. Как такое может быть, если они любили Христа Бога и никогда не изменяли Ему, никогда не признавали сергианскую ошибку и не сотрудничали с советской властью?

    Я протестую против такого бесчеловечного непонимания и осуждения. В начале 21 века мощи нетленные Митрополита Филарета не доказывают ли, что Бог его признает святым за борьбу с языческим пониманием добра и зла, за несоглашение с сергианской ошибкой, за отказ сотрудничать с безбожной властью?

    Если при советской власти сергианство вносило языческое мировоззрение, то после её исчезновения, сергианское мировоззрение уже переходит в мировоззрение антихристово. Поэтому объединение должно начаться с общего осуждения экуменизма и сергианства на соборе всех епископов МП и РПЦЗ. И только после этого осуждения можно будет приступать к единой Чаше Христовой, так как будет достигнуто единомыслие.


    Объединение РПЦЗ с МП, если оно будет совершено без предварительного осуждения сергианской ереси и анафематствования экуменизма, приведет к духовной катастрофе РПЦЗ, последствием которой будет наведение анафемы Святого Патриарха Тихона на РПЦЗ. Анафемы. под которой никогда не был Митрополит Филарет. Он никогда не был лукавым рабом, потерявшим личную благодать.

    Если объединение произойдет без предварительного осуждения сергианского преступления и экуменизма, то не станут ли организаторы объединения в РПЦЗ соучастниками и сотрудниками распинателей Христа Бога? Не будет ли это соединение происходить под плотоядную насмешку из гроба мертвой советской власти и еще живых врагов Христа?

    Отмечу, что прославление Святого Царя Николая и всех Новомучеников началось в России с отпечатка иконы (мироточивой) РПЦЗ. И что МП не хотела прославлять Великомученика Царя Николая и Новомучеников. Прославление произошло только тогда, когда высшая церковная власть уже не могла больше противостоять народному желанию и чудесному знамению благоухающего мироточения от иконы Святого Царя Николая с Семьёй.


    Устрашающие сведения приходят из России о том, что патриарх Алексой Второй со своим епископатом хотят прославить патриарха Сергия, как святого, за его декларацию 1927 года, то есть за его грандиозную ошибку и преступление! Некто С. Фомин называет Сергия - в одноименной книге –«Стражем Дома Господня»!

    Может ли возглавление РПЦЗ принять это без потери личной благодати и подпадения под анафему Святого Патриарха Тихона? Не может. Это мое личное убеждение, я никому его не навязываю, но восприняв такой церковный менталитет, не могу от него отказаться до смерти.

    Декларация митрополита Сергия для заграничного сознания есть непроходимая пропасть, разделяющая МП и Церковь в Рассеянии Сущих — до Страшного Суда Господня.

    Стражами Дома Господня могут быть названы Святой Патриарх Тихон, Митрополит Мелетий, о. Арсений, о. Филарет... Но никак не Сергий.


    Мученический подвиг отца Филарета на меня так подействовал, что я полностью присоединился к вере и мировоззрению его. Таких верующих становилось все больше и больше. Но признаюсь, страх боли порабощал меня, я боялся, что таких мучений не выдержу, если бы они случились. По приезде в Австралию, меня иногда ночью посещали кошмары. Мне казалось, что коммунисты гонятся за мною, я бегу от них. Наконец, просыпаюсь в ужасе, с холодным потом на лбу. Секунд 30 я не мог ориентироваться, где я нахожусь. Но потом вспоминал, что я в Австралии и успокаивался. Так было три года.

    Хорошо понимая, что я слабый и грешный, я боялся принимать священство. Даже думал бежать из Свято - Троицкой Семинарии. Но об этом узнал Вл. Филарет. При встрече он сказал: „Что я слышу? Смотри, оборву тебе уши”. Я закончил-таки Семинарию, но все боялся принимать сан, на чем настаивал Вл. Феодосий Австралийский. Перед принятием священства Вл. Филарет позвонил в Австралию и благословил меня. Тогда я успокоился.

    В Австралии, будучи уже священником, мне довелось встретиться с Митрополитом Филаретом. Я снова сказал ему: „Владыка, я не выдержу пыток, а пулю, думаю, смогу принять. если Бог поможет”. Он ничего не ответил. Я понял, что он будет за меня молиться, чтобы мне не предать веру и не стать сергианином.

                Наша страна» № 2791.

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(Primarily About His Years in China)

Father Aleksey Mikrikov


From 1904 to 1945 the Japanese occupied Manchuria. The Japanese tried at all costs to keep this Chinese province in their hands, since it supplied huge supplies for Japan and gave them a foothold on the continent, and to them this made strong international military political sense. But the Japanese were hampered by the Russian immigrants, who had a different mentality. to use the Russian young people in the military the Japanese first attempted to destroy the social-religious mentality of our  immigration. To this end they placed an idol of the goddess Amateresu opposite St. Nicholas Cathedral so that the Russian people, going to the divine services, had first to bow to the idol, and then they could go to pray to Christ God.

Metropolitan Melety reacted immediately: he issued a proclamation in which he explained the inadmissibility of bowing to an idol. Then the Japanese began to accuse Metropolitan Melety and the clergy with contradicting their authority. Archimandrite Philaret especially decisively objected to the Japanese. The Japanese seized him and began to torture him. They lacerated his cheek and almost tore out an eye, but he survived the torture.

The head torturer then said to Fr. Philaret: “We have an electronically heated tool, under whose influence all have agreed to fulfill our requests; you will agree also! (Fr. Philaret personally told me this himself.) The torturer brought out the glowing electrical tool. Then Fr. Philaret prayed to St. Nicholas the Miracle-worker with the words: "Holy Hierarch Nicholas, help me, otherwise I might fall into betrayal." 

It was time for the torture. The torturer bared him to the belt and began to burn his back with the hot iron. And, O, the miracle! Fr. Philaret smelled the smell of the burned flesh, but he did not feel pain. Happiness was in his soul. The tormentor did not understand, why does he keep silent, why does he not scream, why does he not writhe in unbearable pain? Then the tormentor turned and looked at the face of Fr. Philaret. And when he saw his face, he threw up his hands amazed, and muttered something in Japanese, and ran off, conquered by the superhuman force of patience. No one could endure such tortures without Christ’s divine aid. But the tortures were so cruel that he was close to death. The almost dying Fr. Philaret was given back to his relatives. This will give you some idea of it: later he said to me: “I was in hell itself.”

But God did not let him die. The wounds healed, only his eye was somewhat deformed. And the Japanese no longer demanded the bows from Orthodox people. All this I heard from Fr. Philaret, but I said nothing since I thought everyone knew all this.


In 1945 Soviet troops occupied China and established total Soviet control. The Soviet regime immediately named all the Russian emigrants “enemies of the people,” and in six months arrested 50,000—young and old. All 50,000 from Harbin China were deported to the USSR. At the station of Atpor they shot 14,000 of them, and the remaining 36,000 they sent into the concentration camps, where they were starved to death. Every third young person in Harbin was seized by the Soviet regime, and was taken to the USSR and annihilated in the concentration camps. The Soviet totalitarian tyranny annihilated them for their Orthodoxy, for non-recognition of the Sergianist heresy, which teaches one to obey the God-fighters conscientiously. Generally, the Soviet regime killed nearly 70 million Orthodox people, destroyed more than 30,000 church buildings, took away the land and property, arranged the genocide of the Orthodox people, introduced social hostility, blasphemed God, and tore out belief in God by fear and terror. Who could obey this authority in good conscience and collaborate with it?

The Russian people remaining in Harbin were coerced into accepting Soviet citizenship. However this Archimandrite Philaret openly refused to do so. And when he served the Divine Liturgy he never commemorated the Soviet regime. Instead, he delivered thundering sermons about truth and lies, after the hearing of which it seemed to us that it would be the last day of his life. He served a public memorial service for the slain Tsar Nicholas II and the entire Imperial Family, and the main thing he said in the sermon was that the Great— Martyr Tsar Nicholas shared the mind of Christ, therefore he was not brainwashed, he did not have the ruinous spirit of anti-Christ, which took hold of the entriety of Russia.  Also he arranged a youth circle, at whose meetings he explained Christ's teachings.

We young people living in China under the Soviet regime and experiencing its violence and fear of death, rapidly grasped its anti-Christian nature. We understood that if God does not stop it, then everyone would spiritually break, would become zombies, and would have to serve this world-wide evil.

 It became clear that in the Declaration of 1927 that Metropolitan Sergius, on the advice of flesh and blood, from fear of losing his life, had fallen  into delusion [prelest], and issued a call for us to obey the Soviet regime in good conscience and to collaborate with it.

If the Lord said: “Of what benefit is it to a man, if he gains the whole world, and harms his own soul?” (Mk. 8:36), then Sergius by his Declaration tried to save the bodies of people, without being attentive to the eternal damage to their souls. In this we find precisely a pagan concept of good and evil.

The answer to the question “What, then is Sergianism?” became clear to me. It is a modification of Orthodox consciousness by the pagan understanding of good and evil, through violence and the fear of death of the population by the Soviet regime with the aid of the highest Church leadership. An uncomforting answer, but it is taken from personal practical life, and the obvious case of the life and service to the Russian Orthodox Church of Archimandrite Philaret. Father Philaret and Metropolitan Melety with the entire clergy did not bow to the idol of Amateresu, but Metropolitan Sergius bowed to the godless government, leading the entire clergy and people into error and sin.

Fr. Philaret took another path. He rejected Sergianism; he did not collaborate with the government...and gained immense authority as a spiritual leader in the Russian emigration in Harbin. Then the Soviet regime, in October, 1960, full of spite, decided to destroy him with fire.


This is how it happened: one night, from Saturday to Sunday, Archimandrite Philaret arose at about 2:00 a.m. because of a strange smell in his house, and he went into the living room, in the corner of which was a storeroom. As he said, smoke was coming from under the doors of the storeroom with a caustic, bitter smell. He went into the bathroom, poured a basin of water, and returned to the storeroom, and, after opening its door, splashed water towards the side where the smoke was coming from. Suddenly, there was an explosion and a fierce fire. The fire burned him and the force of the explosion was so great, it lifted him up and threw him across the entire length of the living room so he struck against the door. Fortunately the door opened outwards, because the bolts were torn away by the impact of his flying body, and he fell to earth stunned, but alive. After coming to, he saw the house, which was burning like a torch. Archimandrite Philaret understood that a fire-bomb had exploded, which burnt the house down in a matter of minutes.

On this night, a certain Zinaida Lvovna, on
e of the sisters from the church of the House of Mercy, left her house about midnight, situated opposite the church and saw fire engines in the street near the church—but no fire. This incomprehensible and extraordinary group of fire engines amazed her. Two hours later when the sound of the bomb explosion woke her, she immediately went out into the street and saw the almost entirely burned house, which the firemen already had stopped putting out. But Archimandrite Philaret stood on the church porch, shaking from the cold, and suffering from severe burns and contusion. Zinaida Lvovna immediately understood that the fire had been arranged by the Soviets for the purpose of killing Fr. Philaret. She rapidly crossed the street and invited him to come to her house.

But the Chinese fire authorities, seeing Archimandrite Philaret alive, blamed him for starting the fire and wanted to arrest him. However, the resourceful Zinaida Lvovna quickly turned to the Chinese authorities and said: “Does this fit with the fact that you previously brought up the fire engines, knowing that the fire would start? Who told you in advance about the fire? The leader of the firemen was at a loss and could not answer. But meanwhile Zinaida Lvovna together with Archimandrite Philaret went into her house in which there was a room with no windows. She put Archimandrite Philaret there because she knew that the Soviet murderers could come through the window and kill him.

The next day, Sunday, some young people arrived early for the service, but the church was closed, and the house where the rector lived was burnt to the ground. I was able to find Zinaida Lvovna and learn from her what had occurred that night. I asked permission to see Fr. Philaret.

From the first glance I saw that Fr. Philaret was completely exhausted physically and in pain. His burnt face was dark brown. But his eyes expressed a firm submission to the will of God and a joyous fearlessness to serve Him and the Orthodox people. I was speechless from the shock of his appearance, and it was immediately understandable that he was a hairsbreadth from death. He had avoided death by some miracle. Then suddenly I heard his greeting: “I greet you with the Feast.” He said this greeting the way we say on Pascha: “Christ Is Risen!” Tears came to my eyes instead of an answer. I had not cried from my youth. But now being a twenty-year old adult, I knelt before him speechless, with tears rolling down my face, and kissed his blessing hand. I understood that, like a fourth Babylonian youth, he had remained unconsumed by the Chinese furnace heat of the 20th century set by the God-fighter Khrushchev seventy times hotter than the Babylonian furnace, lit by Nabuchodonosor in the sixth century B.C. It was obvious that the grace of God had saved Fr. Philaret for the resolute and fearless fulfillment of holy Patriarch Tikhon's legacy.


Two months went by. He again began to serve, and after half a year could already live independently in the separate balcony above the church. But suddenly, he again went to Zinaida Lvovna
's. She told me privately that on one occasion Archimandrite Philaret got to his cell after a service, unlocked his door and went in. But suddenly he saw the toes of two large boots protruding from under the curtains. After understanding that a murderer was standing there, sent by the Soviets, he went to a chest of drawers and took something for appearances' sake, and rapidly left the cell, after locking it up. After this episode men from the Chinese police came to Zinaida Lvovna to ask “Why does Archimandrite Philaret not pass the nights in his cell?” She immediately understood what was up and answered: due to his physical weakness and indisposition.

Soon after this Fr. Philaret with spiritual clairvoyance revealed that under the altar in the church of the House of Mercy was a portrait of satan. The portrait was immediately removed. The Soviet godless authorities did not know how to deal with and how to mock a man that has apostolic boldness and faith, which made him a bearer of the unconquerable Grace of God.

A third time there was an attempt on his life in the 70
's, at Pascha, when he already had become Metropolitan and First Hierarch of the ROCOR and lived in the USA. But the attempt did not succeed. The fourth attempt occurred aboard a ship, when Metropolitan Philaret was returning from France, after visiting the Lesna convent.

Sailing back to New York City, an extraordinary phenomenon in the boiler of the steamship occurred: suddenly, in broad daylight in the firebox of the boiler there burnt a fire with such force that a pipe heated white hot. The captain of the steamship, not seeing any way to extinguish the fire that threatened to melt the pipe which would then spread the fire over the entire steamship, consuming all on board, went at the critical minute to Vladyka Philaret and asked him to pray, because, in his opinion, only God could save the ship and passengers. Vladyka Philaret listened to the captain and immediately began to pray to God. Ten to twenty minutes passed and the pipe began to redden. But in an hour it had already returned to black. Rescue was given by God! The captain again went to Metropolitan Philaret, kissed his hand, and emotionally thanked him for his prayers...

Now let us ask ourselves, how could the heat of the boiler acquire such catastrophic force? Did this occur by itself? Or, as before, did the evil hand of the KGB interfere in order to destroy Vladyka?

After passing through all temptations, after passing through fire and water in the spiritual and literal sense, Saint Philaret obtained from the Lord this gift: whoever might turn to him with a request about any matter, by his prayer the Lord fulfilled that request.

And this gift only increased after his repose.  By his holy prayers may the Lord preserve us in “the Faith one delivered to the Saints” (Jude 3),  and grant us His heavenly Kingdom. Amen.
(From the Russian Newspaper  “Nasha Strana”, No. 2791, pp.5
6. March 2006)

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Г. М. Солдатов

Митрополит Антоний, первый Первоиерарх РПЦЗ, объединил административно в Зарубежной Руси епархии. Они возглавились Заграничным Синодом. Таким образом было обеспечено духовное окормление русских верующих, проживающих за границей.  После Второй мировой войны, Митрополит Анастасий  также объединил в одну Церковь архиереев и верующих. При нём в Синод РПЦЗ вошли украинские и белорусские иерархи и были спасены от посягательств МП все те,  кто поначалу колебался,  считая, что на родине произошли перемены, Церковь стала свободной, а правительство СССР стало отвечать надеждам русского населения.

Митрополит Филарет (Вознесенский 1903-1985) стал третьим Первоиерархом РПЦЗ. Следуя примеру прежних первоиерархов, он  твердо повел верующих по пути к спасению их душ. Также как против Митрополитов Антония и Анастасия, на него еще с большей яростью ополчились агенты МП, еретики и противники Церкви. Его критиковали по малейшим причинам, каждый его шаг обсуждался в прессе. Даже те, кто выдавал себя за православных, и казалось,  должен был выступать в защиту своего первоиерарха, были введены в искушение и повели себя не достойно звания христианина.

В первоиерархи Владыка Филарет был избран в 1964 году по предложению Св. Иоанна Шанхайского и Санфранцисского, после того, как голоса  архиереев-кандидатов разделились поровну. Все архиереи понимали, какую ответственность брал на себя Владыка Филарет. Он принял свою обязанность как послушание свыше и, обратившись с речью к архиереям,  сказал: «Мое положение в данный момент мне самому напоминает положение того, кого ведут на смертную казнь».

21-летнее руководство Митрополита Филарета было расцветом Зарубежной Церкви. Во многих странах открылись новые приходы и часовни, церковные школы, типографии и т. д.  Благодаря ему, духовная семинария в Свято Троицком монастыре  пополнилась переселенцами из Китая, приехавшими из Австралии и  желавшими принять духовный сан.

В политическом отношении это было время «холодной войны». Под руководством Митрополита деятельно велась защита русской церковной собственности на Святой Земле и на Афоне.  При его непосредственном участии произошли прославления Святого Иоанна Кронштадского и Ксении Петербургской. Одновременно с Американской Митрополией был канонизирован первый американский святой, преподобный Герман Аляскинский.  Были также прославлены Святые Царственные Мученики и Новомученики и Исповедники Российские.

В это же время начались связи с «катакомбным» духовенством на родине,  а в 1983 году произошло соборное осуждение экуменизма и провозглашена ему анафема.  От имени РПЦЗ Митрополит пять раз обращался к главам Поместных Православных Церквей, разъясняя пагубность этой ереси.

Владыка обличал и МП, указывая на преследование религии на родине. О МП он писал: «Признать церковь лукавствующих носительницей и хранительницей благодати мы, конечно, не можем, ибо вне Православия благодати нет, а советская церковь лишила себя благодати». 

Ввиду такого бескомпромиссного исповедания православия в РПЦЗ, к ней присоединялись  представители других национальностей. Как выражение небесного покровительства в 1984 году явилась Мироточивая икона Богоматери Монреальская Иверская, пред которой смогли преклониться и помолиться верующие почти всех приходов РПЦЗ.

Став Первоиерархом, Владыка Филарет был окружен не только верными ему людьми. Нашлись даже и духовные воры. Это были люди, не понимавшие заповедей Господних,  которые всячески старались унизить Владыку, обвинить его. К сожалению, в Синодальном здании была  даже похищена митра Владыки, обнаруженная потом поврежденной в подвале.

Когда Владыка поехал на Святую Землю, то там в монастыре из келии был похищен его чемодан с облачением и личными вещами.

В прессе против него публиковались  пасквили, распространялись «открытые письма». Поэтому в Нью Иорке двух людей (С. и А.) больше других занимавшихся такой постыдной деятельностью лишили причастия до покаяния. Но, не смутившись, они объявили себя членами другой «юрисдикции».

Ставши своего рода пленником в Нью Иорке, Владыка старался уехать в Калифорнию, Европу или другое место и держать связь с Синодом и архиереями издалека. 

Ввиду того, что по адресу Владыки делались угрозы, то несколько молодых людей под руководством одного из преподавателей семинарии, основали общество для его защиты. Они послали увещевательные письма лицам, выступавшим против Митрополита и предложили с ними встретиться. Было сделано предложение,  чтобы кроме протодиакона Никиты Чакирова, непрерывно при митрополите был кто-либо из молодых людей. Но когда Владыка узнал о деятельности этого общества, выразил свое недовольство, сказав» «Я не папа римский,  и не хочу, чтобы создавалось нечто похожее на иезуитский орден». После этого общество прекратило свою деятельность, но некоторые члены Синода выразили ему свою благодарность.

Предчувствуя конец своего тяжелого земного пути на торжественном ужине в  в1984 года в честь его дня Ангела, он обратившись к молодежи, поблагодарил всех, сказав: »Это мы с вами в последний раз встречаемся на праздновании моего дня Ангела, я до следующих именин не доживу».  И действительно Господь вскоре взял его к Себе. Однако перед смертью Владыка оставил в пишущей машинке листок бумаги, на котором было написано: «Держи, что имеешь».

Верующие ценили Владыку Филарета за его  бескомпромиссную защиту Истины, бесконечное выражение ко всем любви, желание помочь людям, за его вдохновенные проповеди. Теперь - после того как в 2007 году часть духовенства и мирян постыдно изменила Зарубежной Церкви, заключив унию с МП, то есть презрев завещание Владыки «держать что имеешь», - верные «осколки» прежней РПЦЗ,  прославили Владыку Филарета, причислив его к лику Святых. К сожалению, они все это сделали врозь. «Осколкам» как бы предоставлялась свыше возможность всем вместе участвовать в его прославлении, а они этого не сделали.  Но всё же все «осколки» канонически не отличаются друг от друга и возможно, что по молитвам Св. Владыки Филарета среди них возникнет согласие объединить Православную Зарубежную Русь. Ведь все они его ученики: следуя его обличениям МП и ереси экуменизма, они не изменили Истине и не пошли на «унию».  

         Наша Страна No. 2874






    Положение Св.  Филарета после его избрания Первоиерархом РПЦЗ оказалось «мученическим».  Либеральные писатели посчитали своим долгом указывать ему как лучше, по их мнению, управлять Церковью, как следовать канонам и каких людей он должен назначить или уволить из администрации. Эти лица не стеснялись толковать, не имея для этого академических знаний каноны, соборные постановления, традиции и правила по которым в Русской Православной Церкви делались прославления святых. Эти люди за некоторыми, из которых вероятно находились враги Православия и Зарубежной Руси, подрывали церковную и культурную деятельность, вызывали недоверие не только к Первоиерарху, Синоду, но также ко всему духовенству, приходским школам, молодежным лагерям и всей культурной деятельности в эмиграции. Весьма возможно, что некоторые из этих лиц считали, что их деятельность полезна Церкви,  русским зарубежным военным и культурным организациям, но в таком случае они должны были участвовать в церковно-культурной деятельности в Церкви,  не участвуя в разрушительной деятельностью  и тем более  анонимно.

    Некоторые из писателей претендовали на то, что они выступали от «мнения громадного большинства православных людей...» В письмах и брошюрах они допускали себе делать  угрозы и ставить ультиматумы. Ни Владыка Митрополит, ни Синод не могли считать возможным,  вступать в полемику с каждым «журналистом», на страницах газет и журналов. Когда приходили анонимные письма, то на них не обращалось внимания. Но если письма были от имени организации или группы, то старались отвечать на недоумения или критику.  Часто недоразумения возникали ввиду незнания верующими церковных канонов или ошибочным мнением.

    Но бывали такие случаи как с г-ми Сокольским и Александровским, которые за злостные публикации пасквилей против Первоиерарха  были наказаны, но которые вместо принятия епитимьи, не нашли ничего лучшего как объявить,  что они «состоят членами Американской Митрополии».  

    Приношу извинения, перед читателями приводя нижеследующие выдержки из распространявшихся журналов и брошюр. Их текст неприличен, но показывает уровень  писателей.  Читатели увидят, как  враги выступали против Святого Владыки и Церкви, почему Владыке Филарету  было тяжело нести бремя Первоиерарха.

    «М. Филарет… громогласно объявил несосветимые глупости: «Церковь вне политики» и «Церковь должна руководить эмиграцией». Настаивал на изучении церковно-славянского языка (кому он нужен теперь?), стоит за «яти», «фиты» и «ижицы», за старый календарь, против «руссификации» церковных служб, против операций замены сердца, против женщин в штанах, не говоря уже о женщинах в рясах. А уж об абортах и говорить нечего. Словом, средневековый застой!… Не обратил внимания на неясные финансы наших церквей в Германии. Там есть субсидии от Мирового Союза Церквей, в кассе которого бренчит немало советских «дензнаков». Да и масонских – тоже… Проявил совершенно нелепую «мегаломанию» – головокружение от успехов» (несуществующих) – только, мол, наша Зарубежная Церковь – «единственно – истинная»!!! Другие христианские церкви – или схизматики или еретики. Другие религии – просто «язычники»….  Наличие в эмиграции пяти православных юрисдикций (враждебных друг другу) – косвенная вина нашего митрополита. Он считал (и считает!) только Зарубежную Церковь центром православия и снисходительно разрешил бы присоединение (безусловное!) к «своей» церкви. Даже к несчастным старообрядцам (цвету и гордости нашего православия) у м. Филарета отношение почти враждебное! А кто «ищет» подчинения? Кто, кроме: женщин, немцев и собак?… Довольно! И без того тошно!… И надежды «Знамени России» на перевыборы нового митрополита достаточно иллюзорны… Ну, а сам Филарет? Есть ли у него мозги и совесть? Пусть уж наш Первоиерарх не обижается – тут не до обид! «Критика друга ценней похвалы врага». Очень уж ему перед носом кадят фимиам. А он этому «фимиаму» и верит…  А в реальности? Не подходит ли положение нашей Церкви к термину – «трагическое»?  (Журнал «Родина» №238, стр. 9)

    «Антихрист среди нас

(потрясающая расшифровка числа 666).

    Мы горячо призываем всех верующих людей,  решительно протестовать (письменно, устно и по телефону) против кощунственного отношения двух Граббе к нашим Святыням в Святой Земле. Тем более что недавно сделано сенсационное открытие, потрясающая расшифровка звериного числа 666, по которому узнаются слуги антихриста и сам антихрист. (См. Откровение Св. Апостола Иоанна Богослова, гл. 13-я, стих 18). Вот эта расшифровка: «Георгий Граббе – семя диавола». …. (Петр Тиханов, Иоанн Ромашкин, «Родина» № 207)

    В архивах находится много журналов и брошюр с подобными высказываниями заблуждающихся писателей  или лиц сознающих, что они делают и  старающихся смутить и отшатнуть верующих от Церкви. Имеется в архивах  также  переписка семьи Граббе и Архиереев  старавшихся защитить Св. Владыку Филарета.

    Враги распространяли лживые всевозможные слухи. Так в журнале «Российское Единство» ред. А. Лавров от апр. 1967 г. на стр. 30  сообщается о выдаче субсидий РПЦЗ от Эф Би Ай! 

    Обвинения Церкви и лично Святителя Филарета  вынудили преподавателей Св. Троицкой Духовной Семинарии: С. Иванова, иерея А. Гана и других организовать защиту Зарубежной Церкви  и нашего Первоиерарха.

    Ниже приводятся несколько документов деятельности возникшей  в Св. Троицкой Семинарии организации.


Первая страница "Открытого письма" г-на Сокольского к Высокопреосвященнейшему Владыке Филарету

Копия письма о. Митрофану
Копия письма Старосте и Церковно-приходскому Совету
Копия письма Г-ну В. Сокольскому от о. Адриана 
Копия письма Г-ну В. Сокольскому от  Г. Солдатова 
Копия письма Преосвященному Архиепископу Серафиму от  Г. Солдатова 
* * * 





Vladimir Moss

If you see lying and hypocrisy, expose them in front of all, even if they are clothed in

purple and fine linen.

Metropolitan Anastasy (Gribanovsky) of New York (1906)

Hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

Revelation 3.11; the last words of St. Philaret of New York (1985)

The Holy Flesh hath passed from thee.

Jeremiah 11.15

© Copyright Vladimir Moss 2011. All Rights Reserved.



INTRODUCTION: THE 1990s ..............................................................................3

I. “THE SECOND OCTOBER REVOLUTION”..................................................    21

II. THE FALL OF THE NEW YORK SYNOD ...................................................    26

III. THE CREATION OF THE MANSONVILLE SYNOD...............................    36

IV. THE RUSSIAN TRUE ORTHODOX CHURCH.........................................     46

V. THE PLOTTERS FALL INTO THEIR OWN PIT.........................................  55

VI. HERESY AND CORRUPTION IN SUZDAL..............................................     61

VII. THE END-GAME ..........................................................................................  74

CONCLUSION: THE HOLY REMNANT.........................................................     81



Who hath remained among you that has seen this House in its former glory, and

how do you see it now? Is it not in your eyes as it were nothing? But take heart now...

                                                                                                                        Haggai 2.3-4.

The return of the Russian Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) to Russia in

1990 after almost seventy years’ exile was undoubtedly one of the most

significant events in Church history, comparable to the return of the Jews to

Jerusalem after the seventy-year exile in Babylon. And yet this momentous

step was taken almost casually, without sufficient forethought or a clearly

defined strategy. Hence difficult problems arose, problems that had their

roots deep in ROCOR’s past history. These problems can be divided into three

categories: (A) ROCOR in relation to her own flock at home and abroad, (B)

ROCOR in relation to the Catacomb Church, and (C) ROCOR in relation to

the MP and the post-Soviet Russian State.


A. ROCOR in relation to herself. The problem here is easily stated: how

could the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad continue to call herself the

Church Abroad if she now had parishes inside Russia? After all, her Founding

Statute or Polozhenie stated that ROCOR was an autonomous part of the

Autocephalous Russian Church, that part which existed (i) outside the bounds

of Russia on the basis of Ukaz № 362 of November 7/20, 1920 of Patriarch

Tikhon and the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, and (ii)

temporarily until the fall of communism in Russia. 1 With the fall of

communism and the creation of ROCOR parishes inside Russia in 1990-91, it

would seem that these limitations in space and time no longer applied, and

that ROCOR had ceased to exist as a temporary Church body existing outside

Russia in accordance with her own definition of herself in the Polozhenie.

The solution to this problem would appear to have been obvious: change

the Polozhenie! And this was in fact the solution put forward by ROCOR’s

leading canonist, Bishop Gregory (Grabbe). However, the ROCOR episcopate

declined that suggestion, and the Polozhenie remained unchanged.

Why? Although we have no direct evidence on which to base an answer to

this question, the following would appear to be a reasonable conclusion from

the events as they unfolded in the early 1990s. A change in the Polozhenie

that removed the spatial and temporal limitations of ROCOR’s self-definition

would have had the consequence of forcing ROCOR to define herself as the

1 ROCOR’s Hierarchical Council of 1956 declared that “the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad is

an unsevered part of the Local Russian Orthodox Church, being temporarily self-governing

on synodal bases, until the abolition of atheist rule in Russia, in accordance with the

resolution of the Holy Patriarch, the Holy Synod and the Higher Russian Church Council of

November 7/20, 1920, № 362”.


one true Russian Orthodox Church, and therefore to remove the centre of her

Church administration from America to Russia and enter into a life-and-death

struggle with the Moscow Patriarchate (MP) for the minds and hearts of the

Russian people.

However, the ROCOR bishops were not prepared to accept these

consequences. After all, they were well-established abroad, increasingly

dependent economically on contributions from foreign converts to Orthodoxy,

and with few exceptions were not prepared to exchange the comforts and

relative security of life in the West for the uncertainty and privations of life in

Russia, where, although communism was crumbling, the communist élites

were still in place in both Church and State. Of course, the whole raison d’ętre

of ROCOR was to return to her homeland in Russia (she was previously

called the Russian Church in Exile, and exiles by definition want to return to

their homeland); and it was in anticipation of such a return that she had

steadfastly refused to endanger her Russian identity by merging with other

Local Orthodox Churches or by forming local jurisdictions identified with

specific western countries (like the formerly Russian schism from ROCOR

calling itself the Orthodox Church of America). But generations had passed

since the first emigration, the descendants of that first emigration had settled

in western countries, learned their languages, adopted their ways, put down

roots in foreign soil, married non-Russians (and often, alas, non-Orthodox).

The exiles were no longer exiles from, but strangers to, their native land…


B. ROCOR in relation to the Catacomb Church. Since 1927, when ROCOR

had broken communion simultaneously with the Catacomb Church from

Metropolitan Sergius’ MP, she had looked upon the Catacomb Church as the

True Church inside Russia with which she remained in mystical communion

of prayer and sacraments, even if such communion could not be realized in

face-to-face meeting and concelebration. Indeed, after the death of

Metropolitan Peter of Krutitsa, the last universally recognised leader of the

Russian Church, in 1937, ROCOR commemorated “the episcopate of the

persecuted Russian Church”, by which was undoubtedly meant the

episcopate of the Catacomb Church. After the war, however, a change began

to creep in. On the one hand, news of Catacomb bishops and communities

became more and more scarce, and some even began to doubt that the

Catacomb Church existed any longer (Archbishop Mark of Berlin declared in

the 1990s, when catacombniks were pouring into ROCOR, that the Catacomb

Church had died out in the 1950s!). On the other hand, some Catacomb

priests inside Russia, having lost contact with, and knowledge of, any

canonical bishops there might still be inside Russia, began commemorating

Metropolitan Anastasy, first-hierarch of ROCOR.

These tendencies gave rise to the not unnatural perception that the

leadership of True Russian Orthodoxy had now passed from inside Russia to

outside Russia, to ROCOR. Moreover, the significance of the Catacomb


Church began to be lost, as the struggle was increasingly seen to be between

the “red church” inside Russia (the MP) and the “white church” outside

Russia (ROCOR). Of course, the idea of the Catacomb Church remained

sacred. But the heroes of the past – the great hieromartyrs of the 1920s and 30s

- looked more glorious than their present-day followers. And some even

began to look on the “catacombniks”, not as the True Church of Russia

clothed in the purple robes of hundreds of thousands of martyrs, but as a

spent force – or as uneducated sectarians in need of rescue. They looked on

the humble catacombniks, serving, not in the splendid cathedrals of the

emigration, but in poor, dingy flats, if not as contemptible, at any rate as

unimportant. How could the Russian Church, so splendid in its prerevolutionary

glory, be resurrected on the basis of such poverty?

Now it must be admitted that the Catacomb Church was desperately in

need of help. After several decades of constant persecution, her population

was aging and scattered, with fewer and fewer priests and almost no bishops,

while the infiltration of KGB “plants” tended to make different groups

suspicious of each other. ROCOR – the one church authority that all

catacombniks agreed was true - could indeed provide an inestimable service

to them by restoring their apostolic succession, educating a new generation of

priests and helping them to adapt to and take advantage of the new

conditions of post-Soviet Russia.

But much depended on how tactfully this was done. When the first

consecration of a bishop for the Catacomb Church was performed by ROCOR

on Archimandrite Lazarus (Zhurbenko), it was said that this was done “in

order to regulate the church life of the Catacomb Church”. 2 But what

precisely did this “regulation” mean? If the ROCOR bishops saw their role as

providing help for the catacombniks in the same way as they had helped the

Greek Old Calendarists in 1969-71 – that is, by re-establishing them as an

independent “sister-church”, to use the phrase of Metropolitan Philaret of

New York, - then there was hope for a truly profitable cooperation. After all,

it was not only the catacombniks who needed help: since the death of the holy

Metropolitan Philaret in 1985, ROCOR was beginning to waver in her own

faith and piety. Her members needed, in the words of the Lord in Revelation

(3.18) to “buy gold tried in the fire” of persecution – and the catacombniks

who had passed through the fire of the Soviet persecution had much to offer

and instruct them. However, already at a very early stage the impression was

created that ROCOR had come into Russia, not in order to unite with the

Catacomb Church and work with her for the triumph of True Orthodoxy in

Russia, but in order to replace her, or at best to gather the remnants of the

catacombs under her sole authority…3

2 “Zaiavlenie Arkhierejskago Sinoda Russkoj Pravoslvnoj Tserkvi Zagranitsej”, Pravoslavnaia

Rus’, № 18 (1423), 15/28 September, 1990, p. 6.

3 Bishop Lazarus complained about this in a conversation with the present writer in Moscow

on July 5, 1990.


Moreover, in the years to come the ROCOR Synod sometimes described

itself as the central authority of the True Russian Church – in spite of the fact

that this “central” authority was based, not in Russia, but thousands of miles

away in New York!

C. ROCOR in relation to the MP. The Catacomb Church might have

forgiven such arrogance if ROCOR had shown herself capable of fighting

resolutely against the MP. But here certain compromising tendencies

developed abroad bore bitter fruit that was to lead to schism and the collapse

of ROCOR’s mission inside Russia. For the ROCOR bishops proved

themselves incapable of making up their minds whether it was necessary to

fight the MP or help her, whether she was their friend or their enemy, their

beloved mother or their hated step-mother!4

The root causes of this indecisiveness go back to the post-war period, when

large numbers of Christians fleeing to the West from Soviet Russia were

joined to ROCOR. In receiving these Christians, little difference was made

between those who had belonged to the Catacomb Church, and those who

had belonged to the MP. Some, even including bishops, turned out to be KGB

agents, and either returned to the MP or remained as “moles” to undermine

ROCOR. 5 Others, while sincerely anti-Soviet, were not sufficiently

“enchurched” to see the fundamental ecclesiological significance of the

schism in the Russian Church. Thus a certain “dilution” in the quality of those

joining ROCOR in the second emigration by comparison with the first – and

the problem was to get worse with the third and fourth emigrations of the 70s,

80s and 90s – began to affect the confessing stance of the Church as a whole.

Even members of the first emigration had proved proving susceptible to

deception, as when all the ROCOR dioceses in China (except that of Shanghai,

led by St. John Maximovich) were lured back into the arms of the Soviet

“Fatherland” and its Soviet “Church”. It is not surprising, therefore, that later

generations, who had only known “Soviet reality”, should be still more

susceptible to deception.

Another reason for this diminution in zeal proceeded from the fact that

ROCOR did not break communion with the Local Orthodox Churches of

“World Orthodoxy” even after all of these (except Jerusalem) sent

representatives to the local Councils of the MP in 1945 and 1948. The reasons

for this depended on the Church in question. Thus communion continued

with the Serbian Church because of the debt of gratitude owed to the

hospitality shown by the Serbian Church to ROCOR in the inter-war years.

Communion continued with the Jerusalem Patriarchate because all churches

4 Fr. Timothy Alferov, “O polozhenii rossijskikh prikhodov RPTsZ v svete itogov

patriarkhijnogo sobora”, Uspensij Listok, № 34, 2000.

5 This forced the ROCOR Synod to take special measures to “ferret out” potential spies. See

Bishop Gregory (Grabbe), Pis’ma, Moscow, 1999.


in the Holy Land, including the ROCOR monasteries, were required, under

threat of closure, to commemorate the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Communion

also continued in some places with the Greek new calendarists, who were not

only in communion with the MP but members of the ecumenist World

Council of Churches, because the Ecumenical Patriarchate was powerful in

the United States, the country to which ROCOR had moved its headquarters.

This ambiguous relationship towards “World Orthodoxy” in general

inevitably began to affect ROCOR’s zeal in relation to the MP in particular.

For if the MP was recognised by Serbia and Jerusalem, and Serbia and

Jerusalem were recognised by ROCOR, the conclusion was drawn that the

MP, while bad, was still a Church. And this attitude in turn affected ROCOR’s

attitude towards the Catacomb Church, which was no longer seen by many,

including several of the bishops, as the one True Church of Russia.

As ROCOR began to lose confidence in herself and the Catacomb Church

as the only bearers of true Russian Orthodoxy, the accent began to shift

towards the preservation, not of Orthodoxy as such, but of Russianness. This

was bound to fail as a weapon against the MP. For for a foreign Church,

however Russian in spirit, to claim to be more Russian than the Russians

inside Russia was bound to be perceived as arrogant and humiliating by the

latter (especially in the mouth of an ethnic German such as Archbishop Mark

of Berlin!). And so the MP was able to mount a successful counter-attack,

claiming for itself the mantle of “Russianness” as against the “American”

church of ROCOR.

As a result of all this, at the very moment that ROCOR was called by God

to enter into an open war with the MP for the souls of the Russian people on

Russian soil, she found herself tactically unprepared, hesitant, unsure of her

ability to fight this great enemy, unsure even whether this enemy was in fact

an enemy. And this attitude guaranteed the collapse of the mission. For “if the

trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who will rise up and prepare for battle?”

(1 Corinthians 14.8). Looking more at her enemies than at the Lord, she began,

like the Apostle Peter, to sink beneath the waves. Many even began to think

that it was time to “forgive and forget” and join the MP; for “if you can’t beat

them – join them!” And the MP which, at the beginning of the 90s had been

seriously rattled, recovered her confidence and her position in public opinion.

The problems began on May 3/16, 1990, when the ROCOR Synod under

the presidency of Metropolitan Vitaly (Ustinov) issued a statement that was in

general strongly anti-MP, but which contained the qualification that there

might be true priests dispensing valid sacraments in the patriarchate

nevertheless. The idea that there can be true priests in a heretical church is

canonical nonsense (Apostolic Canon 46), and Bishop Gregory (Grabbe)

immediately obtained the removal of the offending phrase. But the damage

had been done.


Then serious problems began to develop between ROCOR bishops living

inside Russia and those visiting from abroad. In 1993 the first schism took

place. This was patched up, but in 1995 there was a second.

In addition three events took place that accentuated the crisis: (i) the

adoption of a new ecclesiology, (ii) the return of the KGB to power, and (iii)

the MP’s “Jubilee” Sobor of the year 2000.

Let us look at each of these in turn.


1. The Adoption of a New Ecclesiology. In 1994 ROCOR entered into

communion with the “Cyprianite” Greek Old Calendarists, so called because

of their leader, Metropolitan Cyprian (Kotsumbas) of Fili and Orope, who had

been defrocked by the True Orthodox Church of Greece under Archbishop

Chrysostomos (Kiousis) of Athens in 1986. The significance of the Cyprianites

lay in their espousal of an heretical ecclesiology, according to which heretics

remain inside the Church until they have been expelled by an Ecumenical

Council. This enabled them to claim that the ecumenist heretics of “World

Orthodoxy”, who belonged to the World Council of Churches (WCC), were

still inside the True Church in spite of the fact that they were heretics. When

ROCOR entered into communion with the Cyprianites, it officially accepted

this heretical ecclesiology. This enabled its leaders to affirm that the Moscow

Patriarchate, although heretical because of its submission to, and control by,

the communist atheists (sergianism) and its membership of the WCC

(ecumenism), was still a True Church with the grace of sacraments.

The 1994 decision was far from unanimously approved. At the 1993

Council, when the subject was first discussed, Archbishop Anthony of Los

Angeles, Bishop Gregory (Grabbe) and Bishop Cyril of Seattle spoke against

the union, which would contradict ROCOR’s decision of 1975 not to enter into

union with any of the Greek Old Calendarist Synods until they had attained

unity amongst themselves. However, Archbishops Laurus and Mark said that

it was awkward to refuse communion with Cyprian when they were already

in communion with the Romanian Old Calendarists, with whom Cyprian was

in communion.

At the 1993 Council a commission was set up consisting of Archbishop

Laurus, Bishop Metrophanes and Bishop Daniel which prepared the way for

the eventual decision to unite with Cyprian at the 1994 Council. However, at

the 1994 Council Bishop Daniel continued to express doubts, and Bishop

Benjamin of the Kuban, now the second hierarch of the Russian True

Orthodox Church, refused to sign the union together with Bishop Ambrose of

Vevey. And there were rumours that Metropolitan Vitaly and Archbishop

Anthony of Los Angeles had signed only under pressure.


The leaders of ROCOR tried to prove that this “Cyprianite” ecclesiology

had always been the ecclesiology of ROCOR and of her sister Church in the

Soviet Union, the Catacomb Church. But among the many facts that

contradicted their claim was a recent major decision of the ROCOR Sobor of

Bishops in 1983 under the leadership of the last Metropolitan, Philaret of New

York (+1985) – its anathema against ecumenism. No impartial reading of this

anathema could fail to come to the conclusion that it anathematized all the

ecumenists of World Orthodoxy, including the Moscow Patriarchate.

Therefore the decision of 1994, with its acceptance of the Moscow Patriarchate,

contradicted the decision of 1983, with its rejection of the Moscow

Patriarchate. The future of ROCOR depended on which of these “two

traditions” in ecclesiology triumphed, the tradition of Metropolitan Philaret,

whose relics were found to be incorrupt in 19986, or the tradition of the new

leaders of ROCOR…

After the decision Bishop Gregory (Grabbe) wrote that the Cyprianites

“confess their own and by no means Orthodox teaching on the possibility of

the grace-filled action of the Holy Spirit in churches that have clearly become

heretical”. Moreover he declared: “In passing this Resolution on communion

with the group of Metropolitan Cyprian, our Council has unfortunately also

forgotten about the text of the Resolution accepted earlier under the

presidency of Metropolitan Philaret, which anathematized the ecumenical

heresy… In fact, by not looking into the matter seriously and forgetting about

the anathematizing of the new calendarist ecumenists that was confirmed

earlier (and perhaps not having decided to rescind this resolution), our

Council, however terrible it may be to admit it, has fallen under its own

anathema… Do we have to think that our Hierarchical Council has entered on

the path of betraying the patristic traditions, or only that out of a

misunderstanding it has allowed a mistake which it is not yet too late to

correct at the November session in France?”7

However, the mistake was not corrected at the second session of the

Hierarchical Council in Lesna in November, 1994. Instead, the decision was

made to initiate negotiations with the MP. Archbishop Anthony of Los

Angeles commented on this to the present writer: “ROCOR is going to hell…”

6 All those present were greatly upset and grieved by the fact that during the pannikhida, as

during the All-Night Vigil and the Liturgy, the coffin with the relics of St. Philaret remained

sealed. In spite of the numerous requests of clergy and laity, who had specially come to

Jordanville so as to kiss the relics of the holy hierarch, Archbishop Laurus refused to open the

coffin. He also very strictly forbade making photocopies from the shots that had already been

taken of the incorrupt relics of the saint or even to show them to anyone.

7 Grabbe, “The Dubious Ecclesiology of Metropolitan Cyprian’s Group”, Church News, no. 5,

September-October, 1994, pp. 2-4; “Arkhierejskij Sobor RPTsZ 1994 goda: Istoria Prinyatia

Russkoj Zarubezhnoj Tserkoviu Yereticheskoj Ekkleziologii Mitropolita Kipriana”, Sviataia

Rus’, 2003; Vernost, 98, December, 2007.


2. The Return of the KGB. The former KGB Colonel Konstantin

Preobrazhensky, who converted to the faith and joined ROCOR in America,

writes: “After the democratic reforms of the 1990s the KGB officers managed

to get everything back. All the Directorates of the Soviet KGB are reunited

now in today’s FSB, except two of them: the First, which managed intelligence,

and the Ninth, which guarded the highest Communist bureaucrats. Both are

formally independent, but keep close connections with the FSB… The former

First Chief Directorate of the KGB is now called the Foreign Intelligence

Service. It is successfully managing the operation ’ROCOR’”8 – that is, the

absorption of ROCOR into the MP.9

The intelligence experts Christopher Andrew and Vasily Mitrokhin

confirm this assessment: “Ridiculed and reviled at the end of the Soviet era,

the Russian intelligence community has since been remarkably successful at

reinventing itself and recovering its political influence. The last three prime

ministers of the Russian Federation during Boris Yeltsin’s presidency –

Yevgeni Primakov, Sergei Stepashin and Vladimir Putin – were all former

intelligence chiefs. Putin, who succeeded Yeltsin as President in 2000, is the

only FCD [First Chief Directorate] officer ever to become Russian leader.

According to the head of the SVR [Foreign Intelligence Service], Sergei

Nikolayevich Lebedev, ‘The president’s understanding of intelligence activity

and the opportunity to speak the same language to him makes our work

considerably easier.’ No previous head of state in Russia, or perhaps

anywhere else in the world, has ever surrounded himself with so many

former intelligence officers. Putin also has more direct control of intelligence

that any Russian leader since Stalin. According to Kirpichenko, ‘We are under

the control of the President and his administration, because intelligence is

directly subordinated to the President and only the President.’ But whereas

Stalin’s intelligence chiefs usually told him simply what he wanted to hear,

Kirpichenko claims that, ‘Now, we tell it like it is’.

“The mission statement of today’s FSB and SVR is markedly different from

that of the KGB. At the beginning of the 1980s Andropov proudly declared

that the KGB was playing its part in the onward march of world revolution.

By contrast, the current ‘National Security Concept’ of the Russian Federation,

adopted at the beginning of the new millennium, puts the emphasis instead

on the defence of traditional Russian values: ‘Guaranteeing the Russian

Federation’s national security also includes defence of the cultural and

spiritual-moral inheritance, historical traditions and norms of social life,

preservation of the cultural property of all the peoples of Russia, formation of

state policy in the sphere of the spiritual and moral education of the

population…’ One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Soviet

intelligence system from Cheka to KGB was its militant atheism. In March

2002, however, the FSB at last found God. A restored Russian Orthodox

8 Preobrazhensky, “Ecumenism and Intelligence”.

9 Preobrazhensky, “Hostile Absorption of ROCOR”.


church in central Moscow was consecrated by Patriarch Aleksi II as the FSB’s

parish church in order to minister to the previously neglected spiritual needs

of its staff. The FSB Director, Nikolai Patrushev, and the Patriarch celebrated

the mystical marriage of the Orthodox Church and the state security

apparatus by a solemn exchange of gifts. Patrushev presented a symbolic

golden key of the church and an icon of St. Aleksei, Moscow Metropolitan, to

the Patriarch, who responded by giving the FSB Director the Mother God

‘Umilenie’ icon and an icon representing Patrushev’s own patron saint, St.

Nikolai – the possession of which would formerly have been a sufficiently

grave offence to cost any KGB officer his job. Though the FSB has not, of

course, become the world’s first intelligence agency staffed only or mainly by

Christian true believers, there have been a number of conversions to the

Orthodox Church by Russian intelligence officers past and present – among

them Nikolai Leonov, who half a century ago was the first to alert the Centre

to the revolutionary potential of Fidel Castro. ‘Spirituality’ has become a

common theme in FSB public relations materials. While head of FSB public

relations in 1999-2001, Vasili Stavitsky published several volumes of poetry

with a strong ‘spiritual’ content, among them Secrets of the Soul (1999); a book

of ‘spiritual-patriotic’ poems for children entitled Light a Candle, Mamma

(1999); and Constellation of Love: Selected Verse (2000). Many of Stavitsky’s

poems have been set to music and recorded on CDs, which are reported to be

popular at FSB functions.

“Despite their unprecedented emphasis on ‘spiritual security’, however,

the FSB and SVR are politicized intelligence agencies which keep track of

President Putin’s critics and opponents among the growing Russian diaspora

abroad, as well as in Russia itself. During his first term in office, while

affirming his commitment to democracy and human rights, Putin gradually

succeeded in marginalizing most opposition and winning control over

television channels and the main news media. The vigorous public debate of

policy issues during the Yeltsin years has largely disappeared. What has

gradually emerged is a new system of social control in which those who step

too far out of line face intimidation by the FSB and the courts. The 2003 State

Department annual report on human rights warned that a series of alleged

espionage cases involving scientists, journalists and environmentalists

‘caused continuing concerns regarding the lack of due process and the

influence of the FSB in court cases’. According to Lyudmilla Alekseyeva, the

current head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, which has been campaigning for

human rights in Russia since 1976, ‘The only thing these scientists, journalists

and environmentalists are guilty of is talking to foreigners, which in the

Soviet Union was an unpardonable offence.’ Though all this remains a far cry

from the KGB’s obsession with even the most trivial forms of ideological

subversion, the FSB has once again defined a role for itself as an instrument of

social control…”10

10 Andrew and Mitrokhin, The KGB and the World. The Mitrokhin Archive II, London: Penguin,

2006, pp 490-492.


The central figure in this “spiritualization” but at the same time “resovietization”

of Russia was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Coming to power

on January 1, 2000, he presented himself as “all things to all men”: a chekist to

the chekists, a democrat to the democrats, a nationalist to the nationalists, and

an Orthodox to the Orthodox. Putin’s propagandist Yegor Kholmogorov has

written: “Putin’s power was, from the very beginning, non-electoral in origin,

it was not a matter of being ‘appointed by Yeltsin’, but of what the Chinese

call ‘the mandate of heaven’, an unquestioned right to power... ”11 Putin was

indeed resembling a Chinese emperor more than a democratic politician, not

only in his political style, but also in his fabulous personal wealth, calculated

at Ł40 billion… 12

Putin is no believer. On September 8, 2000, when asked by the American

television journalist Larry King whether he believed in God, he replied: “I

believe in people…” Moreover, as George Spruksts writes,

“1) he lights menorahs when he worships at his local synagogue;

“2) he has worshipped the mortal remains of Kin Il Sung in North Korea;

“3) he has worshipped the mortal remains of Mahatma Gandhi;

“4) he ‘believes not in God, but in Man’ (as he himself has stated);

“5) he was initiated into an especially occult form of ‘knighthood’ (read:

freemasonry) in Germany;

“6) he has restored the communist anthem;

“7) he has restored the bloody red rag as the RF’s military banner;

“8) he has not removed the satanic pentagram from public buildings

(including cathedrals);

“9) he has plans of restoring the monument to ‘Butcher’ Dzerzhinsky [now


“10) he has not removed the satanic mausoleum in Red Square nor its

filthy contents.”13

11 Kholmogorov, “Kremlevskij Mechtatel’” (Kremlin Dreamer), Spetnaz Rossii (Russia’s Special

Forces), 2000/2.

12 See Luke Harding, “Putin, the Kremlin power struggle and the $40bn fortune”, The

Guardian, December 21, 2007, pp. 1-2.

13 Sprukts, “Re: [paradosis] A Russian Conversation in English”, orthodoxtradition@

yahoogroups.com, 24 June, 2004.


It should also be remembered, as Preobrazhensky points out, that Putin

“began his career not in the intelligence ranks but in the ‘Fifth Branch’ of the

Leningrad Regional KGB, which also fought religion and the Church. Putin

carefully hides this fact from foreign church leaders, and you will not find it

in any of his official biographies… The myth of Putin’s religiosity is important

for proponents of ‘the union’. It allows Putin to be characterized as some

Orthodox Emperor Constantine, accepting the perishing Church Abroad

under his regal wing. For his kindness we should be stretching out our arms

to him with tears of gratitude…”14

“For those who claim,” writes Professor Olga Ackerly, “that the ‘CIS is

different from the USSR’ and Putin is a ‘practising Orthodox Christian’, here

are some sobering facts. The first days and months Putin’s presidency were

highlighted by the reestablishment of a memorial plaque on Kutuzovsky

Prospect where Andropov used to live. The plaque was a symbol of

communist despotism missing since the 1991 putsch, bearing Andropov’s

name – a former head of the KGB, especially known for his viciousness in the

use of force and psychiatric clinics for dissidents. On May 9, 2000, Putin

proposed a toast to the ‘genius commander’ Iosif Stalin and promoted many

former KGB officers to the highest state positions…

“Important to note is that the Eurasian movement, with ties to occultism,

ecumenism, etc. was recently revived by Putin, and a Congress entitled ‘The

All-Russian Political Social Movement’, held in Moscow in April of 2001, was

‘created on the basis of the Eurasist ideology and inter-confessional [sic!]

harmony in support of the reforms of President Vladimir Putin.’ The

movement is led by Alexander Dugin, a sexual mystic, National Bolshevik

Party member, son of a Cheka cadre, personally familiar with the so-called

‘Black International’, advisor to the State Duma, and participant in Putin’s

‘Unity’ movement.”15

From 2003 Putin moved to reverse the main gains of the liberal 1990s –

religious freedom, and a more open and honest attitude to the Soviet past.

Churches were seized from True Orthodox Christians and their websites

hacked; elections were rigged, independent journalists were killed, and

independent businessmen imprisoned on trumped-up charges; and new

history books justifying Stalinism were introduced into the classrooms. The

red flag and hammer and sickle were restored to the armed services, as well

as the melody (if not the words) of the Soviet national anthem. Youth

organizations similar to the Hitler Youth were created. 16 And in general

Putin’s Russia began to resemble Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

14 Preobrazhensky, KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse, op. cit., p. 97; KGB v russkoj emigratsii (The

KGB in the Russian Emigration), New York: Liberty Publishing House, 2006, p. 102.

15 Ackerly, “High Treason in ROCOR: The Rapprochement with Moscow”, pp. 21, 25.

16 Edward Lucas, The New Cold War, London: Bloomsbury, 2008, p. 102.


Banking on the high price of Russian oil, Putin began to rebuild Russia’s

economic and military might – but the corruption and imbalances within the

Russian economy have hindered the diversification of the economy that he

needs. State- and privately-organized crime has flourished under his

patronage. The MP has shown complete loyalty to Putinism, and takes an

enthusiastic part in the criminal economy, as is illustrated by the activities of

the recently elected patriarch, Cyril Gundiaev, who imports tobacco and

alcohol duty-free and is now one of the richest men in Russia.17

This is this man who personally promoted and brokered the union of the

MP and ROCOR, ideas which were first mooted by Archbishop Mark in 1997

and by Archbishop Laurus on July 17, 1999…18

3. The MP’s “Jubilee” Council. Following the instructions of the KGB, in

August, 2000 the MP held a “Jubilee” Hierarchical Council whose main

purpose was to remove the obstacles towards ROCOR’s unification with it.

These obstacles, as formulated by ROCOR during the decade 1990-2000 were:

(a) Ecumenism, (b) Sergianism, and (c) the Glorification of the New Martyrs,

especially the Royal New Martyrs.

(a) Ecumenism. In the document on relations with the heterodox, it was

declared that “the Orthodox Church is the true Church of Christ, created by

our Lord and Saviour Himself…”; “The Church of Christ is one and

unique…”; “The so-called ‘branch theory’, which affirms the normality and

even the providentiality of the existence of Christianity in the form of separate

‘branches’… is completely unacceptable.” However, wrote Protopriest

Michael Ardov, “the ‘patriarchal liberals’ will also not be upset, insofar as the

heretics in the cited document are called ‘heterodox’, while the Monophysite

communities are called the ‘Eastern Orthodox Churches’. And the ‘dialogues

with the heterodox’ will be continued, and it is suggested that the World

Council of Churches be not abandoned, but reformed…”19

17 “After the fall of the Soviet Union, the church received official privileges including the right

to import duty-free alcohol and tobacco. In 1995, the Nikolo-Ugreshky Monastery, which is

directly subordinated to the patriarchate, earned $350 million from the sale of alcohol. The

patriarchate’s department of foreign church relations, which Kirill ran, earned $75 million

from the sale of tobacco. But the patriarchate reported an annual budget in 1995-1996 of only

$2 million. Kirill’s personal wealth was estimated in Moscow News in 2006 to be $4 billion.”

(http://news-nftu.blogspot.com, February, 2009).

18 Fr. Benjamin Zhukov, “Appeal to the West European Clergy”, December 15, 2000; Church

News, vol. 12, № 9 (91), p. 4. There were strong suspicions that both Laurus and Mark were

KGB agents. For more on Putin and his relations with ROCOR, seePeter Budzilovich,

“Vstrecha so ‘Stalinym’”, http://www.listok.com/heresy28.htm, and Konstantin

Preobrazhensky, KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse: Americans of Russian Descent, North Billerica,

Ma.: Gerard Group Publishing, 2008, chapter 2.

19 Ardov, “The ‘Jubilee Council’ has confirmed it: the Moscow Patriarchate has finally fallen

away from Orthodoxy” (Report read at the 8th Congress of the clergy, monastics and laity of

the Suzdal diocese of the Russian Orthodox [Autonomous] Church, November, 2000).


The MP’s Fr. (now Metropolitan) Hilarion (Alfeyev) explained the origins

of the document on ecumenism: “The subject of inter-Christian relations has

been used by various groups (within the Church) as a bogey in partisan wars.

In particular, it has been used to criticise Church leaders who, as is well

known, have taken part in ecumenical activities over many years.” In

Alfeyev’s opinion, “ecumenism has also been used by breakaway groups,

such as the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and the Old Calendarists, to

undermine people’s trust in the Church.” Therefore there was a need “for a

clear document outlining the theological basis of the Russian Orthodox

Church’s attitude towards heterodoxy, i.e. the question of why we need and

whether we need dialogue with the non-Orthodox confessions, and if so

which form this dialogue should take.” Fr. Hilarion refused to answer the

question whether the Council would discuss the matter of the participation of

the MP in the WCC, but said that the patriarchate felt obliged to continue

negotiations with Protestant and Catholic representatives in the WCC and to

be a part of the ecumenical committee.20

After the Council, there was no let-up in the MP’s ecumenical activities.

Thus on August 18, “Patriarch” Alexis prayed together with the Armenian

“Patriarch”. And on April 21, 2005, he congratulated the new Pope Benedict

XVI on his accession, and expressed the hope that he would strive to develop

relations between the two churches. When asked how he evaluated Pope John

Paul II’s ministry, he replied: “His Holiness’ teachings have not only

strengthened Catholics throughout the world in their faith, but also borne

witness to Christianity in the complex world of today.”21 After ROCOR joined

the MP in 2007, the MP noticeably increased its ecumenical activities and its

relationship with the Vatican continued to improve…

(b) Sergianism. The MP approved a “social document” which, among other

things, recognised that “the Church must refuse to obey the State” “if the

authorities force the Orthodox believers to renounce Christ and His Church”.

As we shall see, enormous significance was attached to this phrase by

ROCOR. However, on the very same page we find: “But even the persecuted

Church is called to bear the persecutions patiently, not refusing loyalty to the

State that persecutes it”.22 We may infer from this that the MP still considers

that its loyalty to the Soviet State was right and the resistance to it shown by

the Catacomb Church was wrong. So, contrary to first appearances, the MP

remained mired in sergianism.

20 Church News, vol. 12, № 6 (88), July-August, 2000, p. 8. Alfeyev had already shown his

ecumenist colours in his book, The Mystery of Faith (first published in Moscow in Russian in

1996, in English by Darton, Longman and Todd in 2002), which was strongly criticised from

within the MP by Fr. Valentine Asmus.

21 Associated Press, April 21, 2005; Corriere della Sera, April 24, 2005.

22 Iubilejnij Arkhierejskij Sobor Russkoj pravoslavnoj tserkvi. Moskva 13-16 avgusta 2000 goda (The

Jubilee Hierarchical Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow, 13-16 August, 2000),

St. Petersburg, 2000, p. 159.


Indeed, sergianism as such was not mentioned in the document, much less

repented of. This is consistent with the fact that the MP has never in its entire

history since 1943 shown anything other than a determination to serve

whatever appears to be the strongest forces in the contemporary world. Until

the fall of communism, that meant the communists. With the fall of

communism, the MP was not at first sure whom she had to obey, but

gradually assumed the character of a “populist” church, trying to satisfy the

various factions within it (including nominally Orthodox political leaders)

while preserving an appearance of unity.

Since Putin came to power in January, 2000, the MP has appeared to be

reverting to its submissive role in relation to an ever more Soviet-looking

government, not protesting against the restoration of the red flag to the armed

forces and approving the retention of the music of the Soviet national anthem.

There has even been an official justification of Sergianism. Thus on July 18,

2002, the Moscow Synod ratified a document entitled “The relationships

between the Russian Orthodox Church and the authorities in the 20s and 30s”,

which declared: “The aim of normalising the relationship with the authorities

cannot be interpreted as a betrayal of Church interests. It was adopted by the

holy Patriarch Tikhon, and was also expressed in the so-called ‘Epistle of the

Solovki Bishops’ in 1926, that is, one year before the publication of ‘The

Epistle of the deputy patriarchal locum tenens and temporary patriarchal

Synod’. The essence of the changes in the position of the hierarchy consisted

in the fact that the Church, having refused to recognise the legitimacy of the

new power established after the October revolution in 1917, as the power

became stronger later, had to recognise it as a state power and establish

bilateral relations with it. This position is not blameworthy; historically, the

Church has more than once found herself in a situation in which it has had to

cooperate with non-orthodox rulers (for instance, in the period of the Golden

Horde or the Muslim Ottoman Empire).”23

However, Soviet power was very different from the Tatars or Ottomans,

and “bilateral relations” with it, unlike with those powers, involved the

betrayal of the Orthodox Faith and falling under the anathema of the Church.

Moreover, if the Church at first refused to recognise Soviet power, but then

(in 1927) began to recognise it, the question arises: which position was the

correct one? There can be no question but that the position endorsed by the

Moscow Council of 1917-18, when Bolshevik power was anathematized, was

the correct one, and that the sergianist Moscow Patriarchate, by renouncing

that position, betrayed the truth – and continues to betray it to the present day

through its symbiotic relationship with a government that openly declares

itself to be the heir of the Soviet State.

23 Moskovskij Tserkovnij Vestnik (Moscow Church Herald), №№ 14-15, pp. 243-244; quoted by

Fr. Michael Ardov, http://portal-credo.ru/site/?act=english&id=13.


(c) The New Martyrs. With regard to the New Martyrs, the major problems

from the patriarchate's point of view were the questions of the Royal Martyrs,

on the one hand, and of the martyrs of the Catacomb Church who rejected

Metropolitan Sergius, on the other. Non-royal martyrs killed before the

schism with the Catacomb Church could be "safely" canonized. Thus in 1989,

the MP canonized Patriarch Tikhon, and in 1992 it canonized three more

martyrs and set up a commission to inquire into the martyrdom of the Royal

Family, about which an MP publication wrote in 1998: “No less if not more

dangerous as an ecclesiastical falsification is the MP’s Canonization

Commission, headed by Metropolitan Juvenal (Poiarkov), which has

suggested a compromise glorification of Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich: ‘Yes,

he was guilty of the tragedy on Khodynka field, he hobnobbed with Rasputin,

he offended the workers, the country became backward. In general as a ruler

of a state he was completely useless. Most important, he brought the country

to revolution. But he suffered for Christ…’ Such a falsification will only

continue that dirty stream of slander which the Christ-fighters began to pour

out already long before 1917…”24

After nearly a decade of temporising, the MP finally, under pressure from

its flock, glorified the Royal New Martyrs and many other martyrs of the

Soviet yoke at the Jubilee Council. The glorification of the Royal New Martyrs

was a compromise decision, reflecting the very different attitudes towards

them in the patriarchate. The Royal Martyrs were called “passion-bearers”

rather than “martyrs”, and it was made clear that they were being glorified,

not for the way in which they lived their lives, but for the meekness with

which they faced their deaths. This allowed the anti-monarchists to feel that

Nicholas was still the “bloody Nicholas” of Soviet mythology, and that it was

“Citizen Romanov” rather than “Tsar Nicholas” who had been glorified - the

man rather than the monarchical principle for which he stood.

As regards the other martyrs, Sergius Kanaev writes: “In the report of the

President of the Synodal Commission for the canonisation of the saints,

Metropolitan Juvenal (Poiarkov), the criterion of holiness adopted… for

Orthodox Christians who had suffered during the savage persecutions was

clearly and unambiguously declared to be submission ‘to the lawful

leadership of the Church’, which was Metropolitan Sergius and his hierarchy.

With such an approach, the holiness of the ‘sergianist martyrs’ was

incontestable. The others were glorified or not glorified depending on the

degree to which they ‘were in separation from the lawful leadership of the

Church’. Concerning those who were not in agreement with the politics of

Metropolitan Sergius, the following was said in the report: ‘In the actions of

the “right” oppositionists, who are often called the “non-commemorators”,

one cannot find evil-intentioned, exclusively personal motives. Their actions

were conditioned by their understanding of what was for the good of the

Church’. In my view, this is nothing other than blasphemy against the New

24 Pravoslavie ili Smert’ (Orthodoxy or Death), № 8, 1998.


Martyrs and a straight apology for sergianism. With such an approach the

consciously sergianist Metropolitan Seraphim (Chichagov), for example,

becomes a ‘saint’, while his ideological opponent Metropolitan Joseph of

Petrograd, who was canonized by our Church, is not glorified… Metropolitan

Seraphim was appointed by Sergius (Stragorodsky) in the place of

Metropolitan Joseph, who had been ‘banned’ by him.”25

Other Catacomb martyrs were “glorified” by the MP because their holiness

was impossible to hide. Thus the relics of Archbishop Victor of Vyatka were

found to be incorrupt and now lie in a patriarchal cathedral – although he

was the very first bishop officially to break with Sergius and called him and

his church organization graceless! Again, the reputation of Metropolitan Cyril

of Kazan was too great to be ignored, in spite of the fact that by the end of his

life his position differed in no way from that of St. Victor or St. Joseph.

Some, seeing the glorification of the Catacomb martyrs by their opponents,

remembered the Lord’s words: “Ye build the tombs of the prophets and adorn

the sepulchres of the righteous, and say, ‘If we had been in the days of our

fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the

prophets’. Therefore ye bear witness against yourselves that ye are sons of

those who murdered the prophets. Fill up the measure of your fathers!”

(Matthew 23.29-32).

This blasphemous canonisation of both the true and the false martyrs,

thereby downgrading the exploit of the true martyrs, had been predicted by

the ROCOR priest Fr. Oleg Oreshkin: "I think that some of those glorified will

be from the sergianists so as to deceive the believers. 'Look,' they will say, 'he

is a saint, a martyr, in the Heavenly Kingdom, and he recognized the

declaration of Metropolitan Sergius, so you must be reconciled with it and its

fruits.' This will be done not in order to glorify martyrdom for Christ's sake,

but in order to confirm the sergianist politics."26

The main thing from the MP’s point of view was that their founder,

Metropolitan Sergius, should be given equal status with the catacomb martyrs

whom he persecuted. Thus in 1997 the patriarch said: “Through the host of

martyrs the Church of Russia bore witness to her faith and sowed the seed of

her future rebirth. Among the confessors of Christ we can in full measure

name… his Holiness Patriarch Sergius.”27

25 Kanaev, “Obraschenie k pervoierarkhu RPTsZ” (Address to the First Hierarch of the

ROCOR), in Zhukov, Otkliki na deiania Arkhierejskogo Sobor RPTsZ 2000 goda i na prochie

posleduischie za nim sobytia (Reactions to the Acts of the Hierarchical Council of the ROCOR in

2000 and to other events that followed it), part 2, Paris, 2001, pp. 3-4 ; Iubilejnij Arkhierejskij

Sobor, op. cit., pp. 43, 44.

26 "Ierei o. Oleg otvechaet na voprosy redaktsiii" (The Priest Fr. Oleg Replies to the Questions

of the Editors), Pravoslavnaia Rus' (Orthodox Russia), № 23 (1452), December 1/14, 1991, p. 7.

27 Quoted by Fr. Peter Perekrestov, “The Schism in the Heart of Russia (Concerning

Sergianism)”, Canadian Orthodox Herald, 1999, № 4.


By the time of the council of 2000, the MP still did not feel able to canonize

Sergius – probably because it feared that it would prevent a union with

ROCOR. But neither did it canonize the leader of the Catacomb Church,

Metropolitan Joseph of Petrograd. This suggested that a canonization of the

two leaders was in the offing, but depended on the success of the negotiations

between the MP and ROCOR.

The patriarch's lack of ecclesiastical principle and ecclesiological

consistency in this question was pointed out by Fr. Peter Perekrestov: "In the

introduction to one article ("In the Catacombs", Sovershenno Sekretno, № 7,

1991) Patriarch Alexis wrote the following: 'I believe that our martyrs and

righteous ones, regardless of whether they followed Metropolitan Sergius or

did not agree with his position, pray together for us.' At the same time, in the

weekly, Nedelya, № 2, 1/92, the same Patriarch Alexis states that the Russian

Church Abroad is a schismatic church, and adds: 'Equally uncanonical is the

so-called "Catacomb" Church.' In other words, he recognizes the martyrs of

the Catacomb Church, many of whom were betrayed to the godless

authorities by Metropolitan Sergius's church organization…, and at the same

time declares that these martyrs are schismatic and uncanonical!"28

For in the last resort, as Fr. Peter pointed out, for the MP this whole matter

was not one of truth or falsehood, but of power: "It is not important to them

whether a priest is involved in shady business dealings or purely church

activities; whether he is a democrat or a monarchist; whether an ecumenist or

a zealot; whether he wants to serve Vigil for six hours or one; whether the

priest serves a panikhida for the victims who defended the White House or a

moleben for those who sided with Yeltsin; whether the priest wants to baptize

by immersion or by sprinkling; whether he serves in the catacombs or openly;

whether he venerates the Royal Martyrs or not; whether he serves according

to the New or Orthodox Calendar - it really doesn't matter. The main thing is to

commemorate Patriarch Alexis. Let the Church Abroad have its autonomy, let

it even speak out, express itself as in the past, but only under one condition:

commemorate Patriarch Alexis. This is a form of Papism - let the priests be

married, let them serve according to the Eastern rite - it makes no difference,

what is important is that they commemorate the Pope of Rome."29

It is open to question whether the patriarchate's canonisation of even the

true martyrs is pleasing to God. Thus when 50 patriarchal bishops uncovered

the relics of Patriarch Tikhon in the Donskoj cemetery on April 5, 1992,

witnesses reported that "it was even possible to recognise the face of the

Patriarch from his incorrupt visage, and his mantia and mitre were also

preserved in complete incorruption. Witnesses also speak about a beautiful

28 Perekrestov, "Why Now?" Orthodox Life, vol. 44, № 6, November-December, 1994, p. 44.

29 Perekrestov, “Why Now?” op. cit., p. 43. Unfortunately Perekrestov, contradicting his own

witness about the MP, joined it in 2007.


fragrance and an unusual feeling of reverential peace at that moment. But

then, as some patriarchal clerics confirm, on contact with the air the relics

crumbled, or - as the Catacomb Christians remark - the relics were not given

into the hands of the Moscow Patriarchate. Then they buried them in plaster -

a blasphemous act from an Orthodox point of view..."30

The ROCOR clergy of Kursk wrote about the MP council as follows:

“Everywhere there is the same well-known style: pleasing the ‘right’ and the

‘left’, the Orthodox and the ecumenists, ‘yours’ and ‘ours’, without the

slightest attempt at definiteness, but with, on the other hand, a careful

preservation of the whole weight of the sins of the past and present”.31

The “Jubilee Sobor” was final proof, if proof were needed, that the MP had

not repented and could not repent unless its higher echelons were removed

and the whole church apparatus was thoroughly purged.

The question now was: how was ROCOR going to react?

30 Eugene Polyakov, personal communication, April 5, 1992.

31 “Obraschenie kurskogo dukhovenstva k mitropolitu Vitaliu” (Address of the Kursk Clergy

to Metropolitan Vitaly), Otkliki, op. cit., part 3, p. 80.



In October, 2000, a Hierarchical Council of ROCOR took place in New York

under the presidency of Metropolitan Vitaly. In almost all its acts it

represented a reaction to, and to a very large extent an approval of, the acts of

the Moscow council. The most important were three conciliar epistles

addressed: the first to the Serbian Patriarch Paul, the second “To the Beloved

Children of the Church in the Homeland and in the Diaspora” and the third

“To the Supporters of the Old Rites”.

The first of these epistles, dated October 26, declared that ROCOR and the

Serbs were “brothers by blood and by faith” and that “we have always valued

the eucharistic communion between our sister-Churches and the desire to

preserve the consolation of this communion to the end of time”. And towards

the end of the Epistle we read: “We beseech your Holiness not to estrange us

from liturgical communion with you”.

It should be remembered that this was written only two years after

ROCOR had officially reissued its anathema on ecumenism, and only a few

months after the Serbian Patriarch himself had said that there was no

communion between his Church and ROCOR, calling ROCOR a “church”

only in inverted commas! Moreover, as recently as September, 2000, the

official publication of the Serbian Church, Pravoslav’e, had reported that, at the

invitation of the patriarchate there had arrived in Belgrade a Catholic

delegation, which had made a joint declaration witnessing to the fact that

Serbian hierarchs had been praying together with the Catholics for the last

three weeks! So, having justly anathematised the Serbs as heretics, and having

witnessed the continuation of their heretical activity, ROCOR was now

begging to be brought back into communion with the heretics!

Why? The reason became clear later in the Epistle: “A miracle has taken

place, the prayers of the host of Russian New Martyrs have been heard: the

atheist power that threatened the whole world has unexpectedly, before our

eyes, fallen! Now we observe with joy and hope how the process of spiritual

regeneration foretold by our saints has begun, and in parallel with it the

gradual return to health of the Church administration in Russia. This process is

difficult and is not being carried forward without opposition. Nevertheless, a

radiant indicator of it is the recent glorification of the New Martyrs of Russia

headed by the slaughtered Royal Family and the condemnation of the politics

of cooperation with the godless authorities which took place at the last

Council of the Russian Church in Moscow.

“There still remain other serious wounds in the leadership of the Russian

Church which hinder our spiritual rapprochement. Nevertheless, we pray

God that He may heal them, too, by the all-powerful grace of the Holy Spirit.

Then there must take place the longed-for rapprochement and, God willing,


the spiritual union between the two torn-apart parts of the Russian Church –

that which is in the Homeland, and that which has gone abroad. We pray your

Holiness to grant your assistance in this.

So the ROCOR bishops – this letter was signed by all of them without

exception - were asking a heretic anathematised for ecumenism to help them

to enter into communion with other anathematised ecumenists – their old

enemies in Moscow, whom they now characterised in glowing and

completely false terms as if they had already returned to Orthodoxy! Why,

then, should the ROCOR bishops continue to speak of ecumenism as an

obstacle to union with the MP? As the Kursk clergy pointed out: “It is not

clear how long, in view of the declared unity with the Serbian patriarchate,

this last obstacle [ecumenism] to union with the MP will be seen as vital”.32

The second of the epistles, dated October 27, made several very surprising

statements. First, it again spoke of “the beginning of a real spiritual

awakening” in Russia. Considering that less than 1% of the Russian

population goes to the MP, then, even if the spiritual state of the MP were

brilliant, this would hardly constitute “awakening” on any significant scale.

However, as Demetrius Kapustin pointed out, the signs of this awakening

– the greater reading of spiritual books, the greater discussion of canonical

and historical questions in the MP – are not good indicators of real spiritual

progress: “It is evident that the reading of Church books can bring a person

great benefit. However, a necessary condition for this is love for the truth. The

Jews also saw Christ, and spoke with Him, but they did not want humbly to

receive the true teaching, and not only were they not saved, but also took part

in the persecutions and destroyed their own souls. It is the same with many

parishioners of the MP. On reading books on the contemporary Church

situation, many of them come to the conclusion that sergianism and

ecumenism are soul-destroying. However, these doubts of theirs are often

drowned out by the affirmations of their false teachers, who dare to place

themselves above the patristic tradition. Satisfying themselves with a false

understanding of love (substituting adultery with heretics and law-breakers

for love for God, which requires chastity and keeping the truth) and

obedience (substituting following the teaching of false elders for obedience to

God and the humble acceptance of the patristic teaching, and not recognizing

their personal responsibility for their own Church state), they often take part

in the persecutions and slander against the True Orthodox. In a word, even

such good works as the veneration of the Royal Martyrs are often expressed

in a distorted form (by, for example, mixing it with Stalinism, as with the

fighter from within’ Dushenov)”. Kapustin then makes the important point

that “an enormous number of people… have not come to Orthodoxy precisely

because they have not seen true Christianity in the MP (alas, in the

32 “Obraschenie kurskogo dukhovenstva k mitropolitu Vitaliu” (Address of the Kursk Clergy

to Metropolitan Vitaly), Otkliki, op. cit., part 3, p. 79.


consciousness of many people in Russia the Orthodox Church is associated

with the MP). In my opinion, the MP rather hinders than assists the spiritual

awakening of the Russian people (if we can talk at all about any awakening in

the present exceptionally wretched spiritual condition of Russia).”33

Secondly, ROCOR’s epistle welcomed the MP’s glorification of the New

Martyrs, since “the turning of the whole Russian people in prayer to all the

holy New Martyrs of Russia and especially the Royal new martyrs… had

become possible now thanks to the recognition of their holiness by the

Hierarchical Council of the Moscow Patriarchate”. As if the Russian people

had not already been praying to the Holy New Martyrs in front of icons made

in ROCOR for the past twenty years!

Moreover, as Protopriests Constantine Fyodorov and Benjamin Zhukov

wrote, “the possibility of turning in prayer to the Russian New Martyrs was

opened to the people not by the Moscow Patriarchate (as is written in our

Hierarchical Council’s Epistle), but by the martyric exploit of these saints themselves,

who were glorified by our Church in 1981. The prayer of the Russian people to

these saints never ceased from the very first day of their martyric exploit, but

was strengthened and spread precisely by the canonization of the Church Abroad.”34

Thirdly: “We are encouraged by the acceptance of the new social

conception by this council, which in essence blots out the ‘Declaration’ of

Metropolitan Sergius in 1927”.35 And yet in the MP’s “social conception”

Sergius’ declaration was not even mentioned, let alone repented of. In any

case, how could one vague phrase about the necessity of the Church

disobeying the State in certain exceptional cases (which was contradicted on

the same page, as we have seen) blot out a Declaration that caused the greatest

schism in Orthodox Church history since 1054 and incalculable sufferings and

death?! Two years later, as we have seen, in July, 2002, the Synod of the MP,

far from “blotting out” the declaration, said that Sergius’ relationship to the

Soviet authorities was “not blameworthy”, so not only has the MP not

repented for sergianism, but it has continued to justify it, contradicting the

position of the Catacomb new martyrs whom it has just glorified and who

gave their lives because of their opposition to sergianism.

33 Kapustin, “Raz’iasnenia Episkopa usilili somnenia” (The Explanations of the Bishop have

increased Doubts), Otkliki, op. cit., part 3, p. 66. Kapustin was actually commenting on Bishop

Eutyches’ report to the Council. However, since the Council in its epistle accepted Eutyches’

report almost in toto, and repeated many of his points, the remarks on the bishop’s report

apply equally to the conciliar epistle.

34 Fyodorov, Zhukov, “Ispovedanie iskonnoj pozitsii RPTsZ” (The Confession of the Age-Old

Position of the ROCOR), Otkliki, op. cit., part 3, p. 46.

35 Again, it was Bishop Eutyches’ report that played the vital role here: “We simply no longer

notice it, one phrase from the Social Doctrine is sufficient for us” (A. Soldatov, “Sergij

premudrij nam put’ ozaril” (Sergius the Wise has Illumined our Path), Vertograd, № 461, 21

May, 2004, p. 4).


The epistle, which was signed by all the bishops except Barnabas, obliquely

recognised this fact when it later declared: “We have not seen a just

evaluation by the Moscow Patriarchate of the anti-ecclesiastical actions of

Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) and his Synod and their successors”. If

so, then how can we talk about Sergius’ Declaration being blotted out?!

The third epistle, addressed to the Old Ritualists without distinguishing

between the Popovtsi and Bespopovtsi, was similarly ecumenist in tone,

beginning with the words: “To the Believing children of the Russian

Orthodox Church in the Homeland and in the diaspora, who hold to the old

rite, the Council of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad sends

greetings! Beloved brothers and sisters in our holy Orthodox faith: may the

grace and peace of the Man-loving Saviour be with you to the ages!”

It was one thing to remove the bans on the old rites, as ROCOR had done

in its Council in 1974: it was quite another to recognise the schismatics as

Orthodox. And in such terms! For later in the epistle ROCOR compares the

persecutions of the Old Ritualists to the persecutions of St. John Chrysostom,

and begs forgiveness of the Old Ritualists as the Emperor Theodosius the

Younger had begged it of the holy hierarch! But, as Bishop Gregory Grabbe

pointed out after the 1974 Council, the sins of the Russian State in persecuting

the Old Ritualists in the 17th century should not all be laid on the Church of

the time, which primarily condemned the Old Ritualists not for their

adherence to the old rites (which even Patriarch Nicon recognised to be

salvific), but for their disobedience to the Church. To lay all the blame for the

schism, not on the Old Ritualists but on the Orthodox, even after the Old

Ritualists had proudly refused to take advantage of the many major

concessions made by the Orthodox (for example, the edinoverie) while

stubbornly continuing to call the Orthodox themselves schismatics, was to

invert the truth and logically led to the conclusion that the Orthodox Church

was not the True Church!

As clergy of the Kursk diocese pointed out: “The conciliar epistle to the

Old Ritualists, in our opinion, is not only an extremely humiliating document

for the Orthodox Church, but also contains signs of a heterodox ecclesiology.

Effectively equating the Old Ritualists with the confessors of Orthodoxy, the

Hierarchical Council, first, leaves them with their convictions, thereby

blocking the path to repentance, and secondly, either teaches that outside the

Orthodox Church there can exist true confession, or considers that the Church

can be divided into parts which for centuries have not had any eucharistic

communion between themselves. Both in form and in spirit the epistle in

question represents a complete break with the patristic tradition of the

Orthodox Church…. It seems that all that remains to be added is the request:


‘We humbly beseech you to receive us into your communion and be united to

the Holy Church.”36

The feelings of the protestors was summed up by Fr. Stefan Krasovitsky

and Roman Vershillo, who said that a “revolution” had taken place, and that

“if we are to express the meaning of the coup shortly, then there took place,

first, a moral disarmament, and secondly, the self-abolition of ROCOR as a

separate part of the Russian Local Church… Alas, [it] is composed in such a

way that it is not actually clear who has really fallen into schism from the

Church: we or our errant Old Ritualist brothers!”37

For ROCOR the writing was now on the wall. The October, 2000 Council

constituted a clear break with the traditional attitude towards the MP and

World Orthodoxy adopted by Metropolitans Anthony, Anastasy and Philaret.

Only a clear renunciation of that clear break could keep the children of

ROCOR within the Church and Faith of their fathers…

The October, 2000 Council was dubbed “the second October revolution” by

its critics. And soon, in imitation of the MP’s own behaviour, suspensions and

bans were being placed on the dissidents without any pretence of correct

canonical procedure. Bishop Gabriel of Manhattan banned Hieromonk Paisius

of Richmond Hill, New York; Bishop Michael of Toronto banned Hieromonk

Vladimir of Mansonville, Canada; Bishop Agathangelus of the Crimea banned

Priest Nicholas Furtatenko of Kiev; and Bishop Eutyches of Siberia banned

three priests from St. Petersburg and two from Omsk. It was clear that

opposition to the false council of 2000 was increasing both inside and outside

Russia. The question was: would this opposition finally break with ROCOR

and, together with those who had already broken with ROCOR or been

unlawfully expelled from it, form a coherent and united force capable of

regenerating the Russian Church?

36 “Obraschenie kurskogo dukhovenstva k mitropolitu Vitaliu” (Address of the Kursk Clergy

to Metropolitan Vitaly), Otkliki, op. cit., part 3. pp. 81-82, 76.

37 Krasovitsky, Vershillo, “Esche raz o sergianstve” (Once More about Sergianism), Otkliki, op.

cit., part 2, p. 52.



“On November 21 / December 4, 2000,” writes Vitaly Shumilo,

Metropolitan Vitaly, in reply to the numerous appeals, published his ‘Epistle

to the Clergy and Flock’ in which he gave his evaluation of the Moscow

Patriarchate and its Sobor of 2000, in particular with regard to the

canonization in the MP of the New Martyrs and the Royal Family. ‘The

Moscow Patriarchate has decided to carry out a political capitulation and to

perform its glorification with one aim only: to pacify the voice of its believers

and thereby gain some continued existence for itself.’ In his Epistle Vladyka

Metropolitan also gives a critical evaluation of the decree accepted by the

ROCOR Sobor concerning the creation of a Reconciliatory commission for

unity with the MP and recalled how and with what aim Stalin created the

contemporary ‘Moscow Patriarchate’. And here he speaks about the

Catacomb Church, which did not enter upon the path of serving the Godfighting

authorities, and about the Soviet church, which submitted to the

authorities: ‘The silent response to this on the part of the believers in Russia

was that they began to pray in their homes, and in every such flat a house

church with an iconostasis was created… This kind of church exists to this

day.’ In his Epistle the First-Hierarch affirmed that ‘our Church, which

already now for 80 years has gone along the straight path of Christ, will not

deviate into any dubious holes’, and ‘the fact that I have signed this Epistle

[the conciliar decision of 2000 –author’s comment] by no means signifies that I

agree with every point in it, and I know that there are other hierarchs who

thought the same as I’. At the end of the Epistle Metropolitan Vitaly once

more declared: ‘And so know, faithful children of the Russian Orthodox

Church Abroad, that our Church has not changed its path, and we also, if we

wish to be saved, must go along this path’, and he called on them to remain

‘faithful to the Lord and His Church’.”38

The most organized resistance outside Russia came from the West

European diocese. The clergy there were unhappy with the appointment of

the pro-MP Bishop Ambrose (Cantacuzčne) as head of the diocese to replace

the anti-MP Archbishop Seraphim, who was retiring. Moreover, on October

17 a letter to the Council of Bishops signed by Bishop Barnabas, 7 archpriests,

7 priests, the Abbess of the Lesna convent and other lower clergy protested

against the plans, announced in a letter by two Geneva priests, to transfer the

Geneva parish of the Elevation of the Cross to the MP in exchange for

“stavropegial” status and administrative and financial independence.

The role of Bishop Ambrose of Geneva in this affair was not immediately

obvious.39 Although he had been conducting negotiations with the MP for the

38 Shumilo, “Apostasia v Russkoj Zarubezhnoj Tserkvi” (Apostasy in the Russian Church

Abroad), http://catacomb.org.ua/modules.php?name=Pages&go=page&pid=1032.

39 Several years before, Archbishop Anthony of Los Angeles had written to Metropolitan

Vitaly when the consecration of Bishop Ambrose was first mooted: “I am worried by the


last five years, he appeared at first to distance himself from the two priests.

However, on October 27 he was elevated to the rank of diocesan bishop of the

Western Europe diocese, and immediately, at a parish meeting, said that he

was very happy with the parish council’s decision to join the MP…40

There were stirrings in Russia also. On January 21 / February 2, 2001,

Bishop Benjamin (Rusalenko) of the Kuban and Black Sea made the first open

declaration by a bishop withdrawing his signature from the unorthodox

decisions of the Council of the year 2000. In June he was followed by

Archbishop Lazarus. Now all the Russian bishops except Bishop Eutyches of

Ishim and Siberia41 were on the side of the protesters.

On February 6-8 there took place a meeting of the Hierarchical Synod in

New York under the presidency of Metropolitan Vitaly that confirmed all the

decisions of the Council. “We are very upset,” said the Synod, “by the

disturbances that have taken hold of some parts of our church organism. In

connection with this we affirm that we – all the members of the Hierarchical

Synod, headed by the president, his Eminence Metropolitan Vitaly, -

unanimously stand by the decisions and declarations accepted at the

words of Vl. Anthony [of Geneva]: ‘Both candidates are my faithful friends, they have the

same opinions as I.’ We all remember the words of Vl. Anthony on Russia, we know his

attitude towards the ecumenists of the Serbian church and to the Paris archiepiscopate. God

forbid that his candidates, especially the younger one, should be of the same opinion as him

in this. I would like to meet them personally, so as to be able to take part in a discussion of

their consecration. Since there is no time for this, and the consecration is already decided, let

my reply remain as a reminder concerning those irreparable consequences which have

already taken place more than once in our Church as the result of hasty and uncanonical


“… Concerning Fr. Peter Cantacuzčne, whom I don’t know at all, I have negative

information from the clergy in France, to the effect that he is not firm in all things.

“In conclusion I very fervently and ardently ask you not to hurry with the ordination of Fr.

P. Cantacuzčne. There is a great risk of our receiving an unwanted hierarchical voice, and we

are obliged to foresee this.” (undated letter, original in the archive of Archbishop Anthony

(Orlov) of San Francisco).

40 Church News, November, 2000, vol. 12, № 8 (90), pp. 8-10.

41 Moreover, just to keep him on side, Metropolitan Cyril (Gundiaev) called him in March,

2004 and gave him an ultimatum: either become a vicar of Patriarch Alexis II, or leave

Russia…” (Konstantin Preobrazhensky, “Ecumenism and Intelligence”). In the same year,

according to Roman Lunkin, Bishop Eutyches became a member of the commission for the

unification of ROCOR and the MP, declaring that he had already for a long time been striving

for unity with the MP. In a press interview he asserted that 70% of the clergy of ROCOR were

ready to unite with the patriarchate even now, and that the very unification of the churches

could become an event signifying the changes that had taken place in the MP and the

shedding of its ‘sovietism’. In the summer of 2004, after a meeting between Bishop Eutyches

and Archbishop Demetrius (Kapalin) of Tobolsk and Tyumen arranged by the vice-governor

of the Tyumen district, Sergius Smetaniuk, Archbishop Demetrius declared that there were

no contradictions between the two branches of the Russian Orthodox Church (“Rossijskie

zarubezhniki mezhdu dvukh ognej” (The Russians of the Church Abroad between two fires),



Hierarchical Council and we cannot agree with the attempt to introduce a

spirit of doubt and disagreement into our midst.”

In response to this, on February 24 / March 9 Bishop Benjamin and the

clergy of the Kuban and Black Sea diocese wrote to Metropolitan Vitaly and

the Synod, saying: “We insistently ask you to convene a new Council with the

participation of clergy, monastics and laity. Because by your decisions you

have introduced strong dismay and disturbance into the whole of our Church.

We are expecting a positive response to our Address from the next meeting of

the Hierarchical Synod. But if our voice is not heeded by the Archpastors,

then we shall be forced, in accordance with the holy canons that forbid joint

prayer with heretics, to step on the path of decisive actions (‘depart from evil

and do good’)… We have not lost hope that our Hierarchical Synod will

review these decisions and by the conciliar mind of the Russian Church

Abroad will correct the errors that have been made.”

Meanwhile, the clergy of the West European diocese were continuing to

refuse to accept Bishop Ambrose’s authority. Fr. Nicholas Semeonov of

Brussels and Fr. Constantine Fyodorov of the Lesna convent in France were

suspended. On February 28, 2001, Bishop Barnabas withdrew his signature

from the October Council’s letter to the Serbian patriarch. The next day

Bishop Ambrose “released the clergy and the flock of the French vicariate [of

Cannes] from submission to Bishop Barnabas”.42 Then, on April 24 the

ROCOR Synod, on the basis of a report by the Protopriests George Larin and

Stefan Pavlenko, suspended the French clergy for their refusal to

commemorate Bishop Ambrose, and told them to meet Archbishop Laurus in

Munich on May 2. This suspension was signed by Metropolitan Vitaly and

Archbishop Laurus, secretary of the Synod. The French clergy, meeting with

Bishop Barnabas, unanimously rejected the suspensions as uncanonical, and

did not go to the meeting in Munich. But on April 25, Bishop Barnabas was

also placed under ban. These acts were signed by Metropolitan Vitaly and the

secretary of the Synod, Archbishop Laurus.43

None of the banned clergy was able to arrive at such short notice for the

meeting on May 2. In their absence a broadened Hierarchical Synod

confirmed the April decisions to ban Bishop Barnabas and his clergy.44 On

May 5 Bishop Barnabas and his clergy signed an Address in which they

evaluated the activity of the Synod and Bishop Ambrose in the last few

42 Church News, March-April, 2001, vol. 13, № 2 (94), pp. 5-6.

43 Tserkovnie Novosti, May-June, 2001, № 3 (94), pp. 1-3.

44 Fr. Luca (Michellin) argues that Bishop Barnabas was partly responsible for this tragedy in

that, at the Council of 2000, when the appointment of a bishop to replace the retired

Archbishop Seraphim of Brussels had been discussed, his own name had been put forward

by Bishop Gabriel, but he had refused, saying that he had been ordained in 1982 solely in

order to carry out a secret episcopal consecration for the Catacomb Church. As a result,

Bishop Ambrose was appointed, while Bishop Barnabas remained in the rank of a vicarbishop.

Bishop Barnabas did not oppose Bishop Ambrose’s appointment at that time.


months. They pointed out that they had made several appeals to the Synod to

review the ecumenist and pro-MP activity of Bishop Ambrose and to remove

him from administering the diocese. In reply, instead of investigating the

complaints and initiating an ecclesiastical trial, the Synod had banned the

appealers “until repentance”. Referring to Bishop Benjamin’s Declaration

(“the voice of Bishop Benjamin of the Black Sea and Kuban has sounded out

in a confessing manner”, they said), the West European clergy appealed to the

like-minded clergy and flock in Russia and abroad to unite “and form a

powerful opposition to the new course in our Church”.

On May 6/19 another Address of the West European clergy appeared on

the internet, in which their position was explained and bewilderment

expressed with regard to the bans placed on them by the Synod. “The essence

of the question is not in some crude and enigmatic disobedience to the

hierarchy, but in the acceptance or non-acceptance of the Moscow

Patriarchate. The question was clearly put at the Council of the year 2000,

which established a Commission for the Unity of the Russian Church and

turned to the Serbian ‘Patriarch’ with a request that he intercede on the path

to this unity. The hierarchs deliberately ignore this question and cover it with

a supposed violation of church discipline. The appointment of Bishop

Ambrose as the ruling bishop, although he is a supporter of rapprochement

with Moscow and in spite of all the warnings, has brought the diocese into

complete disorder… In recognizing the Moscow Patriarchate as the genuine

Russian Church, the hierarchs have condemned themselves as schismatics,

falling under the Moscow Patriarchate’s condemnation of the Church

Abroad.’ At the end of the Address the banned clergy declared that this kind

of action on the part of the members of the Synod “has not real ecclesiastical

significance, and all their decisions bear only a party character”. The crisis in

the West European diocese has reached the point where formal synodical

decrees and bans are no longer able to resolve it.

The tragedy consisted in that Metropolitan Vitaly had signed these bans,

and they could be reversed, according to article 38 of the Statute of the

Russian Church Abroad, only by a canonical Hierarchical Sobor.

On May 22 / June 4 Archbishop Lazarus withdrew his signature from the

decisions of the Council of 2000. In his Address (which he had begun in

January, 2001, but had been prevented from completing because of illness) he,

following Bishop Benjamin, called for an extraordinary Council of ROCOR to

review several points in that Council’s documents. And he went on: “In no

way am I thinking, and never have thought, of leaving ROCOR and causing a

schism, but, on the contrary, by this step of mine I guard myself and the flock

entrusted to me by the Holy Church from deviating from the only true path of

confession along which ROCOR and RTOC (as two parts of one Russian

Church) have unwaveringly gone since the very moment of their origin.”


Archbishop Lazarus also warned against premature breaking with the

Synod. He was probably thinking of the action of the Paris Protopriest

Benjamin Zhukov, who in the previous month of May, had attempted to have

Archimandrite Sergius (Kindyakov) consecrated and had unsuccessfully tried

to draw Lazarus into his plot.45 But he did succeed in enrolling Bishop

Barnabas, who travelled with the aim of consecrating Sergius to Mansonville

in Canada, but was deterred from carrying out the consecration by

Metropolitan Vitaly. However, Bishop Barnabas and Fr. Benjamin did succeed

in registering a new church group under the name of “The Russian Orthodox

Church in Exile” in the Paris prefecture as a public, non-commercial

corporation.” And it is clear that already these two were plotting a church

coup, with the replacement of Vitaly by Barnabas as metropolitan and with

Zhukov as the real controller behind the scenes…

At this point, Metropolitan Vitaly, seeing the chaos being created in the

Church, began to step back from the course he had undertaken together with

the other hierarchs. In an epistle dated June 7/20, he rescinded the bans on

Bishop Barnabas and the French clergy. He had the right to do this as a

temporary measure, in accordance with article 38 of the ROCOR Statute,

pending the convening of a new Sobor that alone could make a final decision.

Then, in an encyclical dated June 9/22, which he ordered to be read from the

ambon of all the churches, the metropolitan subjected many positions

adopted in the recent Sobor to just criticism, and called for the convocation of

a new Sobor. Although the metropolitan did not personally repent of his part

in the creation of this chaos (as recently as the Synodal session on February 8

he had upheld the decisions of the October 2000 Council46), his willingness to

review the disastrous decisions of the October Sober was very welcome. On

June 25 / July 8 Archbishop Lazarus expressed his “support and profound

gratitude” for the encyclical,

However, the encyclical “was forbidden to be read – more specifically,

suppressed - on the orders of Bishop Gabriel”47 of Manhattan, the deputy

secretary of the Synod, who declared that the metropolitan had probably not

composed the encyclical but had been pressured into signing it by unknown

persons (the first of several such accusations in the months to come). Bishop

Gabriel’s claim was supported in letters by Archbishop Mark and Bishop

Ambrose. But then Bishop Barnabas weighed in on the side of the

metropolitan, pointing out that the encyclical had been thrashed out in the

course of three days of talks in Mansonville and expressed the freely

expressed opinions of the metropolitan himself.48

45 V. Zhukov,Mysli o Rossii, October, 2005.

46 “Zaiavlenie Arkhierejskogo Sinoda Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Tserkvi za Granitsej”,


47 Dr. Olga Ackerly, “High Treason in ROCOR: The Rapprochement with Moscow”,


48 Tserkovnie Novosti, June- July, 2001, № 4 (95), pp. 1-4.


On July 10, a critical session of the Hierarchical Synod was held. The event

turned into a very crude and rude attempt to force the metropolitan to retire –

only two or three days before the fiftieth anniversary of his service as a

bishop. The metropolitan said that he could retire only as the result of the

decision of a Sobor; but the other bishops said that that was not necessary.

The metropolitan then closed the session, declaring that he had nothing in

common with the other bishops, and that he would see them at the Sobor.

However, two documents dated the same day and signed, as it would

seem, by Metropolitan Vitaly as well as by the other ten bishops, declared that

the metropolitan had submitted a petition that he be allowed to retire “in

view of age and illness” (he was 92), that his petition had been accepted with

understanding, that Archbishop Laurus was appointed deputy of the first

hierarch “with all proxy powers” (protocol № 9) until a Sobor could be

convened, and that a Sobor to elect a new metropolitan would be convened in

October!49 The decision was taken that “any official documents coming from

the Synod without the signature of the deputy of the First-Hierarch,

Archbishop Laurus, are invalid (article three of the Act). And it was also

decreed that a Hierarchical Sobor should be convened in October to elect a

new First-Hierarch (article 4). Archbishop Laurus was appointed Deputy of

the First-Hierarch, and his name was to be commemorated in all the parishes

after the name of the First-Hierarch…

Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin did not submit to these decrees,

and continued to commemorate Metropolitan Vitaly without commemorating

Archbishop Laurus.

On July 12 a triumphant liturgy and moleben was celebrated in honour of

Metropolitan Vitaly’s jubilee, after which a number of hypocritical speeches

praising the metropolitan were uttered by hierarchs who had been treating

him with such disrespect only two days before.50

On July 13 the Synod declared, in an attempt to assuage the fears of

Metropolitan Vitaly’s supporters: “None of the hierarchs of ROCOR is

pushing towards a unification with the MP. There is no pro-MP faction

amongst us.” The falseness of these words was already evident, but would be

demonstrated even more clearly in the coming years…

“Shortly after the forced removal of Metropolitan Vitaly,” writes Professor

Olga Ackerly, “… the MP began to voice its endorsement: ‘We welcome the

fact that the more healthy forces in the Church Abroad have predominated

and are now for all practical purposes in charge of it.’”51

49 Tserkovnie Novosti, June- July, 2001, № 4 (95), p. 6.

50 “Trusost’, izmena i obman”, http://www.russia-talk.com/otkliki/ot-113.htm.

51 Ackerly, op. cit.


On September 4-5, a Conference of the Hierarchs, Clergy and Laity of the

Russian Parishes of ROCOR took place in Voronezh under the presidency of

Archbishop Laurus, and with the participation of Bishops Benjamin,

Agathangelus and Eutyches. At this meeting the Kursk and Belgorod clergy

declared their break of communion with the New York Synod and addressed

their bishops – Lazarus, Benjamin and Agathangelus – with a suggestion that

they appeal to Metropolitan Vitaly and Bishop Barnabas that they unite with

them on the basis of the pre-2000 dogmatical and canonical position of

ROCOR. Bishop Agathangelus reacted by demanding that the Kursk clergy

renounce their break of communion with the New York Synod. Otherwise, he

would not sign any proposed documents. And he showed the clergy the

door… Archbishop Lazarus did not support his colleague’s hardline attitude

to the Kursk clergy, but agreed with him about not breaking with the Lavrites.

Bishop Benjamin adopted a neutral position. Although the majority of the

Conference agreed with the Kursk clergy, they now tried to persuade them,

for the sake of “the good of the Church” to withdraw their words about a

break of communion with the New York Synod. Fr. Valery Rozhnov said that

the Synod had fallen under their own anathema. Archbishop Lazarus retorted

that nobody had anathematized them. When the Kursk clergy refused to back

down, Bishop Agathangelus said that he was not in communion with them.

And so they left the meeting… Finally, the Conference accepted an Address to

the forthcoming Sobor in which support was expressed for Metropolitan

Vitaly’s encyclical and for the banned Bishop Barnabas and the West

European clergy, while the practice of this kind of ban was condemned. Then,

addressing Metropolitan Vitaly personally, the Conference besought him not

to abandon his post of First-Hierarch.

On reading this Address in New York, Metropolitan Vitaly raised his right

hand and said: “There is the True Church. Here everything is finished…”52

And on September 8/21 Bishop Barnabas and the West European clergy

(including Fr. Benjamin Zhukov) expressed their gratitude to the Russian

hierarchs and their complete support for their position.

Bishop Agathangelus signed all the decrees and addresses of the Voronezh

Conference, and was entrusted with representing its views to the Sobor in

New York. He assured the participants that he would not vote for the new

course of rapprochement with the MP, and that if Metropolitan Vitaly refused

to take part in the Sobor and left the hall, he would follow him. However,

having arrived in New York, he changed course and joined the uniates. And

then, on returning to Russia, he raised a persecution against Archbishop

Lazarus and his colleagues. He denounced them to the civil authorities, tried

to have their registration rescinded and their churches taken from them. He

even tried to seize the church of St. John of Kronstadt that belonged to

Archbishop Lazarus…

52 Witness of Hieromonk Anthony (Rudej).


At the first session of the Sobor in New York, on October 10/23,

Archbishop Laurus was elected metropolitan – a decision welcomed by

“Patriarch” Alexis of Moscow. Metropolitan Vitaly was present at this session,

but only in order to hand in the following declaration, dated October 5/18,

after which he left the hall:

“Recognizing the depth of the sinful fall of certain members of the

Hierarchical Council of our Church in their intensive, but not yet expressed

desire to unite with the Moscow Patriarchate, I, with full responsibility before

God, the Russian people and my conscience, consider it my archpastoral duty

to declare that the coming Hierarchical Sobor, which is due to open on

October 23, 2001 cannot be called anything other than a collection of


“This Sobor undoubtedly intends to discuss questions relating to a possible

union with the false-church of the Moscow Patriarchate. The other day I

received a ‘Fraternal Epistle’ from Patriarch Alexis II, which, to my profound

sorrow, elicited a joyful reaction from many clerics of our Church. They even

sent a triumphant address to the Sobor, asking the Sobor to react positively to

this epistle of the patriarch. Their address was signed by 18-odd clerics of our

Church. But how many more are there who do not dare to express themselves

openly? Seeing no other way out of the situation that has been created, and

not wishing to bear responsibility for the final destruction of the Russian

Orthodox Church Abroad that has been entrusted to my care, I declare:

“I consider myself the lawful heir of all the preceding metropolitans of our

Holy Church Abroad: first Metropolitan Anthony, then Metropolitan

Anastasius, and finally Metropolitan Philaret. I am the fourth Metropolitan of

our Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and until the most recent time, I have

continued, with the help of God, to lead this ship on the straight path amidst

the threatening waves of the sea of this world, avoiding underwater rocks,

sudden storms and deep pits that suck ships to the bottom of the sea.

Unfortunately, a fateful time has come, when I have understood and

appreciated the sad fact that between me and the other hierarchs of our Synod

there is no longer oneness of mind and soul. I said this at the last Synod, when

after the first session I, distressed and fully conscious of my isolation among

the other hierarchs, left the gathering. On this basis and only on this basis, I

agreed to retire and will be considered the Metropolitan of the Russian

Orthodox Church Abroad in retirement. In this Church I was born, was

baptized and will die when the time comes.

“I wish to declare for all to hear that as First Hierarch of the Russian

Orthodox Church Abroad, I completely reject and condemn any

rapprochement whatsoever and union in the future with the false-church, the

Moscow Patriarchate.


“I also wish to declare that I remove my signature from the following

documents signed by me:

“1. My signature on the address to the Serbian Patriarch Paul.

“2. My signature on the agreement to form a commission for the

establishment of negotiations with the Moscow Patriarchate…”

On the same day Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin again

addressed the Sobor and to Metropolitan Vitaly personally. They called on the

Sobor to review the unacceptable documents accepted in the previous Sobor,

and to the metropolitan not to retire, saying that they recognized only him as

First-Hierarch. They said that they were not able, for objective reasons, to be

in New York, but were ready to take part in the work of the Sobor by

telephone – on condition, however, that all the bishops withdrew their

signatures from the documents of the Council of 2000.

On October 11/24, Bishop Barnabas also wrote to Metropolitan Vitaly

expressing their support. Before that he and Protodeacon Herman Ivanov-

Trinadtsaty had phoned him, appealing to him not to retire. On the same day

Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin once again wrote to the

metropolitan, asking him to review his decision to retire. Archbishop Lazarus

even repeated the request in a phone call to Mansonville. “No,” replied the

metropolitan firmly , “I am a metropolitan in retirement.” “How then is it to

be with us now in Russia?” asked the archbishop. “Place your hope on God.

God will bless”, replied the metropolitan…

On receiving this reply, Archbishop Lazarus decreed that for the time

being only the name of the ruling bishop should be commemorated in his

cathedral church of St. John of Kronstadt in Odessa. With the retirement of the

metropolitan, the ruling organ of the Russian Church now became the

Hierarchical Conference of Russian Bishops, first created with the blessing of

the ROCOR Hierarchical Council in 1994 with Archbishop Lazarus at its head.

On October 11/24, having discussed the declarations of the Russian

bishops, the Sobor in New York elected Archbishop Laurus as metropolitan

by a majority of votes and confirmed its adherence to the decisions of the

robber council of 2000.

On October 12/25, Metropolitan Vitaly came into the hall, congratulated

“the new First-Hierarch Metropolitan Laurus” and said “that he was going

into retirement and is handing over the reins of the Church’s administration”.

From what is written in the Protocol, the conversation was friendly. The

metropolitan congratulated Archbishop Laurus and wished him “to guide the

ship of the Church in the same way that it had always been guided, on the


straight path of True Orthodoxy”. On his part, Archbishop Laurus “in the

name of the Sobor thanked Metropolitan Vitaly for his labours for the good of

the Church”, and “asked him for his help in bringing order to Church life”.

The metropolitan once again emphasized that “by reason of his health and in

view of his advanced age he could not longer administer the Church. He had

never been ambitious. He truly needed rest.” The session continued without

the metropolitan, and they discussed the participation of Vladyka Vitaly at

the enthronement of Archbishop Laurus and the provision of a pension for

him in his retirement.

The Sobor wanted Metropolitan Vitaly to hand over all his property in

Canada to the Synod. To this end, fearing the interference of his secretary,

Liudmilla Rosnianskaia, it was decreed, already on October 11/24, to remove

her immediately from the Synodal house, “bringing to an end her position as

a servant of the Hierarchical Synod”. Then, on the evening of the same or the

following day (that is, on October 11/24 or 12/25), she was unceremoniously

thrown out of the Synodal building, and the contents of her handbag,

containing the metropolitan’s Canadian passport, medication and $20,000

were stolen. The next day, the metropolitan himself fled, first to the house of

Fr. Vladimir Shishkov (where Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal happened to

be staying), and then to Canada. The ROCOR hierarchs gave an order to

detain him at the border, but he successfully arrived at his Transfiguration

Skete in Mansonville. The next day ROCOR sued Fr. Vladimir for assisting in

the supposed kidnapping of the metropolitan, and Rosnianskaia was accused

of kidnapping him, of giving him drugs to destroy his memory, and of

exploiting his senility to her advantage.

As a result of these events, through the greed of the Synodal hierarchs,

Metropolitan Vitaly was prevented from taking part in the enthronement of

Archbishop Laurus and of praying together with the uniate hierarchs. On the

day after his departure for Canada there was an earthquake in New York…

And on the very night that Metropolitan Laurus arrived in the Holy Trinity

monastery in Jordanville, a fire broke out in the monastery…53 The fire was

stopped at the seminary building in which was house the cell icon of the

Iveron Mother of God that had belonged to Metropolitan Philaret.54

On November 13, President Putin met Bishop Gabriel, secretary of the

ROCOR (L) Synod, and invited him and Metropolitan Laurus to visit Moscow.

He must have agreed this invitation with Patriarch Alexis. So with the

blessing of the KGB leaders of both Church and State, the real negotiations on

union, a process that was called “structuring”55 by its supporters, could begin.

53 Pravoslavnaia Rus’, No 1692. December 1/14, 2001.

54 Shumilo, op. cit.

55 See the prayer appointed in all churches of ROCOR during the Divine Liturgy: “O All-

Good Master, watch over Thy flock and all the children of the Russian Church Abroad, that

we may bring about the structuring of our Church in a manner well-pleasing to Thee.”



Meanwhile, in Mansonville Hieromonk Vladimir (Tselischev), an ally of Fr.

Benjamin Zhukov, finally convinced Metropolitan Vitaly to come out of

retirement. According to the witness of Fr. Vladimir, the argument that

prevailed with him was the support of the Russian bishops and the question:

“Vladyka, to whom are you leaving the Russian bishops and flock?”

This represented a striking volte face on the part of Hieromonk Vladimir.

Only a few months before he had dismissed the metropolitan, saying: “there

is no more metropolitan” (letter of November, 2000). He said that the

metropolitan was no longer able to administer the Church because he was

“deprived of orientation and memory” and remained in “an unhealthy state

of mind and reasoning (letter of May, 2001). He “completely depended” on

his secretary, L.D. Rosnianskaia, who had control of his signature, his writing

paper and his seal. “One should have no illusions about this,” he wrote (letter

of July, 2001). Such inconsistency raised suspicions about Fr. Vladimir’s real

motivation – suspicions that were to be confirmed quite soon…

Indeed, if the main body of the bishops led by Archbishops Laurus and

Mark were preparing a “revolution on the left” against the authority of the

metropolitan, there is strong evidence that a “revolution on the right” was

also being prepared. The real leader of these rightist revolutionaries was the

Paris Protopriest Benjamin Zhukov. In May, 2001, he asked the metropolitan

to bless Bishop Barnabas of Cannes (his creature at the time) to consecrate

Archimandrite Sergius (Kindiakov) to the episcopate. The metropolitan

refused, and Zhukov, annoyed, then tried to persuade Archbishop Lazarus of

Tambov and Odessa to carry out the consecration in secret, suggesting that he

would become “metropolitan” and “first-hierarch”. Lazarus refused, thereby

earning the hatred of Zhukov – with dire consequences for the Church.56

Persuaded by “rightist revolutionaries” such as Tselischev and Zhikov, on

October 14/27, the metropolitan issued an “Extraordinary Declaration” on the

internet: “In view of the unwillingness on the part of the majority of the

bishop to reconcile and pacify the unheard-of disturbance among our clergy

and flock, and also taking into account the requests of some of the bishops

and many of the children of the Church Abroad, I with all responsibility

declare that, in accordance with paragraph 34 of the Statute on the ROCOR, I

remove my signature concerning my voluntary retirement and handing over

of my powers to Archbishop Laurus. My name must be commemorated as

before at services in all the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad.

In case of unforeseen circumstances, Bishop Barnabas of Cannes is entrusted

with temporarily bearing the powers of Deputy of the First-Hierarch of

56 “Ocherednie chistki i raskol v ‘mansonvill’skom sinode vikariev’ (Yet more purges and a

schism in the ‘Mansonville Synod of Vicars’),



ROCOR until the election of a new First-Hierarch of the Church Abroad by

hierarchs who have remained faithful to the Orthodox faith.” 57

This news was greeted with joy, but also with some perplexity, by the

opponents of union with the MP. After all, only three days before the

metropolitan had refused to revoke his decision to retire even after several

earnest entreaties from hierarchs, clergy and laity both within and outside

Russia. Moreover, there was considerable concern whether the metropolitan

had the right to come out of retirement and resume the leadership of the

Church without the decision of a Sobor of bishops. 58 Paragraph 34 of the

Stature on ROCOR did not provide him with that authority.

The only justification that the metropolitan could give for his action was

the fact that he had been coerced to retire in July. As he himself said: “I

hereby declare that, at that time [July 2001] I was coerced by violence to put

my signature on documents prepared and written by the Synod... I have been

the object of outrages and of high and repeated psychological pressures from

the bishops. These tortures have exhausted me.” That Metropolitan Vitaly

had indeed been coerced was witnessed by two participants in the July

meeting, Archimandrite Sergius (Kindiakov) and Priest Anthony (Orlov).59 As

57 Tserkovnie Novosti, October, 2001, № 7 (99), pp. 2-4.

58 As A. Shatilova wrote: “The Epistle of the Third Ecumenical Council on the matter of

Metropolitan Eustathius of Pamphylia is amazingly analogous to Metropolitan Vitaly’s

retirement, which was truly elicited by violence in July. However, his giving a second

declaration to the Sobor in October this year was, according to all the signs, voluntary. In the

Epistle on the matter of Metropolitan Eustathius it says that he ‘was troubled by certain

persons and found himself faced with unforeseen circumstances. Then, later on, because of

too much inertia, he refused to face the troubles which assailed him, even when he was able

to turn aside the slanders of those who were fighting against him. He thus submitted his

written resignation – we do not know how.’ The Council goes on to declare that ‘since he

showed himself, in this case, negligent rather by inertia than by laziness or indolence,’ it

considered that it would be possible ‘to forgive the old man’, - but, nevertheless, the Epistle of

the Third Ecumenical Council orders that the enthronement of Bishop Theodore instead of

the retired Metropolitan Eustathius should be recognized as lawful. The Council clearly and

precisely explained the new position of the retired bishop: ‘…Without any questioning, he

should have the name, honor and communion of the episcopate without, however,

performing any ordinations or taking over a church and officiating in it at his own will. Let

him celebrate only if a brother and bishop invites him or allows him according to his

disposition and love in Christ.’…

“In his extraordinary declaration of October 14/27, 2001, Metropolitan Vitaly removed his

‘signature to my voluntary retirement and transfer of my rights to Archbishop Laurus’. How

easy it has now become to ‘remove (one’s) signature’ after a day or even a year! Until now,

people who renounce their word, and still more their signatures, have lost all respect among

those around them. However, in our age it is possible (without offering repentance for one’s

blunder or lack of civil courage) not only with impunity to renounce one’s words and even

signature, but even to become for some ‘the heroes of the day’!” (Tserkovnie Novosti,

November, 2001, № 8 (100), pp. 2-3).

59 Their testimony, dated July 23, 2001, is cited in English by John Chaplain, “[paradosis]

When Did Metropolitan Vitaly Retire? – (Lie not against the truth – James 3.14)”, orthodoxtradition@

yahoogroups.com, May 16, 2005.


against this, however, is the fact that by October the metropolitan appears to

have been completely reconciled with his retirement, refused to withdraw it

when asked to on many occasions, and voluntarily congratulated Archbishop

Laurus on his election as the new metropolitan, reaffirming that he was

retiring because of his health and old age and because he “truly needed rest”.

“Here it is appropriate to note a similar precedent,” writes Shumilo: “it

was for precisely this reason that the pre-revolutionary Russian Church did

not recognize the canonicity of the so-called Belokrinitskaya Old Ritualist

hierarchy, which traced its origins to Metropolitan Ambrose of Bosnia and

Sarajevo, who was in retirement. The Old Ritualists’ references to the fact that

Metropolitan Ambrose had been sent into retirement not in accordance with

his will, but on the demand and under the pressure of the Turkish

government, and that the metropolitan did not recognize the decision of the

Constantinopolitan Patriarchate – were not accepted by the Holy Synod.

“The fact that Vladyka Vitaly was in the situation of a bishop in retirement

is confirmed by consideration of what rights he actually enjoyed in the

‘Mansonville Synod of Vicar-Bishops’. With the seizure of power in

Mansonville by Protopriest B. Zhukov, Hieromonk V. Tselischev and Priest N.

Orlov, Metropolitan Vitaly was de facto retired for the second time (the first

time was by the plotters from New York headed by Archbishop Laurus and

Archbishop Mark): all the parishes in Canada were removed from the direct

administration of Vladyka Vitaly as the ruling Bishop of Montreal and

Canada and transferred to the administration of the vicars, who proclaimed

themselves to be ‘ruling’. From this time and until his blessed death,

Metropolitan Vitaly had not one single parish under his administration in

Canada. From a canonical point of view, this was a possible situation for a

hierarch only if he was in retirement. The remarks that the Metropolitan was

weak and unable to administer the parishes are not honest. If the

Metropolitan was not able to administer his parishes, was he able to

administer the Church? It is clear that the people who kept the Metropolitan

in captivity were inconsistent – not to say, cunning.”60

There was a similar canonical problem with regard to the metropolitan’s

appointment of Bishop Barnabas as his deputy. Barnabas was under a ban

signed by the metropolitan himself. That ban could removed only by a Sobor

of bishops. Therefore the Metropolitan’s decision to appoint him as his

deputy without the authority of a Sobor, and later to allow him to ordain

bishops and be raised to the rank of archbishop, was uncanonical.

The only way in which what we shall now call ROCOR (V) could correct

these canonical deficiencies was to turn to the Russian hierarchs Archbishop

Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin in order to convene a canonical Sobor. For they

were in fact the only ruling bishops opposed to the New York synod who did

60 Shumilo, op. cit.


not need a Council of bishops to reinstate them as fully functioning bishops.

These bishops were very eager to help in this way. On October 27, the very

day of his “Extraordinary Declaration”, they had declared their loyalty to

Metropolitan Vitaly.61 And on October 28th, 29th or 30th they “made their

declaration of loyalty to Metropolitan Vitaly by telephone. This phone call

was received by Bishop (then Hieromonk) Vladimir in Mansonville in the

presence of Protopriest Spyridon Schneider and Priest Andrew Kencis. When

Bishop Vladimir finished his phone call with Archbishop Lazarus he

enthusiastically proclaimed: ‘Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin are

with us, they are commemorating Metropolitan Vitaly.’”

The Mansonville group were happy to welcome the Russian bishops in

October, when they were desperately in need of support against the uniate

Synod under Metropolitan Laurus (ROCOR (L)). However, the tragedy was

that within a few days they no longer felt any need for them and in effect

broke communion with them. For Zhukov wanted to rule the Synod on his

own: he cared nothing for the canonical scruples of the Russian bishops, who

wanted the convening of a canonical Sobor in order to correct the canonical

deficiencies of the Mansonville Synod, but wanted with the aid of Bishop

Barnabas alone to promote his protégé priests…

“On November 1, 2001,” writes Shumilo, “an event took place greatly

perplexed many Orthodox Christians. On the initiative of the New York

Synod, Metropolitan Vitaly, accompanied by police, was forcibly sent to a

psychiatric hospital for testing. This was a great indignity for the person of

the Metropolitan, a mockery of his rank and age, but Vladyka Vitaly humbly

and with dignity bore it all…

“[On November 3], immediately on the return of Vladyka Metropolitan

from hospital, taking advantage of his distraction and under the excuse of

‘saving’ the Church, on the initiative and under the direct pressure of

Protopriest V. Zhukov (who shouted down the phone to Bishop Barnabas:

‘Consecrate a bishop immediately, even if it’s with a rope around his neck’ –

this is witnessed by clergy from France and Russia who were present at the

conversation), the Vicar-Bishop Barnabas carried out the consecration of

Archimandrite Sergius (Kindiakov). The decision to carry out this

consecration was taken hastily, it was not discussed in council, and none of

the acting hierarchs was informed about it (not to speak of the necessity that

they should give their written consent to the carrying out of a hierarchical

consecration, as is demanded by the church canons and the Statute of ROCOR,

see paragraph 11, and the note to this paragraph, also Canon 4 of the First

Ecumenical Council: ‘… and those who are absent must compose an

agreement by means of letters: and then the consecration can take place’, etc.).

Only one consent was obtained to this consecration, together with the

Metropolitan’s oral blessing – but not immediately, but after some pressure

61 Fr. Spyridon Schneider, internet communication to Theophan Costello, January 2, 2008.


on him (the decisive argument was: ‘You can be arrested and the Church will

remain without bishops’)…

“As many sources witness, the ninety-year-old Metropolitan, by reason of

his health had not been able to serve a liturgy since 1999, was very weak and

unable to take full part in the consecration of Archimandrite Sergius. He was

present at it clad only in a mantia (this is witnessed by photographs: on them

Bishop Barnabas and Bishop Sergius are in full hierarchical vestments, but

Metropolitan Vitaly is in a mantia), whereas neither a liturgy nor a

hierarchical consecration can be carried out in a mantia. The consecration of

Archimandrite Sergius was carried out by Vicar-Bishop Barnabas on his own…

“This consecration laid the foundations for the creation of a new church

organization – the ROC in Exile (ROCiE, it was under that name that it was

registered in France, Canada and the USA)…

“If, taking into account the exceptional circumstances, for the sake of love

and peace and with the aim of averting a schism in the Church, it would have

been possible, in a conciliar fashion, with the application of the broadest economy, to

accept the consecration of Archimandrite Sergius at a Hierarchical Sobor with

a consequent laying of hands [cheirothesia] on him, then all the later

‘Mansonville consecrations’ [of Bishops Vladimir, Bartholomew, Anthony and

Victor] carried out by Bishop Barnabas and Archimandrite Sergius in secret

even from Metropolitan Vitaly (without the participation and contrary to the

will of the metropolitan) were openly unlawful, and it is impossible to accept


On November 5, the Mansonville Synod published an ukaz stating that the

metropolitan was now to be commemorated as “First-Hierarch of the Russian

Orthodox Church in Exile”. It was decided that the Church should be

incorporated under this name (we recall that Zhukov had already done this in

France), and Fr. Joseph Sunderland was appointed as legal advisor to carry

this out. However, since a change in name usually signifies a change in

Church, the ukaz disturbed many believers and was rejected by the Russian

bishops. Archbishop Lazarus even orally forbade the commemoration of the

metropolitan for a few weeks. But then, on November 20, the Mansonvillians

recognized their mistake and reversed their previous decision, restoring the

name “Russian Orthodox Church Abroad”. As emerged only later,

Metropolitan Vitaly had always been against the change of name. With the

original name restored, on November 24 Archbishop Lazarus ordered that the

metropolitan’s name be commemorated again. Bishop Benjamin issued a

similar ukaz. 63

62 Shumilo, op. cit.

63 Shumilo, op. cit.; Fr. Spyridon Schneider, letter of November 5, 2007,



Also on November 5, the new “Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church in

Exile” raised Bishop Barnabas to the rank of archbishop with the title “of

Cannes and Europe”. Strangely, Archbishop Barnabas’ signature was not on

this document. However, he was all too willing to accept the power it gave

him. Thus already on or about November 7, he declared that he would not

accept Archbishop Lazarus as senior to himself.64 And later he claimed that,

as deputy to the metropolitan and “Archbishop of Europe”, he should have

control over the whole of European Russia, thereby excluding Lazarus and

Benjamin from the administration of their sees!

Later, the Mansonvillians would describe the meeting at which these

decisions were made as “the first Hierarchical Sobor of the regenerated

ROCA”. And yet much later, on May 20, 2003, they decreed the

“establishment of the Hierarchical Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

Abroad”! The absurdity of establishing the Synod already eighteen months

after “the first Hierarchical Sobor of the regenerated ROCA” appears to have

escaped the notice of these “innovators on the right”.

After this “first Hierarchical Sobor”, Metropolitan Vitaly left Montreal with

his secretary, L. Rosnianskaia, who reported him as having been against the

consecration of any more bishops after Archimandrite Sergius, “so that they

don’t say that we bake bishops like pies”. He arrived in Mansonville on the

evening of November 6. We can imagine his astonishment, therefore, when,

that same evening, he saw Hieromonk Vladimir (Tselischev) coming to him

with a hierarchical panagia on his breast. For Archbishop Barnabas and

Bishop Sergius had ordained him as Vicar-Bishop of Sacramento that day,

claiming falsely in the ordination certificate that this had been done with the

metropolitan’s blessing. The metropolitan refused to recognize this


However, as in the case with Archimandrite Sergius, they persuaded him

to recognize it “for the sake of the good of the Church”. So as to hide the

illegality and give the “consecration” an appearance of lawfulness, the

signature of the metropolitan was added to the ordination certificate under

the printed resolution: “I confirm”.65

That this consecration was performed against the will of the metropolitan

was confirmed on July 12/25, 2004 by Archbishop Barnabas, when he wrote:

“I repent of taking part in the consecration of Bishop Vladimir without your

permission”. He had good reason to repent, for the consecration violated the

Sixth Canon of the First Ecumenical Council, which says: “If anyone is made a

bishop without the permission of the metropolitan, this Great Council has

defined that he must not be a bishop”.

64 Schneider, op. cit.

65 Shumilo, op. cit.


This administrative chaos was compounded by yet another uncanonical

episcopal consecration. On November 11, Bishops Sergius and Vladimir,

without the agreement or blessing, not only of Metropolitan Vitaly, but also,

this time, of Archbishop Barnabas also, consecrated Archimandrite

Bartholomew (Vorobiev) as Bishop of Grenada.

Later, on July 12/25 Archbishop Barnabas wrote in his penitential letter to

Metropolitan Vitaly: “I repent that I did not express my protest in connection

with the consecration of Bishop Bartholomew, which was carried out by

Bishop Sergius and Bishop Vladimir in spite of your and my decision”. And a

lie was added to the lack of canonicity: in Bishop Bartholomew’s ordination

certificate it was asserted that the consecration had been carried out by

Metropolitan Vitaly.

So all three consecrations – of Sergius, Vladimir and Bartholomwe - were

carried out contrary to the canons, without the convening of a canonical

Hierarchical Sobor, by vicar bishops without the participation of the only two

ruling bishops of the Russian Church that were not under ban or in retirement

(Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin), in two cases against the will of

their metropolitan, and in one case secretly from him. We therefore come to

the conclusion that if ROCOR (L), at its October Sobor, fell away from the

confessing path of the true Russian Church Abroad by its declared intention

to unite with the MP and World Orthodoxy, only a few days later ROCOR (V)

fell in the opposite direction through its violation of the conciliar norms of the

Holy Church as enshrined in the holy canons. Taking advantage of the

infirmity of Metropolitan Vitaly and his personal ascendancy over the

“Mansonville Synod of Vicars”, Protopriest Benjamin Zhukov accomplished a

coup d’église that left Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin as the only

canonical survivors of the pre-2001 Bishops of ROCOR.

On November 22 a second attempt to kidnap Metropolitan Vitaly and take

him to New York was made by Bishop Michael (Donskov) of Canada, as a

result of which the metropolitan anathematized him. 66 When the attempt

failed (Canadian judges refused to allow the kidnapping), the Synod of

ROCOR (L) made a statement condemning the action and claiming that it had

always wanted to persuade the metropolitan to return by peaceful means.

Bishop Michael was freed from governing the Canadian diocese and sent to

Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville.67

66 Metropolitan Vitaly’s own certified account of this incident can be found at

http://www.monasterypress.com/metaccount.html, and in English at “[paradosis] Met

Vitaly’s certified account”, orthodox-tradition@yahoogroups.com, June 8, 2002. See also

Sergius Agu, “Krestnij Put’ Mitropolita Vitalia”,


67 Tserkovnie Novosti, November, 2001, № 8 (100), p. 5.


On December 7, Metropolitan Vitaly wrote to all the clergy and flock of the

Church Abroad: “The supporters and followers of the so-called self-styled

Metropolitan Laurus, who tried to seize ecclesiastical power in our Church

Abroad, have departed into complete spiritual tracklessness.

“Seeing the disturbances in our Church, I have returned to myself the

rights of head of the Church. In reply to this, the Synod, with the participation

of Bishops Michael and Hilarion, raised a real persecution against me. I was

subject to arrest at the hands of the civil authorities without the slightest

indication of any reason for my guilt. Exclusively in order to cleanse the

Church from such apostates, with my blessing and participation the

ordinations of new bishops have been carried out: Bishop Vladimir of

Sacramento and Bishop Bartholomew of Grenada…

“The apostates headed by Archbishop Laurus cannot be considered to be

within the bounds of the Church…”68

Evidently Patriarch Alexis was speaking the truth when he later said in the

media that Metropolitan Vitaly’s removal had been a necessary condition of

the rapprochement of the MP and ROCOR…69

Let us return to the beginning of November. At that time a group of priests

led by Protopriest Victor (Melehov), exarch of the flock of the “Holy Orthodox

Church of North America” (HOCNA) in Russia, left HOCNA and was

received in their existing rank by Metropolitan Vitaly into ROCOR (V). Fr.

Victor was then nominated by Fr. Anatoly Trepatchko, and unanimously

elected by all the clergy and bishops, as Secretary of the newly incorporated

“Russian Orthodox Church in Exile”, while Fr. Michael Marcinovsky was

voted Treasurer.

Later, Fr. Benjamin Zhukov, seeing in Melehov a potential enemy to his

plans to take over the Synod, inserted the words “in North America (USA and

Canada)” after the word “Secretary” on the ROCiE official website, and also

fraudulently claimed that he himself had been made secretary of the Synod

on November 5.70

Having been appointed secretary, Fr. Victor immediately made his

presence felt. As Fr. Spyridon Schneider writes: “Within a few days [on

November 8] Fr. Victor came to Mansonville,… and asked them to: 1.

renounce the MP and Sergianism; 2. renounce any relationship with the

Serbian Church, 3. reaffirm the 1983 anathema against ecumenism, and 4.

68 Tserkovnie Novosti, December, 2001, № 9 (101), p. 8. See “Plody lukavstva”,


69 Shumilo, “Kratkaia Istoria Istinno-Pravoslavnoj Tserkvi Rossii, 1927-2007”,


70 Schneider, op. cit.


renounce Cyprian of Fili and his heretical ecclesiology which had been

accepted in 1994 by the Synod of Bishops. These issues were discussed for

about two and one half hours and when the Metropolitan, the Bishops and Fr.

Victor were finished with these discussions they were all very happy that

complete agreement had been reached. Soon after the meeting a statement

was written by Vladika Vladimir that addressed these four points and faxed

to Fr. Victor with all of the Bishops’ signatures including Archbishop


This “Declaration of the Hierarchical Synod of ROCiE” appeared on the

internet, and declared that (i) that ROCiE had no canonical or Eucharistic

communion with the Moscow Patriarchate, and (ii) that there would be a

cessation of “the badly thought out establishment in 1994 of Eucharistic

communion with the Synod of the Resisters under the Presidencey of

Metropolitan Cyprian of Orope and Fili”. The latter resolution was signed by

“Metropolitan Vitaly, Bishop Sergius for Archbishop Barnabas with his

agreement, Bishop Sergius, Bishop Vladimir”. Later Archbishop Barnabas,

who had left Canada for France the previous day, declared that he had not

given his agreement to the placing of his signature under this resolution.

However, to the distress of the American clergy, some French clergy began

to criticise the condemnation of Cyprian. And on November 7/20 the decree

on cessation of communion with the Cyprianites was halted.

But on December 16/29, at a Pastoral Convention of the North American

clergy, under the signatures of all the bishops except Archbishop Barnabas,

who was not present, the Cyprianite ecclesiology was formally condemned.72

Barnabas did not protest the decision to break with Cyprian, although he

introduced one qualification. However, rumblings of discontent continued

71 Fr. Spyridon Schneider, “[ROCElaity] Statement concerning Fr. Victor Melehov”, 24

January, 2003.

72 The decree read: “Metropolitan Cyprian and his Synod, while recognizing world

Orthodoxy to be heretical, nevertheless considers it to be a part of the Church of Christ, thus

contradicting the teaching and tradition of the Church, which clearly bears witness in

conciliar decrees and the writings of the Holy Fathers to the effect that heretics are fallen

away from the Church… Calling for a walling-off from these ailing members, Metropolitan

Cyprian nonetheless considers them to be within the Church. However, to permit

membership in the Church outside an Orthodox confession of faith is by no means possible;

hence, ‘those ailing in faith’ cannot be members of the Church, which is also confirmed by the

teachings of the Holy Fathers. ‘Without a doubt,’ says the venerable John Cassian the Roman,

‘he who does not confess the faith of the Church is outside the Church’. The same is

confirmed also by Patriarch Jeremias II of Constantinople: ‘Members of the Church of Christ

are wholly devoted to the truth, and those not wholly devoted to the truth are not members

of the Church of Christ.’… Metropolitan Cyprian declares in his thesis that ‘the Orthodox

Church has become divided into two parts: those who are ailing in the faith and those who

are healthy…’ (ch. 3, p. 4). But then he immediately goes on to speak of ‘restoring to

Orthodoxy’ those ailing in the faith (ch. 3, p. 5), whereby he clearly falls into a doctrinal

contradiction. For how is it possible ‘to receive into Orthodoxy’ those who already are



from some of the lower French clergy, especially Protodeacon Germanus

Ivanov-Trinadtsaty,73 and two priests with links to the Cyprianites, Michael

and Quentin Castelbajac, who joined ROCOR (L). On the other hand, there

was support for the decision from others in Western Europe and elsewhere.74

The decision to renounce Cyprianism was important, for it signalled a

return to the ecclesiology of Metropolitan Philaret, which had been jettisoned

when ROCOR joined the Cyprianites in 1994. Formally speaking, it could be

argued that this decision was incorrect, since only a canonical Hierarchical

Council could overturn the decision of another Hierarchical Council – and, as

we shall see, several of the hierarchs at this Council were not canonical, nor

were the canonical bishops in Russia allowed to participate.75 However, it

expressed the truth – and that was the main thing.

The opposition of the French had its roots in the fact that they had lived for

many years under the omophorion of Archbishop Anthony of Geneva, the

most ecumenist hierarch of ROCOR for at least 20 years until his death in 1993,

whom even now they called their “great Abba” and “he who restrained [the

coming of the Antichrist]”. And Archbishop Barnabas himself had had a very

chequered career. Therefore a root-and-branch examination of the past, with

repentance for all mistakes, - conducted, moreover, on the initiative of

American clergy, some of whom had broken with ROCOR in 1986 precisely

because of their opposition to ROCOR’s ecumenist tendencies under

Metropolitan Vitaly and Archbishop Anthony of Geneva - was deeply

threatening to them.

This led Fr. Victor and the group of North American clergy to call for: (i)

the introduction of order into the administrative chaos of ROCOR (V), which

required the convening of a Sobor; and (ii) the introduction of a clear

ecclesiology which would help to avoid the mistakes in ecclesiology made by

ROCOR in the past and provide a firm foundation for her development in the


73 Ivanov-Trinadtsaty, “Po povodu Rezoliutsii Kanadskogo Pastyrskogo Soveschania”,


74 V. Kirillov, “Zametki ob uchenii Mitropolita Kipriana o Tserkvi, v sviazi s Zaiavleniem

Arkhierejskogo Sinoda RPTsI ot 26 oktiabria / noiabria 2001 goda”,

http://www.listok.com/article43com; “Kommentarii na stat’iu protodiakona Germana

Ivanov-Trinadtsagogo ‘Po povodu Rezoliutsii Kanadskogo Pastyrskogo Soveschania’”,


75 Shumilo, op. cit.



Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin, while rejecting the decisions of

the Mansonville Sobor of November, 2001 as uncanonical, remained in

communion with Metropolitan Vitaly and continued to call for a canonical

Sobor in which they would take part. Knowing that this would expose his

own nefarious activity, Zhukov tried hard to discredit them and the whole

idea of a Sobor. Thus on December 2/15, 2002 he wrote in an “Explanation”:

“In the conditions that arose at the beginning of 2002, when Archbishop

Lazarus was actively trying to acquire the whole of the Russian flock faithful

to Metropolitan Vitaly (and consequently the removal of ROCOR from all

missionary work in Russia – which was equivalent to its end), the convening

of a Sobor became for Her a dangerous undertaking. Only when order would

reign in the Church and all her members would know their place, would the

participants in the Sobor come with a constructive intention. Then they would

be able to say that truly “the Grace of the Holy Spirit has brought us together

today” and would think, not of themselves, but about the Preservation of the

Church of Christ. A hasty convening of a Council would have led to a

catastrophe, and for that reason Vladyka Barnabas addressed the

Metropolitan with a request that he defer this initiative.”

While putting off the convening of a Sobor, Zhukov incited Archbishop

Barnabas to seize as much of Archbishop Lazarus’ flock as possible. Thus on

December 16, 2001 he accepted under his omophorion the Kursk, Belgorod

and some of the Voronezh clergy who belonged to Archbishop Lazarus’

diocese. Lazarus reacted fiercely. In a telephone conversation with the warden

and treasurer of one of the Voronezh parishes, he declared that Archbishop

Barnabas was “defrocked”, that the new Synod under Metropolitan Vitaly

consisted of people unknown to him, who had simply solicited the Episcopal

rank, for which reason he did not recognize it, and that in general they should

from now on commemorate only him, Archbishop Lazarus. 76 Lazarus’ anger

was fully justified. 77

Nevertheless, a full breakdown in relations between the Russian bishops

and the Mansonville Synod was averted after a phone call by Bishop

Benjamin to Bishop Vladimir on December 20. However, this partial

reconciliation was accepted only grudgingly by Archbishop Barnabas. Thus in

January he wrote to Bishop Vladimir: “It is necessary to stop the organization

76 A. Lebedev, “Proekt Obraschenia kurskogo dukhovenstva (2002 g.) k Arkh. Soboru RPTsZ

(V)”,  http://www.listok.com/raznoe19.htm;  Tserkovnie Novosti,  June - July, 2001, № 4 (95), p.


77 And his anger continued. On February 5, 2002, while declaring to Metropolitan Vitaly that

he remained with him “in prayerful, canonical and eucharistic communion”, he likened the

Kursk, Belgorod and Voronezh clergy “to Core, Dathan and Abiram”. The next day he went

on to call on the clergy “to cease their anticanonical activity”, called Protopriest Oleg Mironov

“a wolf in sheep’s clothing” and the sacraments performed by him – “graceless”. (Lebedev,

op. cit.)


with Vladyka Lazarus and Benjamin. Now action is being taken to destroy

our Church in which these bishops involuntarily participate. Therefore it is

necessary to keep them in the most limited rights. I, on the other hand, as the

deputy of Metropolitan Vitaly, must be given the broadest care for Russia.”78

While remaining in communion with Metropolitan Vitaly, the Russian

bishops never accepted the canonicity of the consecrations of the Mansonville

vicars. Later Zhukov himself recognized this fact. He said that the Russian

hierarchs “did not enter our Church, but attached themselves only to

Metropolitan Vitaly”.79 This was quite true. For the “Mansonville Synod of

Vicars” was an uncanonical organization of uncanonically consecrated

bishops. At the same time Zhukov accused the Russian bishops of trying “to

obtain a Sobor”. A strange accusation! According to Orthodox tradition, all

Church conflicts and major Church questions can only be resolved at Councils

of Bishops. So trying “to obtain a Sobor” was quite natural and praiseworthy.

It was Zhukov’s (successful) attempt to put off the Sobor that required

explanation and justification…

On December 15/28 or 16/29 Metropolitan Vitaly declared at the Pastoral

Convention of North American Clergy in Mansonville: “After many long,

hard years of trying to manage the Church in Russia from New York, I have

learned that it is impossible to manage the Church in Russia from Abroad. We

do not know and understand their problems and we do not know their

people and possible candidates for the clergy. Without a knowledge of their

people and their problems the best that we can do is give them Apostolic

Succession and Grace and allow them to organize while maintaining

communion with them and praying that they will be able to do something for

themselves… There must be a separate administration in Russia, another

administration in Europe and a third administration in North America…”

Shortly after this, on December 25 / January 7, 2001/2002, Metropolitan

Vitaly issued his “Nativity Epistle and Spiritual Testament” in which he

hinted that he was in captivity, and that people should be very careful in

trusting everything that was published in his name: “We live in such a time

when they can steal men away and in my name begin to try and convince you.

Know that from captivity I will not convince you of anything. Believe only my

living word…”

On January 8/21, 2002 (№835/65) Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop

Benjamin wrote an “Epistle on the Contemporary Situation of the Orthodox

Church” to Metropolitan Vitaly. In it they gave a short characterization of the

78 Shumilo, op. cit. Again, in another letter to Vladimir dated March 17 he wrote: “After your

insistent request that Bishop Lazarus and Benjamin be received into the bosom of our Church,

early in January, 2002 I agreed to their reception on condition that they be given definitely

limited authority in the new ecclesiastical organization”.

79 Zhukov, Mysli o Rossii, October, 2005.


situation of the Church in the contemporary apostate world, beginning from

the time of the God-fighting revolution and until ROCOR’s October, 2000

Council. At this Council non-Orthodox decisions were taken on union with

the MP and Eucharistic communion with the ecumenist Serbian patriarchate;

the council of 2001 did not repeal these decisions, therefore the hierarchs of

ROCOR had fallen “under their own anathema” and the 45th Apostolic Canon,

which “categorically forbids communion in prayer with heretics: ‘Let a bishop

[…] who has only prayed with heretics be excommunicated /.../ from the

Church’ – the Epistle said. Also, reasons were given why the falling of the

hierarchs of ROCOR into apostasy had become possible: ‘sergianism and

ecumenism have poisoned the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad’. The

Epistle went on to say: ‘The Holy Patriarch Tikhon, applying all his strength

to preserve the Orthodox Church from the blows of the God-fighters, in his

God-inspired Ukaz №362 of November 7/20, 1920 foresaw the form that

Church administration would take if the activity of the organs of the Higher

Church Authority should cease. The essence of this ukaz can be reduced to

this: if the activity of the Higher Church Administration ceases […] the

diocesan bishops takes upon himself the whole fullness of power in his

diocese until the formation of a free ecclesiastical administration.

“The Russian Orthodox Church existed on the foundation of this Ukaz. In

Russia, after the issuing in 1927 […] of the declaration of Metropolitan Sergius,

the Catacomb Church began to be created […] With the blessing of Patrairch

Tikhon and the Locum Tenens Metropolitan Chril, and also on the foundation

of Metropolitan Agathangel’s Epistle of June 5/18, 1922, communities of the

True Orthodox Church (TOC) were formed under the leadership of the most

eminent hierarchs. These communities preserved original Orthodoxy. They

suffered especially terrible persecutions. The Bolsheviks ferreted out the

“catacombniks” wherever they could, often with the help of priests of the

“patriarchate”, who denounced the true bishops and priests to the “organs”.

Those who fell into the camps for belonging to the TOC generally did not

come out again.

“The whole episcopate of the Russian True Orthodox Church was

destroyed. In spite of this, by 1982 quite a few communities of the True

Orthodox Christians remained scattered over the whole territory of the Soviet

Union, creating an extensive widowed diocese. Archimandrite Lazarus (now

Archbishop) was secretly ordained to the Episcopal rank by a ROCOR bishop

who came specially from abroad, to rule this diocese.

“After the fall of the Bolshevik regime, the Russian True Orthodox Church

acquired a legal status and was officially registered in the Ukraine

(registration №356 of June 19, 1993).

“Until October, 2000 no insoluble problems in administration arose. But

after the publication of the documents of the October 2000 council of ROCOR

a wave of contradictory ukazy, bans and the most varied kinds of false


information was poured out upon the Orthodox living on the territory of the

former Soviet Union, and chaos, unclarity and confusion was created in


“We, the Russian bishops, on the foundation of ukaz №362 of November

20, 1920 of Patriarch Tikhon, in connection with the complicated situation in

ROCOR, on the basis of multiple addresses of the First-Hierarch of ROCOR

Metropolitan Vitaly to the Council of Bishops, in 1998 and 2000, on the

provision of independence to the Russian Bishops (of which we are witnesses),

and also in connection with all that has been said above, ask the at present

lawfully acting Metropolitan Vitaly to provide us with temporary

administrative-canonical independence.. We do not refuse to be in spiritual,

prayer and Eucharistic communion with those who have not fallen into

sergianism, ecumenism or any other heresy, and we also call to repentance all

those whom the Lord has not deprived of this great gift.

“We turn to you, beloved in the Lord Vladyko Metropolitan Vitaly. We

turn to you as to the eldest First-Hierarch of ROCOR, chosen by lot, who has

preserved the purity of Orthodoxy. We raise your all-honourable name in

services and ask your blessing on our beginning.”

Since the Russian bishops were never allowed to speak personally to

Metropolitan Vitaly, Archbishop Lazarus entrusted this letter to Protopriest

Vladimir, now Bishop Irenaeus, to deliver personally to the metropolitan in

Mansonville. Bishop Vladimir refused to allow Fr. Vladimir to see the

metropolitan (“you have arrived without warning”), but Vladyka Vitaly,

hearing that a priest from Archbishop Lazarus in Russia had come to see him

personally, immediately accepted him and gave him hospitality for several

days. In these days Fr. Vladimir managed to convince the metropolitan that

Archbishop Lazarus was unanimous with him on all important questions of

Church life, so that the metropolitan was able to write a small letter for the

archbishop in which he said: “With all my heart I wish you spiritual and

archpastoral success in our great common archpastoral stand in the Truth”.

Then, three days later, on February 26 / March 11, on the official notepaper of

the First-Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, Metropolitan Vitaly wrote

to Archbishop Lazarus in his own handwriting: “May God bless you to carry

out the consecration of new bishops. You must create your own Hierarchical

Synod which would be in concord with our Hierarchical Synod. At the next

Hierarchical Sobor I will inform all our hierarchs about this situation. Let us

be with Russia of one mind and of one soul, while having separate

administrations. Church life itself virtually dictates this to us.”

This was good and important news. And so on April 4/17 – 5/18, at the

Second All-Russian Conference of hierarchs, clergy and laity of RTOC in

Voronezh under the presidency of the head of the Hierarchical Conference

Archbishop Lazarus and his deputy Bishop Benjamin,. “the decision was

taken, on the basis of the Holy Canons, the Decree of the Holy Patriarch


Tikhon no. 362 and the Directive-Testament of Metropolitan Vitaly of

February 26 / March 11, 2002, to carry out hierarchical ordinations for RTOC

and to transform the Hierarchical Conference of Russian Bishops of RTOC

that had been created with the blessing of the Hierarchical Council of ROCOR

in 1994 into the Hierarchical Synod of RTOC.”80 Maintaining their continued

devotion to Metropolitan Vitaly, the Conference reproached Bishop Barnabas

for the various anticanonical actions conducted against them in the past, but

nevertheless called for peace and cooperation between them.81

On April 19, Archbishop Barnabas replied angrily, calling the Conference’s

address to him “shame” and “deception”, and saying that the “Lazarite

schism foreseen by us is trying to wipe her [ROCOR (V)] finally off the face of

the earth”.82 On April 20, Metropolitan Vitaly met Bishops Sergius and

Vladimir and four North American priests, including Fr. Victor Melehov, in

Mansonville. They decreed that “in spite of the fact that his Eminence

Metropolitan Vitaly gave his personal agreement, the decision on the creation

of an ecclesiastical administration in Russia is in the competence of the whole

of the Hierarchical Council. Before and without a conciliar decision, in spite of

the 34th Canon of the Holy Apostles [which decrees that nothing should be

done by the hierarchs without the agreement of the first-hierarch, and viceversa],

that is, in view of its uncanonicity, no separate administration in

Russia can be formed. Consequently, hierarchical consecrations can take place

in Russia only after a decision of the Hierarchical Council of ROCOR.”

The irony of this statement consisted in the fact that “the Lazarites” had

been calling for a Hierarchical Council consistently since the very foundation

of ROCOR (V), but Zhukov, followed by his puppet Bishop Barnabas83, had

always argued against it!

Bishop Benjamin then asked Metropolitan Vitaly: “Should we carry out

hierarchical consecrations, or should we refrain from this until a final

conciliar decision on the basis of the 34th Apostolic Canon?” He also informed

him that Archbishop Lazarus had three candidates for hierarchical

consecration and that the consecrations were appointed for Bright Week.

Metropolitan Vitaly replied that this question was “exceptionally important

and needed a conciliar decision”.84

80 Shumilo, op. cit.

81 “Obraschenie rasshirennogo Eparkhial’nogo sobrania Odessko-Tambovskoj i

Chernomorsko-Kubanskoj eparkhij k Ego Preosviaschenstvu Preosviannejshemu Varnave

Arkhiepiskopu Kannskomu i Evropejskomu”, http://russia-talk.com.otkliki/ot-213.htm. See

also A. Ter-Grigorian, “Rasshirennoe Eparkhial’noe Sobranie Odessko-Tambovskoj i

Chernomorsko-Kubanskom Eparkhii RPTsZ (V) v Voronezhe vyrazhaet nedoverie RPATs”,


82 Vertograd, № 241, 20 April, 2002; Tserkovnie Novosti, № 4 (105), May, 2002, p. 4.

83 As Zhukov said to the present writer in Paris in November, 2002, “Bishop Barnabas is the

heart of this diocese, but I am the head”!

84 Tserkovnie Novosti, № 4 (105), May, 2002, p. 5.


In May Archbishop Lazarus and his Diocesan Council asked again for the

summoning of a Council, but with the following “necessary preconditions”: (i)

the cessation of all hostile actions and propaganda against the Russian

Bishops, and an apology for the latest public insults; (ii) the cessation of

attempts to usurp ecclesiastical power by exploiting the difficult position of

the first hierarch; (iii) respect for the rights of the Russian Bishops, including

those that were given them by the decree of Metropolitan Vitaly in March; (iv)

a clear declaration by the non-Russian bishops whether they were intending

to establish a Church in Russia, or join Suzdal or the Greek Old Calendarists.

It should be pointed out that the fact that the Russian bishops were ready

to join with ROCOR (V) in a common Council did not mean that they

accepted any of the consecrations carried out by ROCOR (V) since they were

contrary to the holy canons and the ROCOR’s Statute. And so Archbishop

Lazarus continued not to recognize the “Mansonville Synod of Vicars”. 85

Spring passed into summer, and still no Sobor was convened. Finally, in

August, despairing of the possibility of the convening of a Sobor that would

discuss all these questions as well as the consecration of bishops for Russia,

the Russian bishops consecrated four new bishops: Tikhon of Omsk and

Siberia, Hermogen of Chernigov and Gomel, Irenaeus of Verney and

Semirechiye and Dionysius of Novgorod and Tver. 86 They felt that they had

the right to do this, on the basis not only of Metropolitan Vitaly’s blessing, but

also Patriarch Tikhon’s ukaz no. 362 of November 20, 1920.

On August 21, however, Metropolitan Vitaly and four ROCOR (V)

hierarchs condemned the consecrations as “uncanonical” and the initiators of

it as being “outside the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad”.87 Archbishop

Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin were then condemned without a trial or

summoning to a trial. For, as Zhukov argued, “to summon Bishops Lazarus

and Benjamin to a Sobor would be a crime against our Church. Since any

variant of their presence at the Sobor, whether to recognize or not to

85 Only in his declaration “with regard to the Resolution of the Conference of the North

American Bishops of ROCOR on April 7/20, 2002”, did he declare himself ready to accept it

as “a temporary ecclesiastical administration, carrying out chancellery duties attached to the

Metropolitan”.(Lebedev, op. cit.)

86 Eugene Sokolov writes: “In an interview for radio given to me by Vladyka Tikhon during

his recent visit to the USA, the president of the Russian True Orthodox Church told me that

Vladyka Lazarus at first demanded the convening of a Council at which it would be possible

to discuss all questions, including the ordinations, but certain forces slowed down [the

convening of] this Council. In the words of Vladyka Tikhon, the new ordinations were carried

out only after it became evident that the promised Council would not take place” (“S Bol’noj

Golovy na Zdorovuiu”, Nasha Strana (Argentina), N 2821, June 2, 2007, p. 4).

87 http://www.russia-talk.com/otkliki/ot-238.htm; Tserkovnie Novosti, № 10 (111), October,

2002, pp. 3-5. On November 1/14 Metropolitan Vitaly and Archbishop Barnabas confirmed

the decree of August 8/21 expelling the Russian bishops from the Church (Church News,

December, 2002, vol. 13, № 12 (113), p. 5).


recognize the consecrations carried out by them, or for a trial on them

themselves, would lead to the annihilation of our Russian Orthodox Church


So, according to this logic, to expel the Russian bishops through a lawful

canonical trial would be more destructive of the Church than to expel them

uncanonically and without a trial!

Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin never received official

notification that they were banned from serving. 89 They continued to

recognize Metropolitan Vitaly as head of their Church, declaring that his

signatures were being forged and that he was “in captivity” to Protopriest

Benjamin Zhukov and L.D. Rosnianskaia “and in complete isolation from the

external world”.90 The present writer has personal experience of this. In

January, 2003, in Mansonville, Rosnianskaia blocked his and Hieromonk

Augustine Lim’s access to the metropolitan, although Bishop Sergius of

Mansonville had given his blessing…

Having finally succeeded in manipulating the expulsion of the Russian

bishops, Zhukov now proceeded to further purges within the church

organization that he controlled. The American priests led by Fr. Victor

Melehov had been shown alarming signs of a concern for canonical order. So

it was now their turn…

The movement to oust Melehov had begun some months before. In June,

2002 he was informed by Bishop Vladimir that he was the secretary only of

North America. In July, he was told by Bishop Vladimir that he recalled that

Fr. Benjamin Zhukov was in fact the secretary of ROCiE. In September, Fr.

Victor made preparations for Metropolitan Vitaly’s visit to Russia, but the

visit was stopped by Zhukov. In October, he began to receive anonymous

letters telling him that he would be suspended and defrocked.91

And so, writes Fr. Victor, “when, in October, 2002, there was published on

the official site of ROCOR (ROCiE) the preconciliar report of the secretary of

ROCOR (ROCiE), Protopresbyter Victor Melehov, on the situation of the

ROCOR, together with a projected confession of faith to be sent to the flock,

Protopresbyter Victor Melehov did not only not receive any response from

the hierarchs on the ecclesiological questions, but was subjected to reproaches

by Bishop Vladimir for publishing this report.

88 Zhukov, Open Letter to Fr. Stefan Krasovitsky, September 14/27, 2002.

89 Sokolov, op. cit.

90 “Zaiavlenie Kantseliarii Arkhierejskogo Sinoda RPTsZ (V-L) o nedavnikh pis’makh

mitropolita Vitalia”, Vertograd, № 376, 22 August, 2003. See also the declaration of June 24,

published in Vertograd, № 369, June 28, 2003; Church News, vol. 14, № 66 (120), pp. 3-5.

91 Nathanael Kapner, based on an interview with Fr. Victor.


“Some hope that the hierarchs would be able to come out with an

Orthodox confession of faith appeared after Bishops Bartholomew and

Sergius, at the beginning of November, 2002, in response to the worries of the

North American clerics, signed a letter-appeal demanding the immediate

convening of a Hierarchical Council, the removal of the commission that was

blocking its convening, the resolution of the problem with Archbishop

Lazarus and the necessity of the acceptance of a confession of faith by the

clergy of ROCOR (ROCiE). Bishops Bartholomew and Sergius also signed the

text of this confession of faith. However, after talking to Bishop Vladimir and

Archbishop Barnabas, they withdrew their signatures.

“Bishop Bartholomew decided to compose a new appeal to all the clergy

and faithful of ROCiE on the catastrophic situation of ROCiE and the

necessity of accepting a confession of faith. This letter of November 13/26,

2002, together with the former text of the confession of faith, was again signed

by Bishop Bartholomew. However, on the very day when the letter should

have been placed on the official site, Bishop Bartholomew again withdrew his

signature, fearing, in his words, ‘to bite the bullet’.

“This letter was nevertheless published on the official site of ROCiE signed

only by the secretary of ROCiE, Protopresbyter Victor Melehov, and the dean

of the Western American deanery, Protopriest Joseph Sunderland. The

confession of faith was signed by these clerics and by Priests Michael

Martsinovsky, Andrew Kencis and Mark Smith.

“The letter had not been on the official site of ROCiE for one day before it

was removed on the demand of the episcopate of ROCiE, and many learned

of its contents from other sources.

“On December 9, 2002, Bishop Bartholomew officially informed us that his

signature on the appeal of the North American clerics was invalid and was

being removed (and this in spite of the fact that the appeal had been

published without his signature)…”92

The final act in this shameful episode was the uncanonical expulsion of the

still-unyielding American clerics led by Fr. Victor Melehov. It was officially

announced on January 18, 2003 that he had never been secretary of the

ROCOR (V), that he had been admitted into the Church “by an oversight”

and that he was actually a defrocked ex-clergyman.93 In February, Fr. Victor

received a letter from Metropolitan Vitaly, Bishops Barnabas, Bartholomew

and others stating that “ROCiE does not know Fr. Victor Melehov”. This was

the height of anti-canonical arbitrariness: no trial, no summons to a trial, not

even a more or less plausible accusation, but only: “We do not know you”!

92 Melehov, “The French Ecclesiology and the Fall of ROCOR” (MS).

93 See the commentary on this by A. Ter-Grigorian, “Liubov’, smirenie, dobrota – i chuvstvo

iumora”, and “Zhivie i mertvy”, www.romanitas.ru/aktualnoe.


Fr. Victor summed up the situation well: “Factually speaking, the ship of

our Church is without direction and is being borne along in complete

darkness and obscurity… The main aim of the Synod of Laurus - to paralyze

the activity of the Metropolitan as First-Hierarch and not to allow the

restoration of our Synod – has been attained… Our brothers in France

apparently do not even realize that they are in the same camp as the Synod of

Laurus and the other opponents of our Church, who are abusing the

Metropolitan-elder in every way…”94

On June 22 / July 5, 2003, “the canonical organ of administration of the

parishes of RTOC – the Hierarchical Conference of Russian Bishops – was

transformed into the Hierarchical Synod of the Russian True Orthodox

Church as ‘a small constantly acting council of bishops’ (literally the word

‘synod’ in Greek means gathering, council). The oldest Russian hierarch,

Archbishop Lazarus of Odessa and Tambov, was elected as President of the

Hierarchical Synod of RTOC.”95

On June 24 / July 7, 2005, shortly after the death of Archbishop Lazarus,

Bishop Tikhon of Omsk and Siberia was elected first-hierarch of the Russian

True Orthodox Church.

94 “Ocherednie chistki”, op. cit.

95 Shumilo, “Apostasia”, op. cit.



Archbishop Barnabas was now at the height of his power. However, his

fall was to be precipitate. Anton Ter-Grigorian writes: “Soon after getting rid

of Fr. Victor [Melehov] and the priests and laity who supported him,

Archbishop Barnabas lost the need for the all-powerful cleric of his diocese,

Protopriest Benjamin Zhukov, who after the ‘general victory’ over ‘the

Melehov schism’ began to demonstrate too much independence… He was

soon distanced from closeness with Archbishop Barnabas, and the closest

advisor of the ‘deputy of the First Hierarch’ again became Protodeacon

Germanus Ivanov-Trinadtsaty.” 96

His power began to slip at the Sobor which Zhukov now graciously

allowed to convene from May 3/16 to 7/20, 2003. Three candidates were put

forward for the episcopacy: Archimandrite Anthony (Rudej), as vicar of the

European diocese with the title Bishop of Balt and Moldovia; Hieromonk

Anastasius (Surzhik), as ruling Bishop of the Far Eastern diocese with the title

Bishop of Vladivostok and the Far East; and Priest Victor Pivovarov, as a vicar

of the European diocese with the title Bishop of Slavyansk and South Russia.

These candidacies were confirmed, although Archbishop Barnabas was

opposed to that of Pivovarov. He asked instead that the candidacy of

Archimandrite Alexis (Makrinov) and Hieromonk Joseph (Philosophov) be

considered. He also asked that all priests and laymen coming from the

dioceses of Archbishop Lazarus and Bishop Benjamin should be received by


On June 26, 2003 Archbishop Barnabas issued an ukaz criticizing Zhukov

for anti-canonical behaviour, and demanding that he return his diocesan seal

and facsimile signature, which Barnabas suspected he had been using

unlawfully. Zhukov rejected the ukaz and flatly refused to give back the seal

and signature. Instead, he stirred up such a vicious campaign against the

bishop that “six out of the eight ‘French’ parishes very soon began to demand

from the Synod ‘the replacement of the Bishop’ and even ‘the defrocking of

Archbishop Barnabas’.” Barnabas was forced to leave the parish. Taking

advantage of his master’s absence, Zhukov summoned Bishops Vladimir and

Sergius from Canada, who, on Archbishop Barnabas’ canonical territory, and

against his will, proceeded to consecrate Fr. Victor Ponovarov - who was not

only a KGB agent with the nickname “Ponomar” 98 , but had also been

96 Ter-Grigorian, “Kuriezy: Episkopy RPTsZ (v) pytaiutsa reshit’ svoi naibolee ser’ieznie

kanonicheskie problemy, odnovremenno prodolzhaia oblichat’ ‘melekhovskij raskol’”,


97 “Iz protokola Zasedanij Arkhierejskogo Sobora Russkoj Pravoslavnoj Tserkvi Zagranitsej”,


98 In January, 2004 the secretary of ROCiE’s Diocesan Assembly, V. Cherkasov-Georgievsky,

quoted a KGB document describing a visit to a Christian Peace Conference in America by

Bishop Victor, then a cleric of the Moscow Patriarchate, and working for the KGB under the

code-name “Sacristan” (“Ponomar”) (Head of the fourth department of the Fifth


defrocked by his former bishop, Benjamin of the Black Sea, and was

considered to be a heretic by Bishop Sergius – and Fr. Anastasy (Surzhik) to

the episcopate. Several weeks after this scandalous event, Archbishop

Barnabas received his diocesan seal and facsimile signature in the post from

Zhukov – they were no longer needed by him!99

Zhukov then proceeded to convene a Synod meeting from November

14/27 to 16/29, at which three independent dioceses were formed. The

Russian part of Archbishop Barnabas’ diocese was removed from him and

divided between Bishop Anthony of Moldova, who took Ukraine, Belorussia,

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and Bishop of Victor of South Russia, who took

the North-West, the Centre, the Volga and the Southern regions of Russia

with Georgia, while “separating those parishes whose priests want to

continue commemorating Archbishop Barnabas”. As for Barnabas himself, he

was confined to Western Europe. Bishop Anastasy’s Far Eastern diocese was

enlarged to include the Japanese islands, Korea and China (where there were

no ROCOR parishes!), while the Siberian diocese (including the Urals district

and Kazakhstan) was also entrusted temporarily to Bishop Anastasy.

Then the bishops declared Archbishop Barnabas’ acceptance of some

Romanian new calendarist parishes into his diocese as uncanonical 100 ,

removed Barnabas’ title of “Deputy of the First Hierarch”, and defrocked one

of his clerics, Hieromonk Seraphim (Baranchikov), for immorality.101

On November 6/19, 2004 the Synod issued the following anathematization:

“To those who affirm the antichristian heresy of Sergianism; who teach that

the Church of Christ is supposedly saved by union with the enemies of Christ,

and reject the exploit of martyrdom and confession, and construct a false

church on the foundation of Judas, and for its sake permit the transgression

and distortion of Christian teaching, canons and moral laws; who command

Christians to bow down to the God-hating authorities as if they were given by

God, and to serve them not out of fear but for conscience’s sake, blessing all

their iniquities; who justify the persecutions against the True Church of Christ

at the hands of the God-haters, thinking thereby that they serve God, as was

done in fact by the continuers of the renovationist heresy, Metropolitan

Sergius and all his followers – Anathema!

Administration of the KGB, Colonel V.I. Timoshevsky, f. 6, op. 12, N 110, d. III-175, t. 1;

quoted in http://cherksoft.narod.ru/mit13.htm)

99 Ter-Grigorian, op. cit.; “Ocherednie chistki…”, op. cit.

100 “In late 2003,” writes Fr. Spyridon Schneider, “it became apparent that Bishop Barnabas of

Cannes had nullified an ukaz by Metropolitan Vitaly which prohibited new calendar

churches from entering into communion with the Russian Church Abroad. When Bishop

Barnabas was confronted with the fact that he had new calendar Romanian parishes under

his omophorion in France, he denied the charges” (e-mail to Theophan Costello, January 2,


101 “Postanovlenia Arkhierejskogo Sinoda RPTsZ ot 14/27 po 16/29 noiabria 2003g.”,



But right-believing anathemas could not conceal the inner corruption of the

Synod. For Archbishop Barnabas, the coup de grâce was not long in coming.

On December 7, 2003, striking out against his tormentors, Archbishop

Barnabas banned Protopriest Benjamin Zhukov from serving.102 However, on

January 19, 2004, brushing aside an explanatory letter from Archbishop

Barnabas103, Metropolitan Vitaly and the North American bishops declared

this act to be invalid, saying that Barnabas had “exceeded his rights”

(although Fr. Benjamin was a priest of Archbishop Barnabas’ diocese, and

directly subject to his authority), and placing him “in retirement”.104 On July 8

the Synod banned him from serving.105 On July 25 he wrote a penitential letter

to Metropolitan Vitaly, repenting of many of his acts in the last few years.106

But this repentance only enraged his enemies. At the November Hierarchical

Sobor he was defrocked - naturally, without a trial or summons to a trial…107

102 The reason, according to Vertograd (№ 420, January 23, 2004) was as follows: “Archbishop

Barnabas doubted the authenticity of the signature of the first hierarch Metropolitan Vitaly on

an ukaz of December 4/28 [sic], according to which a part of the West European diocese was

placed under the omophorion of Bishop Victor (Pivovarov) of Slaviansk and South Russia.

This served as a reason for the ban on Fr. Benjamin Zhukov, whom Archbishop Barnabas

accused of forging the document since he was secretary of the Synod. From the letters in

defence of Protopriest Benjamin Zhukov it appears that he could have been so bold as to sign

for Metropolitan Vitaly, although, as these declarations say in his justification, with the

knowledge of all the hierarchs of the Synod.

“The ukaz banning Fr. Benjamin was issued by Archbishop Barnabas at the beginning of

December, 2003, but Fr. Benjamin was acquainted with it only at the beginning of January,

moreover completely by accident.

“The true reason for the conflict between the hierarch and Protopriest Benjamin Zhukov

was the refusal of Archbishop Barnabas to take part in the consecration of a bishop for Russia

– that is, of Bishop Victor of Slaviansk and South Russia. In June, 2003 in the church of the

New Martyrs of Russia near Paris, where Fr. Benjamin serves, consecrations of bishops for

Russia took place. The consecrations were carried out to a large extent at the request of the

Russian members of ROCOR (V) to give bishops and create new independent dioceses on the

territory of Russia. Earlier they were in the European diocese under the omophorion of

Archbishop Barnabas. Archbishop Barnabas’ ecclesiology and certain dubious actions of his

from a canonical point of view had long elicited the anxiety of the Russian flock. Fearing to

lose parishes on the territory of Russia, Archbishop Barnabas refused to take part in the

consecration of Vladyka Victor.”

103 “Obraschenie Arkhiepiskopa Varnavy k Episkopam Sergiu, Vladimiru i Varfolomeiu po

povodu Istinnogo Polozhenia v RPTsZ (V)” (Vertograd, № 439, March 6, 2004).

104 See the article by Zhukov and his supporters, “Obzor Polozhenia v Zapadno-Evropejskoj

Eparkhii RPTsZ (V): Otkrytoe Pis’mo Klirikov”, http://cherksoft.narod.ru/mut96.htm;

Vertograd, № 473, June 15, 2004.

105 http://listok.com/sobor243.htm.

106 http://catacomb.org.ua/modules.php?name=Pages&go=page&pid=639

107 “A few clergy in France and Fr. Anatoly Trepatschko, his family and parish in the USA

joined Bishop Barnabas. Later, Bishop Barnabas, the founding hierarch of ROCiE finally

returned to ROCOR under the omophorion of Metropolitan Laurus… When Bishop Barnabas

returned to the Synod of Metropolitan Laurus, Fr. Anatoly, his family and his parish went

under the omophorion of Archbishop Tikhon of the Lazarus Synod.” (Schneider, e-mail to

Theophan Costello, January 2, 2008.)


On January 27 / February 9, 2005 Archbishop Barnabas issued a

“sorrowful epistle” in which he said that he did not recognize “the so called

‘Mansonville Synod’” as having any power or significance, since “it had

shown its complete incompetence and its deeply uncanonical conduct of its

affairs”. 108 Shortly after this, Barnabas joined the Synod of Metropolitan

Laurus, recognizing the original ban placed on him in April, 2001…109

The further disintegration of the Mansonville Synod was now unstoppable.

On June 3, 2006 the Synod’s official site published a declaration of Zhukov,

Bishop Vladimir and Bishop Bartholomew, announcing that power in their

Synod had been seized by Archbishop Anthony (Orlov), Bishop Victor

(Pivovarov) and a certain Irina Mitse-Goldberg. Anthony declared

Metropolitan Vitaly to be incompetent, made charges against Bishops

Vladimir and Bartholomew, and took over the Church with Bishop Victor.

Archbishop Anthony was a married man who, secretly from Metropolitan

Vitaly and his own wife, had been consecrated to the episcopate in 2002 in

Paris by Bishops Barnabas and Sergius. For two years, this consecration had

been a secret, and was only revealed in 2004 on the internet. For a long time

Metropolitan Vitaly did not recognize this consecration, but Zhukov finally

forced him to give in. Although all the bishops knew that Anthony, as Priest

Nicholas Orlov, had been living in a church marriage with his wife at the time

of his consecration, they still recognized it, and even, at Zhukov’s insistence,

raised him to the rank of “archbishop” and “deputy of the First-Hierarch” in

place of Barnabas. Anthony’s church divorce was formalized two years after

his consecration. His civil marriage remained in force…110

On June 22, 2006 Metropolitan Vitaly, under pressure from Archbishop

Anthony (Orlov), Bishop Victor (Pivovarov) and Archimandrites Damascene

(Balabanov) and Stefan (Babaev), were invited to the local police station so

that the metropolitan could officially, without outside influence, express his

will regarding the presence of Archbishop Anthony and others in his

residence in Mansonville. When the police officer asked: “Does Metr. Vitaly

wish that Orlov, Pivovarov, Balabanov, Babaev and Mitze leave the territory

of the Transfiguration Skete?” the metropolitan replied firmly: “Yes, I wish

it.” Archbishop Anthony tried to persuade the metropolitan to change his

mind, but the police officer told him: “Enough. The answer has been

received.” The Russian group were then asked by the police to leave

Mansonville before July 25. The next day, June 23, Archbishop Anthony

issued an ukaz saying that “he counts this his duty temporarily to take over

the administration of ROCOR” because of the poor health of the metropolitan,

“who is not able sometimes even to recognize his deputy and bishops”

because of the “inconsistence and false ukases cancelling the previous ukase

108 http://catacomb.org.ua/modules.php?name=Pages&go=page&pid=639

109 http://catacomb.org.ua/modules.php?name=Pages&go=page&pid=924.

110 “Ocherednie chiski…”, op. cit.


signed by the First Hierarch” and because of the “malicious isolation of the

First Hierarch”.111

The disintegration continued. In 2006 Archbishop Victor broke from

Bishop Anthony and formed his own Synod together with Bishop Damascene

(Balabanov). They later split again…. Archbishop Anthony, meanwhile, had

taken to calling himself “Metropolitan of Moscow, Los Angeles and all


Fr. Spyridon Schneider writes: “The repose of Metropolitan Vitaly on

September 12/25, 2006 marked a turning point in the life of ROCiE. When

Metropolitan Vitaly reposed… there were four bishops remaining in the

Vitaly Synod. Bishop Vladimir of San Francisco and Western America, Bishop

Bartholomew of Edmonton and Western Canada (who is in the advanced

stages of Parkinson’s disease and has severe dementia), Bishop Anthony of

Moldova and Bishop Anastassy of Vladivostok. Bishop Vladimir became

temporary acting First Hierarch on the basis of the fact that he, at the age of

thirty nine, was the oldest bishop by ordination.

“… In the early winter of 2006 Protopriest Benjamin Zhukov and Bishop

Anthony of Moldova sent Protopriest Nicholas Semenov from Brussels to

Edmonton, Canada with a document for Bishop Bartholomew to sign.

Through intrigue and deceit Bishop Bartholomew, not knowing and

understanding what he was signing, applied his signature to this document.

The document was an ukaz retiring Bishop Anastassy of Vladivostok. This

action was taken in a totally uncanonical and unethical manner, without due

process, without a meeting of the Synod, without the presence of the Acting

First Hierarch and without following the Regulations which govern the

Russian Church Abroad.”112

On May 12, 2007, continues Fr. Spyridon, “at a meeting with Bishop

Vladimir which included Archpriest Constantine Fyodorov, Archpriest

Spyridon Schneider and Priest Andrew Kencis, Bishop Vladimir explained

that he intends to call a Sobor of Bishops with the full knowledge and

expectation that Bishop Anthony of Moldova and the Secretary of the Synod,

Archbishop Benjamin Zhukov, will not attend. Bishop Vladimir explained

that he will call the Sobor in Edmonton, Canada so that Bishop

Bartholomew… can participate in the first session of the Sobor. Bishop

Vladimir further explained that if Protopriest Zhukov and Bishop Anthony

do not come to the Sobor, as expected, then Bishop Vladimir, Bishop

Bartholomew and Bishop Anastasy will constitute a quorum. Therefore when

the meeting is convened the first item on the agenda will be to consider and

accept Bishop Bartholomew’s petition to retire from one year ago. This

decision will be made with the vote of Bishop Bartholomew. Once Bishop

111 Vertograd, N 53, June 25, 2006.

112 Schneider, e-mail to Theophan Costello, January 2, 2008.


Bartholomew is retired then he will no longer participate, nor will he be

counted as a member of the Synod. Consequently, Bishop Vladimir and

Bishop Anastasy will then have a two-third majority of the votes which

would allow them to go forward with their agenda for the future of the

Church. Bishop Vladimir further explained that Fr. Benjamin Zhukov,

although he is secretary of the Synod and has always voted in the Synod

meetings, will not have a vote because he is a priest and not a bishop…”113

Zhukov could never submit to such a demotion. On November 1/14, 2007,

at his inciting, Bishop Anthony (Rudej) of Moldova, secretly and on his own,

consecrated Archimandrite Seraphim (Skuratov) as Bishop of Birmingham,

and then with Bishop Seraphim ordained Fr. Roman Apostolescu as Bishop of

Brussels.114 Zhukov had now created his own “catacomb church” – in the free


With the departure of Zhukov from the scene of the Synod he both created

and destroyed, we shall end our account of ROCOR (V). The disintegration

has continued in recent years, as was only to be expected. For, as the Greek

Old Calendarist Confessor Papa Nicholas Planas said, “Whatever has been

done uncanonically cannot stand – it will fall…”115

113 Schneider, e-mail to Theophan Costello, January 2, 2008.

114 http://kirillov-v-y.livejournal.com/2291.html#cutid1

115 Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Boston, Papa-Nicholas Planas.



The second bishop to be consecrated for ROCOR inside Russia during the

1990s, after Archbishop Lazarus, was Bishop Valentine (Rusantsev) of Suzdal.

Having been unlawfully expelled by the ROCOR in 1996 together with three

other bishops consecrated by him and Archbishop Lazarus,116 and having

taken part neither in the dogmatic errors of the shameful October Sobor of

2000, nor in the canonical violations of both ROCOR (L) and ROCOR (V) in

2001, the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC) under

Metropolitan Valentine was in a relatively strong canonical position at the

beginning of the new millennium. However, strong suspicions had often been

voiced about the personality and history of the first hierarch himself, who

while in the MP had received many medals from the God-fighting state and

had two charges of homosexuality against him dropped – through the

intervention of the KGB, as many thought. His relatively strong performance

in the 1990s had begun to dispel these suspicions; but now a new threat

appeared which exposed his real character, and the weakness of his Church

organization, in a glaringly unattractive light…

The threat appeared in the form of a group of intellectualist refugees from

ROCOR in St. Petersburg, led by the Byzantinist (although some Byzantinists

would deny him that title) Basil Lourié. From the beginning of their entrance

into ROAC in 1999, this group made no secret of their plans to “reform” it in

accordance with their perverted understanding of patristic tradition, which

involved: a heretical, Manichaean approach to marriage and sexuality; an

almost Nietzschean fascination with popular culture and rock music and its

cult of death and suicide 117 ; an extremely negative attitude to the prerevolutionary

Russian Church; a cool attitude towards the Catacomb Church

and her martyrs and confessors; a “positive” attitude towards Stalin; an

approval of the “name-worshipping” heresy of Fr. Anthony Bulatovich; and

several other deviations.

However, Metropolitan Valentine was only too eager to use this group to

raise the educational standard of his clergy and the general profile of ROAC

in Russian society. He blessed their often interesting, but also often highly

controversial publications, especially Vertograd-Inform (which began life in

ROCOR), which the Petersburg group published in collaboration with other

“near-Church” intellectuals, such as Alexander Soldatov (the chief editor),

Egor Kholmogorov and Michael Kiselev. And, overlooking Lourié’s

116 V. Moss, “Rossijskaia Pravoslavnaia Avtonomnaia Tserkov’ – kratkaia istoria (1992-1998)”,

Suzdal'skie Eparkhial'nie Vedomosti, N8, June-September, 1999, pp. 7-18; “The Russian

Orthodox Autonomous Church - A Short History (1982-1998)”, Vertograd, NN16-17,

February-March, 2000, pp. 12-37.

117 On this, perhaps the most alarming of all the various aspects of Lourie’s heresies, see

Hieromonk Nectarius (Yashunsky), “Ne ktomu zmej”,



unscrupulous use of mafia connections118 and his uncanonical abandonment

of his wife and child, he ordained him to the priesthood.

Alarm-bells began to ring in 2000, when Lourié published a book entitled

The Calling of Abraham, which claimed that sexual relations in marriage were

sinful, and that the celibate and monastics possessed the grace of the New

Testament, while the married were merely “Old Testament Christians”.

Alarmed by criticisms of this work, the metropolitan, instead of investigating

the book himself and coming to a decision about it in the Synod, blessed the

publication of a critique of Lourié’s book by four authors (including the

present writer) entitled Marriage, the Law and Grace (Moscow, 2001).

In the winter of 2000-2001 further alarm was caused when a disciple of

Lourié, Hierodeacon Theophanes (Areskin), began a series of lectures to

clergy in Suzdal in which he praised the “name-worshipping” heresy of Fr.

Anthony Bulatovich, who was condemned by Patriarch Tikhon and the

Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. 119 The leader of the attacks on Lourié

and Areskin was Protopriest Andrew Osetrov, the secretary of the Synod and

a close collaborator with Metropolitan Valentine. In March, the metropolitan

turned to the present writer, asking him to enter into a dialogue with Lourié

in order to ascertain his true views on name-worshipping and other matters,

assuring him (Moss) that if he found his (Lourié’s) views to be heretical, he

would bring him to trial before the Holy Synod.

The dialogue began, and would no doubt have continued peacefully if

Osetrov had not brought the issue to a head in a Synod meeting at the end of

April, during which, supported initially by the Catacomb Archbishop

Seraphim of Sukhumi, he demanded that the metropolitan condemn Lourié.

When the metropolitan refused in a particularly crude form, Osetrov left

ROAC. The next day, at the glorification of Metropolitan Philaret of New

York as a saint of the Russian Church, Archbishop Seraphim served with the

metropolitan, demonstrating his loyalty to him for the time being and his

separation from Osetrov – probably because Osetrov had not contented

himself with attacks on heresy within the Church, but had proceeded publicly

to accuse the metropolitan of paedophilia…

Osetrov told parishioners in Suzdal that he had a video film showing

interviews of adolescents admitting to intimate relations with the

metropolitan. This film turned out to be less incriminating than Osetrov

claimed, and would in any case have been inadmissible as evidence in a court

118 See Deacon Nikolai Savchenko, “Ob obstoiatel’stvakh vykhoda iz redsoveta zhurnala

Vertograd”, http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/savchenko.htm.

119 For a detailed exposure of this heresy, see V.Moss, “The Name of God and the Nameworshipping






of law. More serious was the accusation of the well-respected Hieromonk

Paisius (Gorbunov) that he personally had witnessed a homosexual act of

Metropolitan Valentine in 1995. Enormous pressure was brought to bear on Fr.

Paisius, who repented of his accusation, then reaffirmed it and fled into

hiding (with the help of his spiritual father, Archbishop Seraphim).

The metropolitan now demanded the defrocking of those clerics (about

five) who accused him of immorality, and eventually obtained the signatures

of the other bishops – although Archbishop Seraphim delayed signing for six

weeks. Between June and August the Vladimir newspaper Prizyv printed a

series of eight articles in support of Osetrov’s accusations. Fighting to stay out

of prison, the metropolitan claimed that Prizyv had received direct orders

from the Vladimir public prosecutor’s office and regional administration to

publish “compromising material on Valentine”.

In an interview with Keston College’s Geraldine Fagan on March 26, 2002,

Osetrov “maintained that, since Metropolitan Valentin had actively restored

churches whereas the Moscow Patriarchate had been quite incompetent in

that area, he had ‘enjoyed some kind of protection’ from the Suzdal

authorities. Fr Osetrov admitted that he himself had been instrumental in

maintaining this state of affairs throughout the ten years during which he had

worked as synodal secretary to Metropolitan Valentin, initially having been

ordained in ROCA. When any accusations against the Metropolitan of

homosexual practice - a criminal offence in Russia until 1993 - or sexual abuse

were made, he said, he ‘arranged everything so that they died away or got

lost in bureaucratic channels.’ Once he had been removed after protesting that

ROAC clergy who preached heresies were not being dealt with, said Fr

Osetrov, his protection of Metropolitan Valentin had ceased: ‘This time I

gathered evidence and sent it to reliable people in the Lubyanka [the

headquarters of the FSB] and the Vladimir public prosecutor's office.’ Had the

affair been left to the Suzdal public prosecutor, he maintained, ‘it would have

been completely covered up.’

“When Keston asked how Fr Osetrov had managed to serve in the ROAC

for ten years without suspecting Metropolitan Valentin, he replied that the

accusation of homosexuality (golubizna) was commonly used as an easy way

of discrediting a person in the Soviet period. While the rumours about

Metropolitan Valentin grew from year to year, he said, they were at first

vague and he was disinclined to believe them until some of his own children

began to relate details they had heard at school. Fr Osetrov said that he then

discovered that the Suzdal authorities' protection of Metropolitan Valentin

dated back to 1988 – ‘I was shocked, both the local police and administration

knew everything.’ In that year, said Fr Osetrov, local police investigated the

then criminal activities of 70 homosexuals in Vladimir region, including then

Archimandrite Valentin. An article in the May-September issue of Suzdal

Diocesan News, partially edited by Fr Osetrov, contains computer scans from


the original police files on Criminal Case No. 0543, including various witness

statements graphically describing homosexual activity involving

Archimandrite Valentin. According to Fr Osetrov, this was why the Moscow

Patriarchate attempted to transfer Archimandrite Valentin from the town of

Suzdal, in response to which he ultimately left the Moscow Patriarchate. In

his view, the only possible reason why Archimandrite Valentin was not

prosecuted by the authorities at that time was because ‘he was working for

the KGB,’ who, he said, most probably used his sexual orientation to

compromise him.

“When interviewed by Keston on 19 October, ROAC Archbishop Feodor

continued to maintain that the allegations against Metropolitan Valentin were

being fuelled by an alliance of the Vladimir authorities and the Moscow

Patriarchate. The parish priest of Suzdal's Kazan Church, Fr Dmitri Ledko,

and Archbishop Yevlogi (Smirnov) of Vladimir and Suzdal were the local

Moscow Patriarchate representatives present at the June 2001 meeting aiming

to ‘sort out Valentin’, thought the archbishop. While declining to confirm

whether such a meeting had indeed taken place, Fr Leonid did tell Keston

that there were anonymous persons in authority who wished to see

Metropolitan Valentin removed, ‘without them there would be no court case

or publications or anything.’”120

Valentine now accepted the help of a very dubious new member of his

Church, the “polittechnologist” and close associate of Putin, Gleb Pavlovsky,

who had been introduced to him, coincidentally, by – Lourié! Pavlovsky

stopped a programme on ORT television attacking Valentine in September,

and offered to pay all the expenses of several lawyers who were employed to

defend the metropolitan; they were to be supervised by Lourié and his closest

associate, Olga Mitrenina. Precisely why Pavlovsky should have chosen to

support the metropolitan at this time was not clear: perhaps, it was suggested,

he was trying to build up “Suzdal” as a counter-weight to the MP, in order to

frighten the latter and extract political concessions from it. In any case, what

was clear was that the metropolitan’s accepting the help of such a

compromised figure, deeply immersed in Kremlin politics and with a history

of betraying dissident enemies of the Soviet régime121, could only come at a

price. It soon became clear what that price was: the relaxation of pressure on

Pavlovsky’s “childhood friend”, Lourié, and the expulsion – by force, if

necessary - of those who persisted in raising the question of Lourié’s heresies.

A vicious whispering campaign had already been started against Lourié’s

(and Pavlovsky’s) main critic, the layman and editor of the internet server

Romanitas, Anton Ter-Grigorian. He was even punched outside the church by

one of Lourié’s cronies, the former parliamentarian Michael Kiselev.

120 Geraldine Fagan, “Russia - Special Report: State Persecution or Protection of Suzdal’s

Breakaway Orthodox?”, Keston News Service, 12 April, 2002.

121 Vladimir Bukovsky, personal communication to the present writer.


The present writer also experienced pressure in his efforts to clarify

Lourié’s heresies – a task that had been entrusted to him by the metropolitan

himself. In May, 2001, the metropolitan invited Egor Kholmogorov to mediate

between Moss and Lourié in drawing up an agreed theological statement on

the issue of “name-worshipping”. When Moss rejected the statement

proposed by Kholmogorov and accepted by Lourié as involving an

unacceptable compromise between Orthodoxy and heresy, the metropolitan

terminated the theological dialogue between Lourié and Moss.

Then, in July, he issued an ukaz appointing Moss head of a theological

commission to investigate the long list of Lourié’s blasphemous statements

that had caused commotion in the Church – but stacked the rest of the

commission with all of Lourié’s closest cronies, including Lourié himself, with

only one of the six members, Protopriest Michael Makeev, being of

undoubted Orthodoxy. Moss refused to accept headship of a commission that

would in effect allow those accused of heresy to be judges of their own case,

and reminded the metropolitan of his promise that if he (Moss), after the

concluding of the now-aborted theological dialogue with Lourié, were to

consider Lourié’s views heretical, then he (the metropolitan) would bring him

to trial before the Holy Synod. The metropolitan angrily rejected any idea of

bringing Lourié to account, saying that the issue of “name-worshipping”

interested only a few people and would “disappear of itself”.

On September 3 Lourié conducted a press-conference in the House of the

Journalist arranged by Pavlovsky, in which he fawned before the government,

denying the involvement of either the state or the MP in “Osetrovschina”

(though this was manifestly untrue), and spoke about “three branches” of

Orthodoxy in Russia – the MP, the ROAC and the Old Believers.122

On September 5, Metropolitan Valentine was formally accused of

“committing forcible acts of a sexual nature”, “compulsion to commit acts of a

sexual nature” and “enticing minors into antisocial activity” under Articles

132 (part 2), 133 and 151 (part 1) respectively of the Criminal Code. His trial

began on 7 February, 2002 in Suzdal District Court, but was adjourned on 13

February until August.

In October, 2001 the metropolitan made an attempt to be reconciled with

Moss and Ter-Grigorian and invited them to dinner in Suzdal. However, he

then proudly declared that he had been working for Christ’s Church for fifty

years! When Moss pointed out to him that by his own confession he had left

the Catacomb Church at the age of 19 to join the MP, and that it was ROAC’s

official confession that the MP was a false church, which he had left only in

1990, he became angry and insisted that he had been a true priest while in the

122 Ter-Grigorian, “Vpechatlenia ot press-konferentsii v zaschitu RPATs, proshedshej 3

sentibri 2001 g. v Moskve, v Dome Zhurnalista”,



MP.123 In a private conversation the next day, trying to cover up the bad

impression he had made the previous evening, he told Moss that Lourié was

“not ours”, strongly hinting that he was KGB and that for that reason he

could do nothing about him. After all, he said, Putin was replacing all the

mayors in Russia by communists, and the new mayor of Suzdal was one of


The metropolitan then departed for America. But before leaving he

accepted from Moss an open letter to the bishops and a few senior priests of

ROAC listing all Lourié’s heresies and appealing for action to be taken against

them. Somehow this letter got into the hands of Lourié’s associates, who

created a special web-site where the open letter was “discovered” and

“announced” by a certain “Sergius Lourié”, as evidence of Moss’s desire to

discredit ROAC publicly - although it was precisely this website that made

the matter public! Then, on November 2, Tatiana Senina, another of Lourié’s

associates, created another website devoted exclusively to propaganda for the

heresy of “name-worshipping”. Shortly after, on November 7, the anniversary

of the revolution, Protopriest Michael Ardov published an open letter against

Moss’s open letter in Vertograd, which, in addition to defending Lourié and

“name-worshipping” publicly, made an astonishingly crude and completely

slanderous attack on Ter-Grigorian, forbidding him even to enter his church

in Moscow.

At this point, if the metropolitan were not to be accused of connivance with

the heresy of “name-worshipping”, he had to renounce Ardov’s statement and

close down Senina’s website. This he did not do. Indeed, since Ardov is a very

cautious man, it is very unlikely that he would ever have undertaken such a

step without “a nod from on high” – that is, either from the metropolitan

himself, or from those who spoke in his name and by this time had effective

control over him, especially Alexander Soldatov, the editor of Vertograd.

But now Protopriest Michael Makeev, the second priest of ROAC in

Moscow, wrote to the metropolitan saying that he was very unhappy with the

heresies in the Church and that he intended to send a letter to that effect to the

bishops. Immediately, the metropolitan summoned a meeting in Moscow for

the next day, November 15. Present were Archbishop Theodore,

Archimandrite Irinarch, Protopriests Michael Ardov and Michael Makeev,

Soldatov, Kholmogorov, Ter-Grigorian and others. The metropolitan told all

sides to stop quarrelling and to forgive each other. He placed most of the

blame for the situation on Moss, who was a “Judas” and “going along the

path of Osetrov”. No rebuke was given to Lourié, Senina or Ardov. It was

agreed that both Vertograd and Romanitas should remove all polemical articles

from their sites - Romanitas complied with this order: Vertograd did not.

123 A. Ter-Grigorian, “Iz Suzdalia s liuboviu”, http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/ziloty.htm,

November 14/27, 2003.


At a session of the ROAC Synod in December, 2001, another attempt was

made to stop all discussion of the heresies.124 In May, 2002 the ROAC Synod

at last addressed the question of name-worshipping, only to “deliver

judgement of the teaching of Hieroschemamonk Anthony Bulatovich to the

competence of a Local Council of the Russian Church”. This gave the false

impression that Bulatovich and his teaching had not yet been judged by the

Russian Church…

On July 26, 2002, Ter-Grigorian was excommunicated “for violation of

Church discipline”. Later, he was excommunicated six more times and even

anathematized! On September 9, 2003, an “Official Communication of the

Editors of the Suzdal’skie Eparkhial’nie Vedomosti” declared that the reason for

his excommunications was his open preaching of Nestorianism, refusal to call

Christ God and the Virgin Mary – the Mother of God, a false teaching on the

presence of two Persons and two Hypostases in Christ and a false teaching on

the deification of Christians. Needless to say, all these accusations were

completely without basis in fact.125

And so the position of ROAC at the beginning of 2002 had changed

radically from a year earlier: her metropolitan was due for trial in the secular

courts on the most serious of moral charges; her senior priests in Moscow and

Petersburg were publicly proclaiming heresy and were not being rebuked for

it; a vicious campaign of slander and intimidation against her “dissidents”

was well under way; and her attitude to the Sergianism and the neo-Soviet

authorities had notably softened – at least on the part of her spokesmen.126

Metropolitan Valentine and his supporters saw his trial as persecution by

the MP, as part of a general trend of increasing persecution of the True

Orthodox by the official Orthodox Churches. There is no doubt that the MP

was interested in humiliating him, and that Osetrov’s campaign against him

was malicious. But there is also no doubt that he had a case to answer…

And it was in order to win much-needed friends in high places that in the

autumn of 2002, just two days before the first session of the trial of

Metropolitan Valentine, ROAC published an “Address to the state leadership

of the Russian Federation, the organs of the international community and the

rulers of the world” analogous to the “social doctrine” accepted by the MP at

124 “Itogi Zasedania Arkhierejskogo Sinod ot 1 i 3 dekabria 2001 g.”,

http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/itogi.htm. See also “Uveschanie Arkhierejskogo Sinoda

RPATs”, http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/uveshanie.htm.

125 Ter-Grigorian, “Slovo o ‘nestorianstve’ i ‘bludopoklonnoj eresi”,


126 See, for example Anton Ter-Grigorian, “Izvestnie publitsisty RPATs okryto priznaiut sebia

storonnikami Deklaratsii 1927 goda Sergia Stragorodskogo”,

http://www.romanitas.ur/Actual/Declaracia%20i%20RPAC.htm; Priests Michael Makeev

and Roman Pavlov, “The MP in the ROAC”,



its “Jubilee” Sobor, in which it was written that “as in the case of the

Christians of ancient Rome or the Soviet epoch, an increase in persecutions on

our Church will not lead to our civil disobedience, and still less to a rebellion

against the powers that be. We are ready humbly to bear any persecutions,

and, to the extent that we are able, to defend our lawful rights.”127 This

statement of loyalty to the neo-Soviet regime, upon whose goodwill the fate of

the metropolitan now depended, was supposedly signed by a long list of

clergy – but many knew nothing about the declaration, and protested the

inclusion of their names under such a sergianist document.

Since many clergy, and in particular the Catacomb hierarchs Archbishop

Seraphim of Sukhumi and Bishop Anthony of Yaransk, were continuing to be

disturbed by the teaching of Lourié and calling for his defrocking128, on

October 18, at a session of the ROAC Synod he presented a “report”

expressing “my deep regret regarding my public statements concerning

name-worshipping, which have become a reason for discord within our

Church. I hold to the teaching of the Holy Fathers and confess no heresy

about the name of God, which would have been condemned by previous

Fathers and Councils. I also hold to the resolutions of the All-Russian Local

Council of 1917-1918, which were confirmed by two resolutions of the Synod

of our Church, in accordance with which the decision on the essence of the

question of name-worshipping belongs exclusively within the competence of

a Local Council of the Church of Russia”.129 Lourié did not mention, or repent

of, any of his other heresies and blasphemies.

The craftiness of this statement is immediately evident from the fact that

the All-Russian Local Council of 1917-1918 did not in fact issue any

resolutions on name-worshipping – these came both earlier and later.

Further craftinesses were exposed by Protopriest Alexander Lebedev, who

wrote: “Very interesting phrasing here that has to be read carefully.

“First of all, Fr. Gregory does not deny that he holds to the teaching of

name-worshipping, nor does he state that he considers it to be a heresy. He

has always maintained that it was not a heresy and that it was the true

teaching of the Holy Fathers.

“The phrasing ‘Fathers and Sobors’ seems to neatly set aside the

condemnations of the name-worshipping heresy that were made not by

‘Sobors’ – but by the Holy ‘Synod’ of the Church of Russia (and

Constantinople) and by Patriarch Tikhon.

127 http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/declaration.htm.

128 At a session of the ROAC Synod in November, 2003, it was admitted: “Yes, we know that

four hierarchs are ready to leave the ROAC if Fr. Gregory is not deposed”

(“Zhertvoprinoshenie skimna”, http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/zhertvoprinoshenie.htm).

129 Vertograd, № 312, October 21, 2002.


“His agreement with the concept that the final resolution of the question

belongs solely to the competence of a Local Council of the Russian Church

equally neatly puts off this final resolution almost indefinitely, as no full Local

Council of the Russian Church is contemplated in the foreseeable future,

perhaps decades, perhaps even longer.

“And, finally, although he states that he will himself refrain from any more

public statements on this issue, he does not take any of his previous

statements back or renounce them, and he does not promise to direct his

followers to refrain from continuing to defend name-worshipping…”130

On October 30, the Parish Council of the Orthodox Parish of St. Michael,

Guildford, England under Hieromonk Augustine (Lim) wrote a letter to the

ROAC Synod asking for answers to twelve questions on the faith arising as a

result of the various heresies and blasphemies of Hieromonk Gregory

(Lourié).131 Instead of replying, Metropolitan Valentine said that only a larger

130 Lebedev, “[paradosis] ROAC Synod Meeting and Statement of Fr. Gregory Lourié”,

orthodox-tradition@yahoogroups.com, October 22, 2002.

131 These twelve questions (supplemented by copious quotations from the works of the

heretics) were:-

1. Does the Holy Synod consider Fr. Gregory Lourié’s book, The Calling of Abraham, to be

completely Orthodox, or does it accept, in accordance with the views of Marriage, Grace

and the Law, which was published with the blessing of Metropolitan Valentine, that it

contains heresy, specifically the heresy that only virgins and monastics, and not

married people, can be New Testament Christians?

2. Does the Holy Synod not condemn the teaching of Fr. Gregory Lourié and Tatiana

Senina that the Holy Synod of the Russian Church fell into heresy – specifically, the

heresies of ‘Barlaamism’ and ‘Name-fighting’ – before the revolution? Does it not

condemn their opinion that all those who opposed the teaching of Fr. Anthony

Bulatovich, including Patriarch Tikhon, were ‘name-fighting’ heretics?

3. Does the Holy Synod not agree with Patriarch Tikhon’s condemnation of the teaching

of Bulatovich, which decree has never been repealed, and does it not agree that it is

necessary that Fr. Gregory, following Patriarch Tikhon and his Holy Synod, must

specifically condemn the teaching of Bulatovich?

4. Does the Holy Synod not agree that the Christian Empire was not an Old Testament,

but a New Testament institution, and that it did not have to ‘abolish itself’

immediately St. Constantine accepted the New Testament [as Fr. Gregory Lourié


5. Does the Holy Synod not condemn Fr. Theophan [Areskin]’s teaching that the

hierarchy of the New Testament Church is in fact the hierarchy of the Old Testament

Church, ‘according to the order of Aaron’?

6. Does the Holy Synod not agree that, contrary to the teaching of Fr. Gregory, the

Russian Church did not fall into ecclesiological heresy, specifically the heresy of

Sergianism, before the revolution?

7. Does the Holy Synod not agree that the teaching of Fr. Gregory’s disciple, Tatiana

Senina, that all the pastors and believers of the Russian Church would have suffered

eternal damnation as heretics if the revolution had not come, is false and an insult to

the holy new martyrs?

8. Does the Holy Synod not condemn Fr. Gregory’s participation in, and expressed

admiration for, rock culture, and in particular its culture of death and suicide?


Synod or the Tsar himself could compel him to reply!, and Lourié was

allowed to present his defence in a “report” to the metropolitan, which drew

no comment or criticism from the Synod. 132

In December, having received no answer to their questions, and seeing that

the metropolitan was determined to defend the heretics, who now had

complete control of all the official organs of ROAC, the Parish of St. Michael

left ROAC. Nine months later, when the Parish was already in another

jurisdiction, the metropolitan declared that Fr. Augustine had been banned

from serving, and that the present writer was excommunicated because of his

supposed opposition to monasticism, which was influenced, according to the

metropolitan, by the Jewish Cabbala!133 The latter false accusation is more

than a little curious in that Fr. Gregory Lourié is a direct descendant of the

foremost cabbalist of sixteenth-century Europe, Isaak Lourié Levi, and a

Jewish influence in his heresies has been suspected…

In July, 2003 the ROAC Synod declared in an epistle: “The old ‘Christian

world’ has gone, never to return, and that which is frenziedly desired by

some, the regeneration of the ‘Orthodox monarchy’ in some country, in which

the true faith will reign, must be considered a senseless utopia.”

This epistle was almost certainly written by Fr. Gregory Lourié. However,

it was signed, according to Vertograd for July 30, by the bishops: Valentine,

Theodore, Seraphim, Irinarch and Ambrose. Therefore unless Vertograd is

lying and one or more of these signatures were forged – which is quite

possible, since Archbishop Seraphim in particular has said that he never

signed certain synodal decrees on name-worshipping which he is quoted by

Vertograd as having signed, - then we must conclude that the ROAC has

officially rejected the hope of all truly Orthodox Christians in the resurrection

9. Does the Holy Synod not agree that the Nietzschean ideas expressed by Fr. Gregory

concerning the impossibility of obeying God and his denigration of the Christian idea

of Paradise in favour of the Muslim idea, are worthy of anathema?

10. Does the Holy Synod not agree that the saints are not the primary sources of the

teaching of the Church, since Christ Himself, the Truth Incarnate, said: ‘My teaching is

not Mine own, but the teaching of Him Who sent Me?’ (John 7.16)?

11. Does the Holy Synod not agree that public expressions of admiration for the greatest

persecutor of the faith in Christian history [Stalin] do not befit an Orthodox Christian,

and still less an Orthodox priest?

12. Does the Holy Synod not condemn Fr. Gregory’s blasphemous comparison of the tears

of Christ to going to the toilet, which were spoken as if he does not really believe in the

God-man at all? (Full text in both English and Russian at “Obraschenie k

Sviaschennomu Sinodu Rossijskoj Pravoslavnoj Avtonomnoj Tserkvi Tserkovnogo

Soveta Obschiny sv. Arkhangel Mikhaila v Gilforde”,


132 Vertograd, № 322, November 15, 2002.

133 Ter-Grigorian, “Kuriezy: Ierom. Grigorij (Lourié) obviniaiet Vladimira Mossa v

priverzhennosti drevneevrejskoj Kabbale”, http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/Kabbala.htm;

“Slovo o ‘nestorianstve’ i ‘bludopoklonnoj eresi”,



of Orthodoxy under an Orthodox Emperor, and in particular the resurrection

of Orthodoxy under a Russian Tsar. According to it, the faith and hope of

many, many saints and martyrs is a “senseless utopia”, an object of “frenzied”

desire that cannot possibly be fulfilled and must be renounced!134

In August, 2003, the metropolitan was convicted of paedophilia by the

court, and given a conditional four-year prison sentence. The sentence was

upheld by the appeal court in the autumn. But in March, 2004 his conviction

was expunged. Although there had been no new evidence, and no new trial,

Vertograd immediately trumpeted this as an acquittal. However, one of the

lawyers of the metropolitan himself contradicted Vertograd, saying that this

legal whitewash was based on the metropolitan’s private acknowledgement

of his guilt – and would be removed immediately if he “misbehaved” again…

Opposition to the heretics continued, but in November, 2003 the ROAC

Synod was able to silence its critics in a clever way: both Fr. Gregory Lourié

and one of his principal opponents, Fr. Roman Pavlov, were “retired”. No

matter that de facto this meant that Fr. Roman was able to serve only with the

explicit permission of the metropolitan, while Fr. Gregory’s activities and

serving were in no way hindered or diminished. From now on, the ROAC

was not responsible for Lourié because he had supposedly been “retired”…135

Early in 2004 two priests (Protopriest Michael Makeev and Fr. Roman

Pavlov) and a parish of ROAC in Moscow, which included the seven-times

excommunicated and anathematised Anton Ter-Grigorian, left ROAC. They

joined the True Orthodox Church of Cyprus under Metropolitan Epiphanius

of Kition. It is reported that many Catacomb Church parishioners were also

leaving ROAC at this time…

In March, 2004, the name-worshippers Yegor Kholmogorov and Fr.

Gregory Lourié demonstrated that they deviated from True Orthodox

teaching in another important way. According to Vertograd, they “publicly

recognized themselves to be supporters of the Declaration of Sergius

Stragorodsky of 1927, distinguishing, from their point of view, the

Declaration of Sergius Stragorodsky from ‘sergianism as such’. Yegor

Kholmogorov declared the following: ‘The position expressed in the

Declaration by the formula [there follows a long quotation from the

Declaration, including the most contentious passage about “our sorrows and

joys”] seems to me to be absolutely just and faithful to the church-political

position in those conditions.’

134 Ter-Grigorian, “Vladimir Moss ob uprazdnenii v RPATs Very Sviatykh Novomuchenikov

otnositel’no vosstanovlenia Rossii”,


135 Ter-Grigorian,, http://www.romanitas.ru/Actual/zhertvoprinoshenie.htm.


“Later, Ye. Kholmogorov declared the following: ‘Thus if one considers

that sergianism is the recognition of Soviet power as the civil authority in

Russia, an authority that could aid the strengthening of lawfulness, the

flourishing of the country, etc., then sergianism is undoubtedly a justified

church position and there is nothing for which to reproach Metropolitan


“Besides this, Comrade Kholmogorov affirms that Holy Hieromartyr

Joseph of Petrograd held to the principles reflected in Sergius’ Declaration on

loyalty to the Bolsheviks. While on ROCOR and the Catacomb Church he

writes the following: ‘… It is completely incomprehensible why the position

of the Orthodox Christian should be that of the political partisan. To justify

this political partisanship, both in ROCOR and in the catacombs, completely

made, absolutely heretical theories were created that turned a certain part of

the catacombniks into a new edition of the Priestless Old Ritualists with their

“spiritual antichrist”…’

“Hieromonk Gregory (Lourie) completely agreed with him and declared

the following: ‘Yes, it’s something like that. Especially important is the

distinguishing between the Declaration and sergianism as such.’

“In his time the chief ideologue of ROAC and the chief editor of Portal

Credo.ru, Alexander Soldatov, expressed himself on the Declaration of

Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky). In an editorial article for Credo.ru dated

September 8, 2003 he referred to Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky) as on a

par with ‘the great hierarchs of the epoch of the Ecumenical Councils’, while

the word ‘sergianism’ he put in inverted commas.

“Earlier, from very many judgements of comrades Kholmogorov, Soldatov

and Lourie it followed that they consider sergianism to be an insignificant

canonical transgression. But now they speak about it openly…”136

In July, 2005 Archbishop Anthony of Yaransk met Fr. Victor Melehov, who

had been expelled from ROCOR (V), in Dmitrov. As a result of their meeting,

at which the heresies of Lourié were discussed, Archbishop Anthony blessed

Fr. Victor to commemorate him alone at the Liturgy. When Archbishop

Anthony arrived in Suzdal, Metropolitan Valentine secured the banning of

the American priests for creating a faction (Fr. Christopher Johnson was

banned, bizarrely, for trying to become a bishop!). However, Archbishop

Anthony, supported by the Catacomb Bishops Gerontius and Hilarion from

the Ukraine, secured the banning of Lourié and the setting up of a

commission to investigate “the matter of Fr. Gregory Lourié”.

136 “Ideologi RPATs Priznaiut Sebia Sergianami”,



On September 5, Lourié, 2005 was defrocked – without a trial or summons

to a trial - by the Synod.137 The heretic had at length been removed. But the

uncanonical manner it which it had been done allowed the heretic to paint

himself as a victim. Soon he managed to detach two bishops (Sebastian of the

Urals and Ambrose of Khabarovsk) from the ROAC Synod. They soon

consecrated him “Bishop of St. Petersburg and Gdov” and made him leader of

their group. As Lourié’s influence has waxed, - he now poses as a focus of

unity of the different True Orthodox jurisdictions, - so that of Metropolitan

Valentine has waned. The only hope for members of ROAC would seem to

reside in coming under the omophorion of the only remaining canonical

branch of the Russian Church, RTOC under Archbishop Tikhon of Omsk and


137 Vertograd, N 532, August 2, 2005, pp. 1-2; N 533, August 7, 2005, pp. 1-2.



All this time ROCOR (L) was coming inexorably closer to official union

with the MP… In May, 2003 it declared that it and the MP mutually

recognised each other’s sacraments, which was followed by cases of de facto

concelebration.138 And yet, if the Moscow Patriarchate now recognized the

sacraments of ROCOR (L), it had a strange way of expressing it. In 2003, a

book published by the Moscow Patriarchate called Strazh Doma Gospodnia (The

Guardian of the House of the Lord) not only justified the official Church's

capitulation to the Soviet regime, but also condemned the confessors in the

Catacomb Church and ROCOR who did not capitulate. True, the author,

Sergius Fomin, did make the startling admission: “If Metropolitan Sergius, in

agreeing in his name to publish the Declaration of 1927 composed by the

authorities, hoping to buy some relief for the Church and the clergy, then his

hopes not only were not fulfilled, but the persecutions after 1927 became still fiercer,

reaching truly hurricane-force in 1937-38” (p. 262). But the book as a whole

sought to justify Sergius. Moreover, the foreword, which was written by

Patriarch Alexis, praised the heroic path taken by Sergius and viciously

castigated his critics. Those that did not follow Sergius in his submission to

Stalin were "schismatics", who, "not having reconciled themselves to the new

government, became a danger just as big as the persecutions." Sergius, on the

other hand, received only words of praise, and was credited with averting,

"maybe even the destruction of the Russian Orthodox Church itself."

In November, 2003 a delegation to Moscow led by Archbishop Mark kissed

the patriarch’s hand and asked forgiveness for any harsh things ROCOR may

have said about the MP in the past. Since a great deal had been said in the

past, and by all the leaders of ROCOR, such an apology could only be

interpreted as capitulation to the MP. Again, on January 26, 2004, Archbishop

Mark said in answer to a question about the canonical status of the Moscow

Patriarchate: “The Russian people has made its choice. It has recognized the

present Russian Orthodox Church in Russia and its hierarchy. We must take

account of this in spite of possible objections from members of the Church

Abroad. At the beginning of the 1990s we still could not see the processes that

were happening in Russia as the people there saw them. Life in Russia went

by a different path from how the émigrés presented it…”139

In May, 2004 Metropolitan Laurus headed another ROCOR delegation on a

two-week visit to Russia. On May 15, the anniversary of “Patriarch” Sergius’

death, Patriarch Alexis demonstratively served a pannikhida for the traitorpatriarch,

after which he said: “May the Lord create for him eternal and

grateful memory”. Then, during a liturgy at the Butovo polygon, where

thousands of Christians, both True Orthodox and sergianist, were killed and

138 “Puti apostasii RPTs(L)”, http://www.russia-talk.com/otkliki/ot-308.htm.

139 Archbishop Mark, in Peter Budzilovich, “K 60-letiu ‘Velikoj Pobedy’”, http://www.russiatalk/



buried 140 , he had this to say to his foreign guests: “Today is the 60th

anniversary since the death of the ever-memorable Patriarch Sergius. The

time of the service of this archpastor coincided with the most terrible years of

the struggle against God, when it was necessary to preserve the Russian

Church. In those terrible years of repression and persecutions there were

more sorrows. In 1937 both those who shared the position of Metropolitan

Sergius and those who did not agree with him suffered for the faith of Christ,

for belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church. We pay a tribute of respect

and thankful remembrance to his Holiness Patriarch Sergius for the fact that

he, in the most terrible and difficult of conditions of the Church’s existence in

the 1930s of the 20th century led the ship of the Church and preserved the

Russian Church amidst the stormy waves of the sea of life.”141

The idea that those who shared Sergius’ position and those who rejected

were equally martyrs is to mock the very idea of martyrdom for the truth.

Clearly, therefore, “Patriarch” Alexis, “forgetting” historical facts as accepted

even by MP historians, was determined to justify even the most shameful acts

of the “ever-memorable” Sergius, claiming that he truly “saved the Church”

by his agreements with the God-haters. There could be no doubt, therefore,

that he remained a dyed-in-the-wool sergianist. And there could similarly be

no doubt that Metropolitan Laurus, in listening to this speech in respectful

silence and without interjecting the slightest objection, was a sergianist, too.

The conclusions of the first two sessions of the joint commissions of the MP

and ROCOR (in June and September, 2004) were approved in the autumn by

the MP Council of Bishops, although very few details were made public.

However, on November 1 Patriarch Alexis revealed something, which was

published by “Edinoe otechestvo” under the intriguing title: “Wishing a

speedy union with ROCOR, Alexis II emphasises that it is wrong to judge

Metropolitan Sergius and his actions”. The patriarch was reported as saying:

“Two working meetings of the commission of the Moscow Patriarchate and

the Russian Church Abroad on the dialogue over the re-establishment of

ecclesiastical unity took place, and the projects of the following documents

were agreed: on the relationships between the Church and the State, on the

relationships between Orthodoxy and the heterodox communities and the

inter-confessional organization, and on the canonical status of ROCOR as a

self-governing Church.” In other words, all the important issues have already

been agreed! But what was the agreement? And if it is in accordance with

Orthodoxy, why was it not being published?142

140 More precisely, 20,765 people were executed and buried in Butovo between August 8, 1937

and October 19, 1938 (Orthodox News, vol. 17, № 4, Summer, 2004, p. 1).

141 Ridiger, in A. Soldatov, “Sergij premudrij nam put’ ozaril”, Vertograd, № 461, 21 May,

2004, p. 4.

142 “Chto ‘soglasovano’ sovmestnaia komissia MP i RPTs (L)” (What the Joint Commission of

the MP and the ROCOR (L) Agreed Upon), http://www.russia-talk.com/otkliki/ot-402.htm,

3 November, 2004.


While every attempt was made to pretend that the MP and ROCOR were

negotiating on equal terms, many facts indicated the opposite. Thus when Fr.

Constantine Kaunov left the Volgograd diocese of the MP and joined the

Siberian diocese of ROCOR under Bishop Eutyches, and was banned from

serving by the MP Bishop of Ekaterinburg (under whom he had never served),

he was told by Bishop Eutyches that he was banned because he had not

submitted to the ban of the MP bishop! In other words, already now, before

full, official union, ROCOR priests in Russia were under the power of the MP

– with the full connivance of the ROCOR bishops!143

On January 24, 2005 Metropolitan Cyril (Gundiaev) of Smolensk, head of

the MP’s Department of Foreign Relations and the future patriarch, confirmed

that the MP did not condemn Sergianism: “We recognize that the model of

Church-State relations [in the Soviet period] did not correspond to tradition.

But we are not condemning those who realized this model, because there was

no other way of preserving the Church. The Church behaved in the only way

she could at that time. There was another path into the catacombs, but there

could be no catacombs in the Soviet space…”144

But there were many “catacombs in the Soviet space”. And it was precisely

the existence of those catacombs, and of the Holy New Martyrs and

Confessors of the Catacomb Church, that gave the lie to the MP’s assertion

that there was no other way. That other way was the way of Christ, Himself

the Way, the Truth and the Life – and for the true Christian there was no

other Way!145

Meanwhile, Patriarch Alexis officially endorsed the communist view of the

Second World War. In February, 2005, there was a “Worldwide Russian

People’s Council” in Moscow, to which several guests from ROCOR (L) were

invited. As Laurence A. Uzzell, president of International Religious Freedom

Watch wrote for The Moscow Times: “The speeches at that gathering, devoted

to celebrating the Soviet victory in World War II and linking it to the

Kremlin’s current policies, suggest that the domestic church [the MP] is

counting on Russian nationalism to woo the émigrés. Especially striking is the

distinctively Soviet flavor of that nationalism. The main speeches failed to

mention the victory’s dark sides, for example the imposition of totalitarian

143 “V Omsko-Sibirskuiu Eparkhiu RIPTs pereshli dvoe klirikov RPTsZ (L)” (Two Clergy of

the ROCOR (L) Joined the Omsk Diocese of the RTOC),


144 Gundiaev, in Vertograd-Inform, № 504, February 2, 2005.

145 When Gundiaev became patriarch, his place as head of the Department for External

Relations was taken by Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), who made this startling revelation to

the American ambassador in Russia, as revealed by Wikileaks: “A (or the) main role of the

Russian Orthodox Church is in providing propaganda for the official politics of the

government” (“Otkrovenie Tovarischa Alfeyeva” (A Revelation of Comrade Alfeyev), Nasha

Strana (Buenos Aires), N 2907, January, 2010, p. 4)


atheism on traditionally Christian societies such as Romania and Bulgaria.

Patriarch Alexey II made the incredible statement that the victory ‘brought

the Orthodox peoples of Europe closer and raised the authority of the Russian

Church’. If one had no information, one would think that the establishment of

Communist Party governments in the newly conquered countries were purely

voluntary – and that what followed was unfettered religious freedom…”146

Uzzell continues: “Sergianism is clearly still thriving, despite the Moscow

Patriarchate’s occasional abstract statements asserting its right to criticize the

state. The Patriarchate’s leaders still openly celebrate Patriarch Sergei’s

memory, with some even favoring his canonization as a saint. With rare

exceptions, they still issue commentaries on President Vladimir Putin’s

policies, which read like government press releases. They seem sure that this

issue will not be a deal-breaker in their quest for reunion with the émigrés.

Putin’s Kremlin will be hoping that they are right.”147

Matushka Anastasia Shatilova noted: “In the Moscow Patriarchate there

can be observed an elemental striving towards the ‘glorification’ of a series of

very dubious personalities, including Ivan the Terrible (seven times married,

who killed his own son and sent Maliuta Skuratov to suffocate the holy

Hierarch Philip of Moscow for his rebuking of the Tsar’s cruelties) and

Rasputin (whose ‘icons’ are even streaming myrrh). The crown of all this is

the ‘icon’ of Stalin, which was put on the “Live Journal” on the internet on

June 5. On it this outcast of the human race is portrayed in hierarchical

vestments with an omophorion, a Gospel book and a sword in his hands!”148

In June, 2005 four documents agreed by the joint MP-ROCOR commissions

were published – on the same day that a delegation from the WCC visited the

patriarch in Moscow! These documents contained a more or less complete

submission to Moscow’s commands, including even a justification of Sergius’


On November 22, 2005 (old style) the Cyprianites, who, while accepting

that the MP had grace, still opposed union with it, broke communion with

ROCOR (L). In December, 2005 the Hierarchical Synod of ROCOR (L) broke

communion with the Cyprianites. The real reason was that the MP had laid it

down as a condition for the union of the MP with ROCOR that ROCOR

146 Uzzell, “Reaching for Religious Reunion”, Moscow Times, March 31, 2005, p. 8; Tserkovnie

Novosti (Church News), May, 2005. Again, in May, 2005, he wrote a congratulatory epistle to

the president of Vietnam on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the communist victory in

the Vietnam War. He called it a "glorious anniversary" and said that it opened up new

horizons for the Vietnamese people


features/2007/01/04/feature-02). Similar letters were sent to the leaders of North Korea and


147 Uzzell, op. cit.

148 Tserkovnie Novosti (Church News), June, 2005.


“regulates its relations with groups that have separated from their Local

Churches” (Protopriest Nicholas Balashov).

In May a so-called “Fourth All-Diaspora Sobor of the Russian Orthodox

Church Abroad” was convened by ROCOR (L) in San Francisco. By dint of a

great deal of manipulation and the weeding out of dissenters, the Sobor

endorsed the union with the MP. Nevertheless, the dissenters who were able

to speak at the Sobor were still able to make some telling points, especially

about the continuing ecumenism of the MP.

Thus in his report to the Sobor Priest Victor Dobrov said: “Just recently,

from February 14-23 of this year in Porto Alegre, Brazil the regular 9th

ecumenical Assembly of the WCC took place.

“The Russian Church (MP) at this Assembly was unusually imposing with

more than 20 members in its delegation.

“The Summary Document, adopted and ratified by the participants of this

ecumenical Assembly, and particularly by the Moscow Patriarchate in the

face of its representatives, is the Document PRC 01.1 entitled “The Teaching

on the Church: Called to be a United Church”.

“A careful study of this Document casts doubt on the multitude of

statements made by the representatives of the Moscow side, that the objective

of the continued membership of the Patriarchate in the WCC is the

uncompromising witnessing to the Truth to the heterodox world. Moreover,

this document evokes doubt in the Orthodoxy of the confession of the faith of

the Moscow Patriarchate itself. The entire adopted Document is heretical from

beginning to end, but because of the lack of time for a thorough examination,

we will focus only on the most glaring evidence.

“Let us refer to the text of the Document:

“One may call the following assertion in the Document a theological

breakthrough, yet it is far from Orthodox thinking:

“’All who have been baptized into Christ are united with Christ in his

body’. (III, 8) (i.e. in the Church of Christ!)

“It is completely unequivocal, simple and comprehensible! Since nowhere

in the remainder of the Document is it stated that this implies baptism with

the obligatory participation of the one being baptized in the Eucharist which

is in the Orthodox Church, therefore now there is every basis to consider the

Moscow Patriarchate as already being of one body with Protestants…


“Our Orthodox consciousness is amazed and startled by the ecumenical

statement adopted by the Moscow Patriarchate on recognizing the grace and

genuineness of baptisms carried out in heretical communities!”149

The Council declared: “Hearing the lectures read at the Council, the

reports made by the Commission on negotiations with the corresponding

Commission of the Moscow Patriarchate, and the various points of view

expressed during the discussions, we express our conciliar consent that it is

necessary to confirm the canonical status of the Russian Church Abroad for

the future as a self-governing part of the Local Russian Church, in accordance

with the Regulations of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

currently in force.”

A kind of autonomy of ROCOR within MP was granted her – but it was

only a fig-leaf to hide her complete submission. The Patriarch still retained

veto power on appointments, the Orthodox Church of America remained

outside ROCOR’s control, and, most important, full communion with the

“Local Russian Church”, i.e. the Moscow Patriarchate, was established.

The declaration went on: “From discussions at the Council it is apparent

that the participation of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow

Patriarchate in the World Council of Churches evokes confusion among our

clergy and flock. With heartfelt pain we ask the hierarchy of the Russian

Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate to heed the plea of our flock to

expediently remove this temptation.

“We hope that the forthcoming Local Council of the One Russian Church

will settle remaining unresolved church problems.”

This rather pathetic appeal to the conquerors to heed the “heartfelt pain” of

the vanquished was swept aside. Since the union between the MP and

ROCOR, the ecumenist activities of “the One Russian Church” has actually

increased, especially since the enthronement of Patriarch Cyril. In any case,

since ROCOR did not lay down the renunciation of ecumenism as a sine qua

non of union, and only asked that the “remaining unresolved church

problems” be settled “at the forthcoming Local Council of the One Russian

Church”, that is, after union, there was no real pressure placed on the MP:

ROCOR had surrendered…

Protests continued to the very end. Thus former KGB Lieutenant-Colonel

Constantine Preobrazhensky reminded the ROCOR faithful of what they

already knew but had begun to forget: “Absolutely all [my italics – V.M.] the

bishops and the overwhelming majority of the priests [of the MP] worked

with the KGB…”150 And very near the end, in February, 2007, Fr. Nikita

149 Dobrov, http://catacomb.org.ua/modules.php?name=Pages&go=print_page&pid=913.

150 Preobrazhensky, KGB v russkoj emigratsii, op. cit., p. 41.


Grigoriev, an instructor at Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, produced one

of the most incisive exposés of the Moscow Patriarchate in the whole history

of its existence.151

But in vain. On May 17, 2007, deceived by the vain hope of retaining some

kind of real autonomy within the MP, and suppressing the unassailable

evidence that the MP was still sergianist and ecumenist to the core,

Metropolitan Laurus signed the union with the KGB-Patriarch while the KGBPresident

beamed approvingly... The Russian Church Abroad, the last free

voice of the True Russian Church, had ceased to exist. Or so it seemed…

151 Grigoriev, “Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, The Beacon of Light (Revised)”, orthodoxsynod@

yahoogroups.com, February 24, 2007.



And the Lord said to satan: the Lord rebuke thee, O satan, the Lord rebuke thee

Who hast chosen Jerusalem! Is this not it a brand plucked from the fire?

                                                                                            Zachariah 3.2.

As the wise Solomon says, pride goes before a fall (Proverbs 16.18). The fall

of ROCOR was the result of pride – pride in her own past virtues, and pride

in relation to the other bearers of True Russian Orthodoxy. This is not to say

that the achievements of ROCOR were not genuinely great. Apart from

providing spiritual food for her own large flock scattered over every

continent, and bringing many foreigners to the light of the true faith, she

faithfully preserved the traditions of the pre-revolutionary Russian Church

that were being destroyed with the utmost ruthlessness in the Homeland,

while providing a voice (and, in some cases, an omophorion) for the catacomb

confessors. Several of her conciliar declarations – the condemnation of

sergianism (1928), the glorification of the New Martyrs and Confessors (1981)

and the anathema against ecumenism (1983) – will stand forever as

monuments of the faith of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Probably her greatest long-term achievement was that accomplished when

she was almost at the end of her strength: her creation of parishes inside

Russia in 1990, and her resurrection of the apostolic succession and hierarchy

of her sister-church in the Homeland, the Russian True Orthodox Church.

Paradoxically, however, it was this final achievement that brought about her

downfall; for the task of replacing the Moscow Patriarchate as the dominant

confession in Russia was beyond her strength, and the spiritual diseases and

temptations transmitted through the first face-to-face encounter with the old

enemy in the Homeland since the 1920s shook her faith and determination.

Forgetting their duty before God and their flock both in Russia and abroad,

the majority of the hierarchs wavered, began to listen to the siren-calls of

pseudo-Russian Soviet nationalism, and fell into a false union with the

Sovietized Moscow Patriarchate and apostate World Orthodoxy.

This is without doubt a profound spiritual tragedy whose consequences

are still reverberating among the Orthodox all over the world. However, “all

things work for the best for those who love God” (Romans 8.28), and “the

Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of

trouble” (Proverbs 16.4). And so even in this terrible tragedy there is hidden

the hope and the means of spiritual healing and resurrection – ROCOR’s fall

by no means excludes the possibility of a recovery. But that recovery must

now come primarily from within Russia, and not from abroad. And it must

come with a full understanding of the causes of the past failures, and a

determination not to repeat them.


What are the lessons from this tragedy? Briefly, they are: that Soviet power

is not from God, but from the devil, and that neither with it, nor with its neo-

Soviet successor under KGB agent Putin, is any “symphony of powers”

possible; that the Moscow Patriarchate, having sold its soul to the devil in the

form of Stalin in the 1920s and not repented of it even after the fall of

communism, does not have the grace of sacraments and is no longer an ark of

salvation; that ecumenism is “the heresy of heresies”, and union with the

ecumenist churches in the World Council of Churches or other ecumenical

forums is spiritual death; and that the unity of the Russian people cannot be

bought at the expense of the betrayal of God and of the confession of the Holy

New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

A further lesson, of a less dogmatic nature but still important, is that the

leadership of the Russian Church has now passed from Abroad back to the

Homeland. In a sense, this was inevitable, both from a historical and from a

canonical point of view. In her early years, the Russian émigrés were always

looking to return to the Homeland; they felt themselves and their Church to

be truly “in exile”, and the purpose of their lives to be the resurrection of true

piety and the True Church in the Homeland. The hope of this resurrection

grew fainter with time, but the primacy in the hearts of the exiles of the

Church in the Homeland, of which the Church Abroad was merely a part

(and rather a small part - merely “a drop in the ocean” in the words of St.

Philaret of New York), remained. It was therefore entirely natural that the

return of the Church Abroad to Russia in 1990 should be seen as the

culmination of her existence, and the struggle with the MP that ensued as “the

last battle”.

But from a canonical point of view the whole existence of ROCOR was

highly anomalous. A part of the Russian Church that existed outside Russia,

throughout the world, and in many places on the territories of other Local

Churches, but as an autonomous, self-governing unit – this was an

unprecedented phenomenon in Orthodox Church history. Strictly speaking,

the existence of such a global, “floating” Church body contradicted the basic

territorial principle of Church administration. It could be justified only on the

grounds that to merge with the other Local Churches, and still more with the

official Church in the Homeland, would be to the detriment of the Orthodox

Faith and the spiritual welfare of its flock. This justification was seen as

adequate by all zealots of the faith, both Russian and non-Russian – and yet

the situation of the Church remained anomalous, and therefore necessarily

temporary, requiring a canonical resolution sooner or later. Moreover, the

anomaly became still more extreme when the Russian Orthodox Church

Outside Russia became – contrary to the first paragraph of its own Statute

also the Russian Orthodox Church Inside Russia in 1990. How could the

Church Outside Russia be at the same time the Church Inside Russia?!


The anomaly could be resolved only by transferring the central authority of

the Church from Abroad to the Homeland. Such a solution had many obvious

and major advantages, whereas keeping the administration of the Church in

the hands of hierarchs living thousands of miles away with no knowledge of

the conditions in contemporary Russia was a recipe for disaster. This was at

least partially recognized by Metropolitan Vitaly himself, when he declared in

December, 2001: “After many long, hard years of trying to manage the

Church in Russia from New York, I have learned that it is impossible to

manage the Church in Russia from Abroad. We do not know and understand

their problems and we do not know their people and possible candidates for

the clergy. Without a knowledge of their people and their problems the best

that we can do is give them Apostolic Succession and Grace and allow them

to organize while maintaining communion with them and praying that they

will be able to do something for themselves…“

And yet the leadership of ROCOR (V) strenuously resisted bestowing any

such autonomy on ROCOR inside Russia, let alone giving the leadership of

the Russian Church as a whole to hierarchs inside Russia; and this prideful

insistence that the Russian Church can only be governed from Mansonville or

Paris must be considered the main reason for the fall of ROCOR (V).

However, the fall of ROCOR (V), and the emergence of RTOC under

Archbishop Tikhon of Omsk and Siberia as the only truly canonical Russian

Church jurisdiction, has now solved the problem. The leadership of RTOC

always insisted that the Russian Church Abroad and the Catacomb or Russian

True Orthodox Church should be seen as separate but closely related

organisms, “sister-churches”. Even when under extreme provocation, they

tried hard not to break the link with Metropolitan Vitaly. But once ROCOR (V)

had definitely fallen away, they created a Church structure that was the

mirror-image of the old ROCOR. That is, the central leadership of the Church

was now permanently inside Russia, while the Church Abroad existed as a

semi-autonomous body with its own bishop(s) in communion with the main

body inside Russia.


This “ecclesiastical perestroika” had its critics, however, even within RTOC

and even within that remnant of ROCOR (L) – about a third of the parishes

worldwide – who refused to accept the unia with Moscow. They gathered

around the figure of Bishop Agathangelus of Odessa, the only bishop in

ROCOR (L) who rejected the unia, and who now proclaimed himself the sole

lawful successor-bishop of the old ROCOR. While continuing to live in the

Ukraine, he declared that the centre of the Church was still Abroad, and has

recently been given the title “Metropolitan of New York”.


We have met Bishop Agathangelus before, as the hierarch who, in October,

2001, betrayed his spiritual father and RTOC and “jumped ship”, joining

Laurus at just the moment that Laurus fell away from the faith. Little good

should have been expected from such a turncoat, and so it turned out. Only

three days after the May, 2007, RTOC sent an appeal to Agathangelus to unite

with them152. But Agathangelus rejected it. In fact, he not only refused to join

any of the existing “splinters” (oskolki) that had been saved from the

shipwreck of ROCOR: he vigorously claimed that they were all schismatics,

that the Lavrite Synod had been the only true Russian Synod until its fall in

May, 2007, and even that all the decisions of the Lavrite Synod until that date

were valid and correct!

Agathangelus now proceeded to repeat all the errors of the 1990s that had

undermined the strength of ROCOR in the 1990s, beginning with the union

with the Cyprianites and the acceptance of their ecclesiology. Thus in

November, 2007 he entered into communion with Metropolitan Cyprian and

his Synod. The Cyprianites claimed that there had never been a break in

communion between them and Bishop Agathangelus, but this was not true,

since the Lavrite Synod, of which Bishop Agathangelus was then a member,

broke communion with the Cyprianites in 2006. Then, early in December,

Bishop Agathangelus consecrated two further bishops for his jurisdiction with

the help of the Cyprianite Bishops Ambrose of Methone and George of Alania

(South Ossetia) in Odessa: Andronik (Kotliarov) for New York, and Sophrony

(Musienko) for St. Petersburg. So the “Agathangelite” Synod, thanks to the

Cyprianites, now has three dioceses: one each for the Ukraine, Russia and

North America.

Some hailed this expansion of the Agathangelite Synod as “the resurrection

of ROCOR”. Did this title correspond to the truth about the Agathangelite

Synod? It would have corresponded to the truth only if: (1) the confession of

faith of this Synod were purely Orthodox, (2) its apostolic succession were

undoubted, and (3) it were the only Synod that could reasonably argue that it

was “the continuer of ROCOR”. But the Agathangelite Synod failed to pass

this test on all three counts.

1. The Confession of the Agathangelite Synod is not purely Orthodox. The

present writer asked the Cyprianite Bishop Ambrose of Methone: “Can we

take it that Bishop Agathangelus shares your ecclesiology in all respects? In

particular, does he, like your Synod, regard the Moscow Patriarchate as

having grace?” His reply (the bishop was speaking only in his own name, not

for the whole Cyprianite Synod) was: “So far as I know, and so far as I have

discussed [it] with him, yes.” We can assume that this was a correct answer,

because the Cyprianites and the Agathangelites have remained in communion

to the present day without any quarrels over the faith.

152 http://karlovchanin.livejournal.com/34406.html.


In other words, Bishop Agathangelus recognized the Moscow Patriarchate

and the whole of World Orthodoxy to be grace-filled. Moreover, he embraced

the false Cyprianite ecclesiology that heretics such as Patriarchs Alexis and

Bartholomew were “sick” members of the True Church. The immediate

reaction was: had Agathangelus learned nothing from the fall of Metropolitan

Laurus? Or rather, did he consider it a “fall” at all, since Laurus, according to

his and the Cyprianites’ understanding, was simply returning to union with

his “Mother Church”, the Moscow Patriarchate? Did he not understand that it

was precisely when ROCOR entered into communion with the Cyprianites, in

1994, that the Synod began negotiations with the Moscow Patriarchate and

began its rapid descent into union with heresy?

More recently, Agathangelus and his Synod (ROCOR (A)), while

continuing fiercely reject all jurisdictions “to the right”, such as ROCOR (V),

ROAC or RTOC, have shown increasing sympathy for jurisdictions located

“to the left”. Thus Agathangelus and the deposed Patriarch Irenaeus of

Jerusalem, who since 2005 has been living under house arrest, now recognize

each other and commemorate each other at the Great Entrance in the liturgy.

Moreover, as Protopriest Alexander Lebedev writes, “the liberalism of

ROCOR (A) in its reception of communities and clerics serves the aims of

broadening its influence and increasing its numbers. In the words of

Metropolitan Agathangelus, ‘we take everybody’. The politics of careful

examination, which we see, for example, in RTOC, does not permit an

increase in the quantity of communities and clerics, while ‘economy’ present

many opportunities for this. In unofficial Orthodoxy, besides the ‘splinters’ of

ROCOR and the Greek Old Calendarist jurisdictions, which are known for

their serious attitude to questions of ecclesiology and faith, there exists an

enormous ‘bank’ of jurisdictions and clerics who have dubious canonical

origins and a vague confession of faith. In ROCOR (A) they have already

shown long ago that in order to broaden their ranks they are ready to us this

diverse conglomerate. The first step was undertaken by the newly formed

jurisdiction already in 2007, when ‘catacomb hierarchs of the Sekachite

tradition’ were received [by cheirothesia] into the ranks of their episcopate.

This autumn it became known that ROCOR (A) was reviewing the question of

receiving into their ranks the Orthodox Church of Ecuador, whose firsthierarch,

however, earlier managed to join the True Orthodox Church of [the

‘healer’] Metropolitan Raphael (Motovilov)…”153

2. The Apostolic Succession of the Agathangelite Synod is doubtful for two

reasons: first, because their Cyprianite co-consecrators’ Synod was formed in

schism from the True Orthodox Church of Greece under Archbishop

Chrysostom (Kiousis) of Athens, and secondly, because Agathangelus has not

yet publicly renounced the false and heretical councils of 2000 and 2001 – and

heretics do not have apostolic succession.

153 Protopriest Alexander Lebedev, “Rasshirenie po vsem napravleniam”, 24 March, 2011,



3. There are other Synods having an equal, or greater claim to be the “continuer of

ROCOR” – especially RTOC. Bishop Agathangelus’ claim to be the sole

canonical successor of ROCOR is founded on nothing stronger than the fact

that he was the last to separate from the Lavrite Synod. But is that anything to

be proud of? Is it not rather something to be ashamed of? After all, the Holy

Canons – in particular, the 15th Canon of the First-and-Second Council of

Constantinople – do not praise procrastination in matters of the faith, but

rather praise those who separate immediately heresy is proclaimed. And in the

case of ROCOR that took place, not in 2007, as Bishop Agathangelus likes to

think, but in 2001, if not in 1994…

Bishop Agathangelus’ position is similar to that of a person who criticizes

those who jump off a heavily listing ship that has been holed below the waterline,

and himself “jumps” only when the water has reached his neck… And

yet his position is still worse. For he claims that the ship he jumped off,

ROCOR-MP, and which is now at the bottom of the ocean of this sinful world,

is in fact floating majestically on the surface with Christ Himself at its helm! If

that is what he believes, then we are entitled to ask: why did he jump in the

first place? And still more pertinently: will he not be tempted at some time in

the future to return to that ship, becoming one of those who, “having thrust

away a good conscience concerning the faith, have made shipwreck…” (I

Timothy 1.19)?


Let us return, finally, to the one ray of true light to emerge from the dark

and stormy history that is the subject of this small book – the emergence of

the Russian True Orthodox Church under Archbishop Tikhon of Omsk and

Siberia. This is the only Church body that the present writer can recommend

as having preserved both the faith and the apostolic succession of the Russian

Orthodox Church Abroad in the period before it began to fall away, while at

the same time preserving the traditions of the Church of the Holy New

Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, the Catacomb Church. It is a relatively

small Church, and compared with uncanonical bodies such as ROCOR (A), it

is growing slowly. However, slow but steady growth is no bad thing after the

recent period of extreme turmoil. Moreover, in its Sobor in Odessa in

November, 2008 it demonstrated a model of what true Church Sobornost’, or

Conciliarity, should be in an age when that quality has been very hard to find.

Let us conclude, then, by quoting one of the Sobor documents, “Definition

of the Sacred Council on the Confessional and Ecclesiological Foundations of

the Russian True Orthodox Church”, a statement of that Faith that alone can

serve as the rock on which the future Russian Church will be built154:-

154 For all the documents of the Sobor, see



“The Russian True Orthodox Church confesses and holds the Orthodox

Christian Faith as it has been preserved by Holy Tradition from the

foundation of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church of Christ,

and as it was until 1927 in the Local Russian Church, as the Catacomb Church

kept it in a confessing spirit, and as the Russian Church Abroad kept it right

until the year 2000.

2We believe in the Triune God, the Holy Trinity, as expounded in the

Nicaeo-Constantinopolitan Symbol of faith, and in the One, Holy, Catholic

and Apostolic Church vwhich our Lord Jesus Christ founded, and which is

the pillar and ground of the Truth (I Timothy 3.15). We believe that the

Church is the Body of Christ, a Divino-human organism, in which we, the

faithful, constitute Its Body, while the Head of the Church is the Lord Jesus

Christ (Colossians 1.18). We believe that the gates of hell cannot prevail over

Her (Matthew 16.18). Like the Lord Himself, She cannot be destroyed,

annihilated or divided, and for that reason does not need to be “saved” by

human forces.

“In full unanimity with the Symbol of faith, we confess one baptism for the

remission of sins. The Russian True Orthodox Church strictly holds to the

ecclesiastical laws which prescribed that it be carried out by three-times and

complete immersion in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy


“That which the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers of the Church accepted

and confirmed, we also accept and confirm, and that which they rejected and

anathematized, we also reject and anathematize, without adding or

subtracting anything. And together with the Fathers of the Seventh

Ecumenical Council, we proclaim: “We follow the ancient traditions of the

Ecumenical Church, we keep the laws of the Fathers; we subject to anathema

those who add or take away anything from the Ecumenical Church.”

“The Russian True Orthodox Church is an indivisible part of the Local

Russian Church, and governs itself on conciliar bases in accordance with the

decree of his Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, the Holy Synod and Higher Church

Council of the Russian Church of November 7/20, 1920, № 362. We have

canonical succession from the Catacomb Russian Church and the Russian

Orthodox Church Abroad as two equal-in-honour and spiritually united parts

of the True Russian Church remaining in Eucharistic and canonical

communion under different ecclesiastical administrations, as it was in the

time of the Holy Martyr Metropolitan Peter of Krutitsa, and as was blessed by

the last lawful First Hierarch of ROCOR, Metropolitan Vitaly. We confess our

spiritual and ecclesiological unity with the Holy New Martyrs of Russia and

the Father-Confessors of the Catacomb Church, and also with the First

Hierarchs of ROCOR and Her outstanding hierarchs and pastors.


“Confessing that the Church saves man, and not man – the Church, we

reject the sergianism confessed by the Moscow Patriarchate, which is so-called

from the name of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), as a special form of

apostasy and ecclesiological heresy. This false teaching is not compatible with

the teaching of the Holy Fathers on the Church and on political authority, for

sergianism is the inner preparedness of the Orthodox Christian for compromise

with antitheism, and in a broader sense, for compromise with lies, with any evil,

with the elements of this world. This preparedness proceeds from the heart,

from the spiritual condition of man himself, and for that reason we affirm that

the Moscow Patriarchate is being cunning when it calls sergianism a

temporary phenomenon conditioned by a political situation. In raising

sergianism – that is, compromise with antitheism – into a norm of

ecclesiastical life, the Moscow Patriarchate is thereby preparing its flock to

recognize the power of the Antichrist as a lawful power, and to accept “the

seal on their right hand” (Revelation 13.16). We affirm that true Orthodoxy in

our suffering Fatherland cannot be regenerated without a consciousness of the

sergianist fall and without repentance for this fall.

“We are unanimous with the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia

and the Catacomb Father-Confessors, and also with the outstanding holy

hierarchs and pastors of the Church Abroad, that sergianism is a heresy,

which the Moscow Patriarchate that was born from it is “a neo-renovationist

schism” which entered into symphony with the antitheist authorities and to

which are applicable the definitions and canonical bans of the Russian Church

that were laid on renovationism and its hierarchy. Having been formed as a

schism, the Moscow Patriarchate unlawfully calls itself “the Mother Church”.

“Our faith in the oneness and uniqueness of the Holy Catholic and

Apostolic Church is incompatible with ecumenism, and for that reason we

recognize ecumenism to be a heresy that has trampled on the Orthodox Faith.

Confessing our unity with the heritage of ROCOR, we confirm the

condemnation of ecumenism made by the Council of the Church Abroad in

1983 and the proclamation of a conciliar anathema on this heresy “and on

those who have communion with these heretics or help them, or defend their

new heresy of ecumenism”. The participation of the Moscow Patriarchate in

the ecumenical movement is not a private apostasy of individual hierarchs,

but was conciliarly confirmed as the Church’s course in 1961 at the Hierarchical

Council of the MP. Having joined the “World Council of Churches”, the

Moscow Patriarchate has defined itself not only as “a neo-renovationist

schism”, but also as a heretical community that has fallen both under the

anathema of the Holy Patriarch Tikhon and the All-Russian Council on the

communists and all their co-workers, and under the anathema of the ROCOR


“Also falling under the anathema on the 1983 heresy of ecumenism are all

the hierarchs and clergy of the official Local Churches that confess their


Eucharistic unity but at the same time participate together in the pan-heresy

of ecumenism, in the acceptance of the new calendar, in modernism, and in

the construction of the new world order. For that reason the Russian True

Orthodox Church can have Eucharistic communion and unity with none of

them; and, following the patristic teaching, it decrees that official World

Orthodoxy has fallen away from the Church of Christ, and that its sacraments

are ineffective [nedejstvenny] for salvation. By this we confess the witness of

Church Tradition that the grace of the Holy Spirit works in a saving manner

only in the True Church of Christ, to which heretics and schismatics do not


“We reject the destructive opinion that heretics and schismatics have not

fallen away, but are so-called “sick members of the Church”, in whom the

grace of God works in an equally saving manner as on the members of the

True Orthodox Church. We confess that all the members of the Church who

live in the world and bear flesh are sick through their sins, and only in the

True Church of Christ can they receive true healing and salvation. But

deviation into heresies and schisms is nothing else than falling away from the

Body of the True Orthodox Church. That is why, as the Holy New Martyrs of

Russia taught, the Moscow Patriarchate is not the True Church of Christ and

its sacraments cannot be effective for salvation.

“However, we do not thereby usurp the Judgements of God and do not

boldly declare that the Lord is not able to turn to repentance and save a

sincere Christian soul that remains in the official church, but affirm that

salvation is possible only through entering the Church of Christ.

“We decree that clergy coming into the True Church from the MP must be

received through repentance and the carrying out on them of an additional

laying on of hands (kheirothesia) by the hierarchs of the True Orthodox

Church with the aim of completing the ordinations (kheirotonia) that the

arriving clergy received from the apostate hierarchy of the MP.

“Concerning the rite of reception from heretical and schismatic

communities, the Russian True Orthodox Church, as a part of the once united

Local Russian Church, continues to preserve Her heritage, Her historically

formed local traditions and conciliar decrees, at the basis of which was laid

the principle of ecclesiastical condescension (oikonomia), in order that,

according to the word of the holy Hierarch Philaret (Voznesensky), First

Hierarch of ROCOR, “many should not be driven from the Church”.

“In spite of the fact that there now exists an admissible variety of

differences in the rites of reception of laymen practiced by some True

Orthodox Churches, we consider that it is necessary to proceed towards the

overcoming of these differences, basing ourselves on the dogmatic teaching of

the Church. For the time being it is possible to relate to these differences in the

rites of reception in same way as did St. Cyprian of Carthage in his letter to


Jubian: “But someone will say: what will happen to those who, before this,

having converted from heresy to the Church, were received into the Church

without baptism? The Lord by His mercy is powerful to give them

forgiveness, and not to deprive of the gifts of His Church those who, having

been received into the Church, reposed in the Church”.

“A basis for changing the rite of reception of laymen from the MP could be,

for example, facts concerning the open, official concelebration of the hierarchy

of the MP with Roman Catholics or other heretics.

Confessing the RTOC to be the True Russian Church and the canonical

successor in law of the Catacomb and Abroad Churches, we do not isolate

ourselves and do not dare to think of ourselves as “the only true Church”.

“We confess unity of Faith with our brothers, the Old Calendarist

Orthodox Christians in Greece and other countries, who reject the unia with

ecumenical and new calendarist official Orthodoxy, and who do not accept

the heresy of ecumenism either in its open confession or in its hidden form in

the teaching on the “sick in faith” members of the Church.

“The Sacred Council of the Russian True Orthodox Church confirms the

validity [dejstvennost’] of the decree of the ROCOR Council of August 15/28,

1932, which decreed “the condemnation of Masonry as a teaching and

organization hostile to Christianity, and the condemnation also of all

teachings and organizations that are akin to Masonry”. In accordance with

this conciliar decree, the idea of the “new world order” begotten by Masonry

is subject to condemnation, as well as the processes of globalization

introduced with this aim in mind, and the systems of global control over

mankind that are directed to preparing society for the establishment of the

power of the Antichrist in the future.

“Remaining faithful to the heritage of the Holy New Martyrs and

Confessors of the Catacomb Church, we witness that for True Orthodox

archpastors and pastors participation in the processes of world apostasy, one

of the forms of which is contemporary political activity, is not permitted. In

his service the Orthodox pastor must guard his flock from the destructive

influence of “this world”, and the official Orthodoxy that goes in step with it,

as well as from the imitation artificially generated by it – so-called

“alternative Orthodoxy”, explaining to his flock the destructive essence of

these phenomena. Both these phenomena, which surround the Church on the

left and on the right, derive their origin from one and the same apostate

source of this world, and are foreign to True Orthodoxy.

“Following the outstanding holy Hierarchs of the Ecumenical and Russian

Church, we believe that the power established by God is the Orthodox

kingdom. We sorrow over the loss of this God-given Orthodox kingdom by

our ancestors, and pray to the Lord for its restoration. However, we also


witness to the fact that a truly Orthodox kingdom can be restored in Rus’ only

after the repentance of the Russian people and its return to the True Church,

for there can be no genuine repentance, nor restoration of an Orthodox

monarchy, in a false church. A monarchy founded with the blessing of the

church of the evil-doers will have craftiness at its very foundation. Such a

kingdom is not pleasing to God; even if great and powerful, it will only

prepare the ground for the coming of the Antichrist.

“We call on all Orthodox Christians to stand in the Truth, to increase their

penitential prayer and union around our Holy Mother – the True Orthodox

Church. The spiritual regeneration both of every individual human soul and

of society in general is possible only through repentance and the conciliar

participation of all of us in the Body of Christ, in Which the Holy Spirit, the

Spirit of Truth and Love, acts. The loss by the community of men of true

conciliarity [sobornost’] brings with it the loss of participation in the Body of

Christ, which means the loss also of the beneficial action upon this

community of the grace of the Holy Spirit. This grace-filled action is possible

only through the True Church of Christ.

“Understanding this, the contemporary world is trying to substitute

artificial spiritual fakes and false-churches for the True Church. For that

reason there is nothing dearer for the Orthodox Christian than the genuine

regeneration of the True Orthodox Church, the pure Bride of Christ, Who

remains faithful to Her Heavenly Bridegroom. Outside the Church salvation

and the true spiritual healing of the soul damaged by the passions is

impossible. Amen.”

March 18/31, 2011.

St. Edward the Martyr, King of England.




Что есть от Русской Православной Зарубежной Церкви у Владыки Агафангела кроме названия?

    Этот вопрос нам задавали и задают, и ответить на него по правде, по истине, будет задачей, в которой вряд ли есть позитивное решение, т.е. ответ. Нужно обратиться за ответом к Св. Евангелию  «А потому не великое дело, если и служители его принимают вид служителей правды; НО КОНЕЦ ИХ БУДЕТ ПО ДЕЛАМ ИХ» (« Кор. 11, 15).

   Есть разные одесситы: есть верующие, были великие святители, кажется, были один или два одесских святителей в Зарубежной Церкви в начале 20-х годов, но есть и одесские жулики, которые когда попадутся,  находят ответы на всё, но истина и правда у одесского жулика всегда своя и никакого отношения к Церкви Православной не имеет.

    Но, называя вещи своими именами (по выражению Вл. Иосифа) ответа на выше заданный вопрос я не вижу кроме названия и каких то протоколов из архива КГБ у Владыки Агафангела, других я не вижу. О, да еще одно выражение, которое Владыка Агафангел и его окружение любят употреблять, это «мы самые канонические; мы канонично чистенькие» подразумевая не как другие, как Владыки Тихон и Валентин. Это последнее было часто подчеркиваемое «великим канонистом» отцом Добровым. Да к тому же, кто из наших славных Первоиерархов,  употреблял как авторитет архивы КГБ? Более того, даже служить Владыка Агафангел не умеет, как служили архиереи РПЦЗ (а может и не хочет?). Служит он по-советски – что в голову придет то и делает. Яркий пример его служения Преждеосвященной Литургии. Можно примеров привести и больше, но и этих хватит, чтоб задуматься: Quo Vadis  Владыко Агафангел?

    Снова возвращаясь к злободневному вопросу: что есть у Владыки Агафангела от Зарубежной Церкви кроме названия, которую он так бойко хочет представлять при помощи своих прихлебателей, которые может и честно, хотели бы видеть возрождение или соединение осколков Зарубежной Церкви.

    Желание хорошее, но не реальное, т.к. желание принимается за реальность, и это граничит с прелестью, которая есть смертельная духовная болезнь.

    Ответа я не вижу и не слышу от других, исключая прихлебателей и комика из Астории.

    Один из ответов был у Николая Черткова в его письмах к Владыке Агафангелу и Владыке Григорию, но благодаря агафангельским прихлебателям и, думаю, помощи МП-КГБ, его имя стало ругательным, но ведь то, что г-н Чертков в его письмах говорил и писал, правда, то нужно правдой-истиной пользоваться т.к. истина есть одна из фундаментов Православия и РПЦЗ. Ведь покойного Епископа Григория (Граббе) ругало КГБ-МП почти всю жизнь,  и многие из синодальных прихлебателей,  эту пропаганду поддерживали, а он (Епископ Григорий) был верным служителем и секретарем трех Митрополитов.

    Между прочим: когда кто-нибудь слышал,  чтобы Владыка Агафангел упоминал имя или доклады секретаря трех Митрополитов – Прот. Георгия Граббе (Владыку Григория), а ведь там есть много информации о том, кто более каноничен, чем другие и его последнее завещание кто ближе всего к РПЦЗ?

    Все что Владыка Григорий писал и говорил и предсказывал – была правда, время подтвердило, а тогда, сколько было всяких синодальных прихлебателей, которые поддерживали клевету на отца, а потом Владыку Г. Граббе.

    Все то, на что Николай Чертков указывает правда, то почему не обратят внимание на то,  что он подчеркивает, если не правда то поправь, и не поддерживай клевету синодалов и иже с ними. Я имею в виду не современных синодалов (они уже с КГБ-МП), а тех, которые считают себя последователями Митрополитов Филарета и Виталия.

    Где дух этих Святителей, которыми РПЦЗ жила и держалась, они не в Одессе и не в РФ, где дух Путина присутствует и не дает свободы действий.

    Все что мы получили из Одессы это видимость белого клобука (благодаря отцу Доброву и близорукости остальных, кроме одного священнослужителя, на которого не обратили внимания тогда) и собирания «ясака» (в древности татарская дань на Руси), каждый раз, когда он сюда приезжает.

    Итак, что же делать?

    Перед тем, как что-нибудь делать, нужно видеть или знать церковную цель или дорогу, по которой идет группа с именем Зарубежной Церкви. «Первоиерарху» Агафангелу, за последние три года были заданы много вопросов, на которые он не ответил, один из них (стараюсь передать по памяти) «Митрополит Лавр вел нас в Московскую Патриархию через парадные двери, а вы, Владыка Агафангел, ведете нас через задние двери?» Ответа не последовало, и он поднялся и ушел вместе со своими приспешниками Владыками Софронием и Георгием. Тот же вопрос был задан недавно и через интернет в Отечестве – Первоиерарх не мог ничего лучшего придумать, как отлучить от Святого Причастия вопрошавшего.  Все это что-то говорит и на это нужно обратить внимание всех, включая «прихлебателей» (есть и искуренные люди между ними) – куда идет и ведет верующих Владыка Агафангел?

    Все делается по-советски: силой и красивой пропагандой со злоупотреблением власти. По последним новостям: группа Владыки Агафангела может скоро конкурировать по количеству с «Всемирным православием», полностью игнорируя слова Спасителя: «Сказываю вам… Сын Человеческий, придя, найдет ли веру на земле?» (Лк. 18,8). Качество важнее, чем количество.

    Не хотелось бы, да и не полагается, два раза делать те же ошибки.

    «Кто имеет уши слышать, да слышит» (Мф. 11, 15).

    Примечание: Прошу извинения за выражение «Прихлебатели» но я не вижу другого слова к тем, кто СЛЕПО, иногда с фанатизмом, защищают по моему бездуховность, действий Владыки Агафангела, которое одно время и я защищал. Истина должна быть дороже всего.

    Печально, когда я задал этот вопрос одной почитательнице Владыки Агафангела, то в ответ получил: «как красиво он издает свой «вебсайт» и какие красивые фотографии…» Пропаганда и у Путина не плохая, когда слово СССР было заменено на Российскую Федерацию, и другие.




Возможно ли достичь объединения «осколков» в одну каноническую РПЦЗ?

Г.М. Солдатов

      Многие настоятели церквей и верующие в отчаянии, что этого еще не произошло и что сбудется предсказание, что в Зарубежной Руси через пять лет после подписания унии не будет более деятельной оппозиции ересям,  и что все зарубежники подчинятся МП.  Верующим пришлось увидеть обман и предательство Церкви теми, кому было поручено пасти духовное стадо, оберегать его от вредных влияний и тем более от еретического захвата.

   Приходское духовенство и верующие  не были знакомы с методами работы КГБ-МП, и они забыли предостережения Первоиерархов РПЦЗ Антония, Анастасия, Филарета и Виталия.

     Наступило время сообщить хоть уже  поздно, о чем большинству в Зарубежной Руси не было известно. Многие Архиереи, священники и миряне обвиняли и не доверяли  МПОни обещали,  что ни в каком случае,  не будет сотрудничества с этой подвластной правительству организацией. Как же произошло, так что многие из этих людей вдруг в течение короткого времени изменили свои убеждения и пошли на поводу у чиновников патриархии?

    Одну точку зрения объяснил Др. Владимир Мосс в статье «История РПЦЗ 2000-07», по мнению которого духовенство Зарубежной Церкви изменилось в течение двух десятилетий перед подписанием унии.

    С этим высказыванием можно согласиться и что  не только развал СССР на республики и желание администрации РПЦЗ быть в контакте с сербским, иерусалимским патриархатами и чрез это со всем «всемирным православием» было причиной изменения в отношении к МП  и правительству РФ. 

    В течение нескольких лет до унии с МП в РФ зазывали приезжать представителей русского зарубежья на различные съезды и встречи «соотечественников», «потомков воинов 1812 года», русских дворян и т.д. Эти поездки совершались по удешевленным ценам с льготами после приезда в «отечество». Возвращавшиеся в Зарубежную Русь рассказывали о своих впечатлениях на «родине», реставрации и открытии храмов,  о больших скоплениях верующих желавших поклониться святыням и т.д.  Некоторые зарубежники радовались изменениям в «отечестве»,  не понимая происходящего,  веря в то,  что коммунизм навсегда погиб и восторжествовала демократия. Другие видели со стороны правительства и МП повторение обмана.

    Как нам стало точно теперь известно, некоторые из ездивших в «отечество»,  те, кто играл какую-то видную или влиятельную роль в Зарубежной Руси, приехавши в «отечество»  исчезал, бывало на целый день. Родственникам, друзьям, обеспокоившимся неожиданным отсутствием говорилось, что не нужно беспокоиться, так как это лицо решило поехать и навестить какие-то места или знакомых и скоро вернется. Действительно люди возвращались, но не хотели сообщать, где они были и что видели. Некоторым, в особенности членам семейства, была заметна происшедшая с ними перемена.

    Имеется солидное не подозрение, но подтверждение о проведении на людях гипноза  и шантажных угроз. Имеется подтверждение употребления шантажа также против лиц, не ездивших в «отечество»,  но на которых был приобретен компромат.

    По этим  причинам зарубежникам необходимо с подозрением относиться ко всем тем, кто хвалит или же особенно усердно осуждает МП и правительство РФ.  Желая заслужить доверенность у зарубежников  у них, возможно, имеется цель,  обмануть и привести верующих в МП через «задние двери». 

    Не находящихся  в административном подчинении патриархии зарубежников духовно и канонически ничего не разделяет. Они разделены искусственно на «осколки»,  возглавляемые «первоиерархами»,  проживающими в «отечестве», теми, кто теперь противится объединению и не желает видеть единую Зарубежную независимую  Церковь. Всячески эти лица препятствуют собраниям и съездам,  на которых  зарубежники могли бы найти путь для объединения.  Когда появлялась возможность встречи зарубежного духовенства разных «осколков»,  то эти лица говорят, что только в их религиозной организации имеется кристальная чистота и каноничность, что другие должны подчиниться им. Они употребляют термин не объединения с другими, но присоединения к ним.  Трудно поверить, что они сами  не сознают, что все погрешили в прошлом в большей или меньшей степени.

    Православная Церковь всегда была толерантна и гибка. Об этом отличии Восточной Церкви от папистской нужно вспомнить духовенству в «осколках». Духовенство римокатолической церкви в средние века  вело духовные и гражданские суды,  и поэтому у него выработались твердо установленные решения на все возникающие вопросы.  Но Восточная Православная Церковь отличается тем, что она предоставляет решения в некоторых случаях на волю Святого Духа. Это называется икономией, что значит,  вести себя умно в церковных делах. В этом отличие от так называемой в римском праве «диспенсации» т.е. освобождении от обязанностей,  как, например,  которая дается вместо развода,  когда отрицается совершение таинства брака.

    В Православии,  для пользы всей Церкви,  для достижения гармонии по решению индивидуальных Архиереев,  допускается отхождение от малых грехов и ошибок и даже канонической правильности, что покрывается Благодатью Святого Духа. В отличие от римского церковного права,  в икономии нет твердых правил. Поэтому для объединения «осколков» в одну РПЦЗ,  под руководством зарубежных Архиереев, на которых менее возможно влияние со стороны МП и преследования гражданских властей РФ,  необходимо употребить икономию,  как это было сделано Блаженнейшим Митрополитом Анастасием,  при восстановлении работы Заграничной Церкви в 1946 году.



1948 - 2011

" Н А Ш А    С Т Р А Н А "

Основана 18 сентября 1948 г. И.Л. Солоневичем. Издательница: Лидия де Кандия. Редактор: Николай Леонидович Казанцев.     9195 Collins Ave. Apt. 812, Surfside, FL. 33154, USA  Tel: (305) 322-7053

Электронная версия "Нашей Страны" www.nashastrana.info

Просим выписывать чеки на имя редактора с заметкой "for deposit only"  Денежные переводы на: Bank of America, 5350 W. Flagler St. Miami, FL. 33134, USA. Account: 898018536040. Routing: 063000047.

Цена годовой подписки: В Аргентине - 100 песо,  Европе 55  евро, Австралии - 80 долл. Канаде - 70  долл. США - 65 ам. долл. Выписывать чеки на имя:Nicolas Kasanzew, for deposit only.

===============================================================================================                    ВЕРНОСТЬ (FIDELITY)  Церковно-общественное издание    

   “Общества Ревнителей Памяти Блаженнейшего Митрополита Антония (Храповицкого)”.

      Председатель “Общества” и главный редактор: проф. Г.М. СолдатовТехнический редактор: А. Е. Солдатова

      President of The Blessed Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) Memorial Society and  Editor in-Chief: Prof. G.M. Soldatow

     Сноситься с редакцией можно по е-почте:  GeorgeSoldatow@Yahoo.com  или 

      The Metropolitan Anthony Society,  3217-32nd Ave. NE, St. Anthony Village,  MN 55418, USA

      Secretary/Treasurer: Mr. Valentin  Wladimirovich Scheglovski, P.O. BOX 27658, Golden Valley, MN 55427-0658, USA

      Список членов Правления Общества и Представителей находится на главной странице под: Contact

      To see the Board of Directors and Representatives of the Society , go to www.metanthonymemorial.org and click on  Contact

      Please send your membership application to: Просьба посылать заявления о вступлении в Общество:  

      Treasurer/ Казначей: Mr. Valentin  Wladimirovich Scheglovski, P.O. BOX 27658, Golden Valley, MN 55427-0658, USA

      При перепечатке ссылка на “Верность” ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНА © FIDELITY    

     Пожалуйста, присылайте ваши материалы. Не принятые к печати материалы не возвращаются. 

 Нам необходимо найти людей желающих делать для Верности переводы  с русского  на  английский,  испанский, французский,  немецкий   и  португальский  языки.  

Мнения авторов не обязательно выражают мнение редакции.   Редакция оставляет за собой право  редактировать, сокращать публикуемые материалы.   Мы нуждаемся в вашей духовной и финансовой  поддержке.     

Any view, claim, or opinion contained in an article are those of its author and do not necessarily represent those of the Blessed Metr. Anthony Memorial Society or the editorial board of its publication, “Fidelity.”



По-прежнему ведет свою деятельность и продолжает издавать электронный вестник «Верность» исключительно за счет членских взносов и пожертвований единомышленников по борьбе против присоединения РПЦЗ к псевдоцеркви--Московской Патриархии. Мы обращаемся кo всем сочувствующим с предложением записаться в члены «Общества» или сделать пожертвование, а уже ставшим членам «Общества» напоминаем o возобновлении своих членских взносов за  2006 год. 

Секретарь-казначей «Общества»   В.В. Щегловский

The Blessed Metropolitan Anthony Society published in the past, and will continue to publish the reasons why we can not accept at the present time a "unia" with the MP. Other publications are doing the same, for example the Russian language newspaper "Nasha Strana" www.nashastrana.info (N.L. Kasanzew, Ed.)  and on the Internet "Sapadno-Evropeyskyy Viestnik" http://www.karlovtchanin.eu,  (Rev.Protodeacon Dr. Herman-Ivanoff Trinadtzaty, Ed.). Russian True Orthodox Church publication in English:   http://ripc.info/eng, in Russian: www.catacomb.org.ua,  Lesna Monastery: http:www.monasterelesna.org/, There is a considerably large group of supporters against a union with the MP; and our Society  has representatives in many countries around the world including the RF and the Ukraine. We are grateful for the correspondence and donations from many people that arrive daily.  With this support, we can continue to demand that the Church leadership follow  the Holy Canons and Teachings of the Orthodox Church. 


                                                        БЛАНК О ВСТУПЛЕНИИ - MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION

                                    ОБЩЕСТВО РЕВНИТЕЛЕЙ ПАМЯТИ БЛАЖЕННЕЙШЕГО

                                                    МИТРОПОЛИТА АНТОНИЯ (ХРАПОВИЦКОГО)


           Желаю вступить в члены общества. Мой годовой членский взнос в размере $ 25

с семьи прилагаю. Учащиеся платят $ 10. Сумма членского взноса относится только к жителям США, Канады и Австралии, остальные платят сколько могут.

  (Более крупные суммы на почтовые, типографские и другие расходы принимаются с благодарностью.)

     I wish to join the Society and am enclosing the annual membership dues in the amount of $25 per family. Students  

       pay $ 10. The amount of annual dues is only for those in US, Canada and Australia. Others pay as much as they can afford.

(Larger amounts for postage, typographical and other expenses will be greatly appreciated)


ИМЯ  - ОТЧЕСТВО - ФАМИЛИЯ _______________________________________________________________

NAME—PATRONYMIC (if any)—LAST NAME  _______________________________________________________

   АДРЕС И ТЕЛЕФОН:___________________________________________________________________________

   ADDRESS & TELEPHONE  ____________________________________________________________________________

If you are a parishioner of ROCA/ROCOR or just attend church there, would you agree to become a Representative of the Society in your parish? In that case, please give the name and the location of the parish:

Если Вы прихожан/ин/ка РПЦЗ или просто посещаете там церковь, то согласны ли Вы быть Представителем Общества в Вашем приходе? В таком случае, пожалуйста укажите ниже название и место прихода.

   ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ВЫПИШИТЕ ЧЕК НА:                                  Mr. Valentin W. Scheglowski

   С ПОМЕТКОЙ:                                                                                           FOR TBMAMS

  И ПОШЛИТЕ ПО СЛЕДУЮЩЕМУ АДРЕСУ:                                        P.O. BOX 27658

  CHK WITH NOTATION:                                                      Golden Valley, MN 55427-0658, USA


_________________________________________________________________________                __________

Если Вы знаете кого-то, кто бы пожелал вступить в наши члены, пожалуйста сообщите ему/ей наш адрес и условия вступления.

If you know someone who would be interested in joining our Society, please let him/her know our address and conditions of  membership. You must be Eastern Orthodox to join.
